Christian Skit Resources

Nativity In-Laws

Script rating: 1Mary and Joseph, after discovering that Mary is pregnant, try to explain the miracle of this conception to their respective parents. Initially unbelieving, and still somewhat unconvinced, both sets of parents eventually consent to give their blessing to Mary and Joseph's marriage. This skit was adapted from my memory of a church drama at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Canton, Michigan.
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Cast: Jacob (Joseph’s father), Mrs. Jacob (Joseph’s Mother), Joseph, Mary, Heli (Mary’s Father), Mrs. Heli (Mary’s Mother)

Jacob (Joseph’s Father): “Well son, here we are, all together as you requested. “

Joseph: “Thank you, Papa. I think we all know what we need to talk about.”

Mrs. Jacob: “Tell us what is on your heart, Joseph.”

Joseph: “Very well. As you know, Mary is pregnant. I am not the father.”

Heli: “What? So, you are not taking responsibility for this baby?”

Mary: “Papa, I told you, Joseph is NOT the father.”

Mrs. Heli: “Give him a chance to explain, dear.”

Heli: “Explain? All right, Joseph, then explain! If you are not the father, who is?”

Jacob: “Wait a minute, Heli. Are you calling my son a liar?”

Mrs. Jacob: “Dear, why don’t we let our son speak?”

Joseph: “Thank you, Mama. (Turns to Heli.) Sir. As far as I understand, Mary is pregnant with a baby from God Himself. An Angel of the Lord explained it to her, which I’m sure you have already heard from her.”

Mary: “Yes, Papa, just like I told you!”

Heli: “Yes, she told me a story about an Angel. But I thought that you wanted us to meet with you to talk some sense. I suppose you want your bride-price back?”

Jacob: “Let’s not jump to conclusions, my friend. Joseph? Do you want to divorce this girl?”

Joseph: “No, sir.”

Jacob: “So, then, the baby IS yours?”

Joseph: “No, sir.”

Heli: “Let me get this straight. You and Mary both admit that she is pregnant with some other man’s child, and yet you still want to marry her?”

Mrs. Heli: “No, dear, I don’t think that is what they are saying.”

Mary: “You have to believe me, Mama. All of you must believe! I can’t bear the thought of you thinking that we would dishonor you and God in this way. This baby is from God – I am still a virgin. I have not had sexual relations with any man. Can’t you believe that God would bring His messiah into the world in a miraculous way, like Hannah, or Sarah, in ancient times, or even our relative Elizabeth, just a few weeks ago?”

Jacob: “And yet, those women had husbands. ”

Joseph: “Mary will have a husband, too, Papa.”

Mrs. Heli: “But Mary, you are asking us to believe something that has never before been done. God has never, in all our history as His people, caused a woman to become pregnant without a man for the father.”

Mrs. Jacob: “You must tell us the truth, dear. If this baby is of human origin, do not blaspheme against God to cover up your sin.”

Mary: “I AM telling you the truth. I swear by the Name of Jehovah, God, that this baby is conceived by the Holy Spirit, not by a human father.”

Jacob: (To his son, Joseph.) “Do you believe this, my son?”

Joseph: “At first, I did not. When I heard that she was pregnant, knowing that I was not the father, I determined to divorce her quietly. After all, I love her, and I would not wish to cause her or her family pain through public humiliation.”

Mrs. Heli: “You are a good man, Joseph.”

Joseph: “Thank you. But then I had a dream, in which an Angel of the Lord appeared to me. He confirmed that this baby in Mary’s womb is really from God, and he told me not to be afraid to take Mary as my wife.”

Heli: (Sarcastically) “So, now you are being visited by Angels, also? Did anyone else have a visit from an Angel?”

Joseph: “Sir, with all due respect, you would not welcome such a visit. I have never been so terrified, in my life. The Angel, who identified himself as Gabriel, was definite on the subject. Frankly, I would rather face the combined wrath of you, my parents, and all the people of the town, than disobey that Angel in the slightest way. I am to take Mary home with me as my wife, and I am to name the child Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

Mrs. Heli: “Mary, are you willing to be his wife?”

Mary: “With all my heart, Mama. He is a good man, and will be a good father for this baby.”

Mrs. Jacob: “My son, you talk about not being afraid of the people of the town, but have you thought about what people will think, and what they will say and do?”

Joseph: “I have thought about it. My business will be ruined – everyone will assume that I am the father of this baby, and that Mary and I could not wait until we were married, to have sexual relations. No one will want to buy anything from such a man, and Mary will not be able to buy anything in the market. The mothers of this town will see to it that none of their daughters will befriend her, and men will openly mock me in the gates.”

Jacob: “And what about us? What shall we tell our friends, and our relatives?”

Joseph: “I know that this will hurt your name, father, and I understand if you choose to disown me.”

Mrs. Jacob: “Surely not, dear!”

Jacob: “No, my son. You are an honorable man – you have always been truthful. In spite of myself, I am beginning to believe your story. (Turning to Heli) Sir, if you are willing to entrust your daughter into the care of my son, we should call for the Rabbi to marry them. I think, in the circumstances, we four should serve as the only witnesses.”

Heli: “I am still not convinced, but if you are willing to accept her, she may go into the care of your son with my blessing.”

Mary: “Thank you, Papa. When you see what God will do with my baby, you will believe, I am sure.”

Mrs. Heli: “Well, then, it is settled. Let us call for the Rabbi!”

[All exit.]

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All skits in the Christian Skit Resources collection by Tim Edgren are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
You may freely use the skits as they are or improve upon them for non-commercial use.