Christian Skit Resources

The Gift

Script rating: 228A large, gift-wrapped box concealing an actor sits in the center of the stage. Three people cross the stage and interact with the gift, which speaks to them about God?s love for them and the gift of Salvation. One of the people (a child) accepts the gift.
Increase rating for this skit.


The Gift – no lines, but must move about inside a cardboard box without showing feet

Baxter – male, some lines, must wear a suit or at least a tie

Holy Spirit – male, lots of lines, can read them but must have good sense of timing

Susie – female, more lines, must be able to act violently

Emily – female, lots of lines, must be able to convincingly play a little girl

Emily’s Mom – few lines, easiest female part

Scene 1:

Scene opens with a large, gift-wrapped package in center stage. The gift is at least 4’ square, with a large red bow. Inside is an actor moving the box. Another actor elsewhere is speaking the Holy Spirit’s lines through a microphone.

Wherever possible, the actors use physical humor and over-react to the box and its mysterious ability to speak and move. The box should move whenever it needs to, to make a point. Where possible, the Gift should turn to face it’s bow toward the person with whom it is speaking.

Baxter Businessman: (Walks onto stage, carrying briefcase and newspaper.) “Dum-de-dum, dum-di-dum-dum-dum. I can’t believe I missed my bus, now I have to walk 14 blocks to my office. This is not going to be a good day, I can tell.” (Oblivious to the big Gift, Baxter puts his briefcase on the top of theGift and bends over to tie his shoe.)

Holy Spirit: “Psssst!”

Baxter: (Does double-take, looks around, sees no one, shrugs.) “Did someone say, ‘Psssst’?”

Holy Spirit: “Yes, I did. Do you have a minute?”

Baxter: (Smiling, picks up briefcase, walks around the box, looking for the speaker.) “Do that again … “

Holy Spirit: “It’s me, the gift. Can you hear me?” (Moves slightly.)

Baxter: “OK, I give up. Where are you, in the box? Is this some kind of YouTube prank?”

Holy Spirit: “It’s not a prank. I’m a gift from God, for you. All you have to do is accept me.”

Baxter: “Really? And what then? If I open the box, is someone going to jump out at me? Seriously, this has got to be a joke. (Backs away from the box, while trying to peer around it.) (Raises voice.) Frank? Is that you, in there?”

Holy Spirit: “Look, Baxter, it’s not a joke. Do you know the Christmas story?”

Baxter: “Yeah, about the Baby Jesus and all that? I seem to remember something about Shepherds, and Angels. I don’t really believe all that stuff anymore. What does it matter?”

Holy Spirit: “Well, it is all true. Jesus’ coming was announced more than 600 years in advance by the prophets, and He came to set you free from slavery to sin. He lived a perfect life and died on the cross so that you wouldn’t have to pay for your sins. You haven’t lived a perfect life, have you Baxter?”

Baxter: (Offended) “Well, no, but I don’t see how it is any business of yours.”

Holy Spirit: “Of course it is my business. God loves you and doesn’t want to be your enemy. All you have to do is accept the free gift of Salvation … “ (Gift shakes or moves a little toward Baxter, hopefully.)

Baxter: “I’m sorry, I’m not interested. I don’t really have time for this. I’m late for work.” (Baxter walks away, making a wide circle around the box, looking nervously back at it as he exits.)

Scene 2:

Gift is still sitting at center of stage. Susie Soccer-Mom walks up, also apparently oblivious to the fact that it is a Gift, puts her purse on top of the gift, begins searching for her keys.

Susie: “Now, where are those stupid keys?”

Holy Spirit: “Pssst!”

Susie: (Grabs mascara from her purse, holds it like it is a gun, or pepper-spray, and turns around wildly.) “Who’s there?”

Holy Spirit: “It’s me. Do you have a minute?”

Susie: (Jumps back, alarmed.) “Don’t make me pepper-spray you … !” (Continues to point mascara as though it is a gun.)

Holy Spirit: “Um, that’s not pepper-spray, it’s mascara. What are you going to do, stab me with that little brush?”

Susie: (Embarrassed, puts away mascara.) “I guess not. Where are you? Are you inside the box?”

Holy Spirit: “I am the box. I’m God’s gift of Salvation to you.” (Moves slightly.)

Susie: “Salvation? I don’t need Salvation, I just need to find my keys!”

Holy Spirit: “Look, Susie, do you know the Christmas story?”

Susie: “I suppose so. There was something about a woman who claimed she was having a baby even though she was a virgin, and there was a guy, and a donkey , and they had to go somewhere to pay their taxes … “

Holy Spirit: “That’s right. The woman’s name was Mary, and she was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph. They were the earthly parents of God’s son, Jesus.”

Susie: “That’s a nice story, but I don’t see how it matters to me. I love giving gifts at Christmas time, but I don’t see why God has to get involved.”

Holy Spirit: “God is all about giving Christmas presents. This is the best time of year to accept His gift for you – forgiveness of your sins and friendship with God forever. All you have to do is believe and open the gift.”

Susie: “And you’re the gift? Just sitting out, on the corner of … (looks at road sigh) … 4th Street and Maple Avenue?”

Holy Spirit: “That’s right. You see, the Baby Jesus in the Christmas story didn’t stay a baby. He grew up, taught people about God, did many miracles, and eventually the religious people had him killed. He died on a wooden cross to pay for your sins.”

Susie: “Well, I don’t see why he had to do that. I’m a pretty good person. I admit, I yell at my kids sometimes, and I drive a little too fast sometimes … or I would, if I could ever find my keys … “

Holy Spirit: “Have you ever told a lie, Susie?”

Susie: “Um, yes.”

Holy Spirit: “Have you ever hated anyone in your heart?”

Susie: “Um, yes. But I didn’t think anyone knew about it.”

Holy Spirit: “Have you ever wanted something that belonged to someone else?”

Susie: “Yes, yes, OK, I suppose I have sinned. So what?”

Holy Spirit: “God is Holy and Perfect. Sin cannot be in His presence, and must be punished. Unless someone pays for your sins, you can never live with God, but must be separated from Him forever.”

Susie: “You’re talking about Hell, right?”

Holy Spirit: “That’s right. But the good news is that if you accept God’s Gift, you don’t have to go there, and you can be friends with God forever.”

Susie: “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with a box. Look, I’m a good person, and I’m sure that whatever God there is, will accept that. I need to go pick up my daughter.”

Holy Spirit: “Think it over, Susie. God loves you and He doesn’t want you to miss out on His Gift. Christmas time is a great time of the year to finally understand what the season is all about. By the way, your keys are in your coat pocket.”

Susie: “Oh, you’re right, here they are! Well, I’ll think about it.”

(Susie walks away, exits stage.)

Scene 3:

Gift is still at the center of the stage. Little girl in pigtails comes walking along, apparently looking for something.

Emily: “Here, Kitty, Kitty!”

Holy Spirit: “Meow.”

Emily: “Kitty? Are you hiding behind that box?”

Holy Spirit: “No, it was just me, pretending to be your kitty. I’m actually a gift for you, Emily.”

Emily: “A gift, for me? (Steps back suspiciously, puts hands on hips.) How do you know my name?”

Holy Spirit: “I know all about you. I’m a gift from God, who created you, and who loves you.”

Emily: “God loves me? I didn’t think God even knows me! (Walks around box.) You’re a pretty big present.”

Holy Spirit: “Well, He’s a pretty big God. Yes, He loves you. He wants you to be His friend and to love Him back.”

Emily: “What’s the gift for? Is it for Christmas?”

Holy Spirit: “Yes, you might say it is the very first Christmas present. Do you know the Christmas story?”

Emily: “I think so. Wasn’t there a baby who was born in a manger, and some shepherds, some kings, and a mean inn-keeper?”

Holy Spirit: “Well, the inn-keeper didn’t make room for a pregnant lady, but that’s because he didn’t know who was about to be born. He did let them stay in his stable – it was all part of God’s plan. The angels came and told the shepherds about it, and they came and saw the baby in Bethlehem, not long after he was born. Later, three wise men followed a star and brought gifts to the baby and his parents, but the first gift had already been given.”

Emily: “The baby was the gift, right?”

Holy Spirit: “Yes, that baby grew up to be a man who lived a perfect life, never sinning even once. Later, when they killed him on the cross, God was able to accept his death (as an innocent man) in the place of all the people who were supposed to die because of their sins.”

Emily: “So, that was a long time ago. What does this have to do with me?”

Holy Spirit: “Well, God wants to offer you this gift of Salvation.”

Emily: “What does Salvation mean?”

Holy Spirit: “It means being saved from something. In this case, it means being saved from having to be forever separated from God, because of your sins.”

Emily: “That sounds like a pretty good Gift! Can I just unwrap it and take it home?”

Holy Spirit: “Yes, go ahead.”

Emily: (Unwraps the gift, reaches inside, finds a Bible and 4 posterboard cards.) “A Bible? And some cards?”

Holy Spirit: “Yes, the cards will tell you how to accept God’s Gift, and the Bible is for you to read, so that you can learn how to love God.”

Emily: “Which of the cards do I use first?”

Holy Spirit: “First is ‘Admit’ – you need to admit that you have done bad things, called ‘sins’. “

Emily: “That’s easy enough. Just today, I told a lie to my mom, and I pulled my sister’s hair. (Clears throat, says in a loud voice: ) I admit I have done bad things.”

Holy Spirit: “Excellent. The next card is ‘Repent’ – tell God that you are sorry for your sins, and that you don’t want to sin anymore.”

Emily: “OK. (Kneels.) Dear God, I am sorry that I have sinned. I don’t want to keep on sinning. Please help me.”

Holy Spirit: “Next is ‘Believe’ – tell God that you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins, and that God raised Him back to life again.”

Emily: (Still kneeling.) “Thank you, God, for sending Jesus to die on the cross for me. I believe that His death has washed away all my sins. I believe that you raised Him back to life.”

Holy Spirit: “The last card is ‘Tell’ – tell someone else that Jesus is your Lord – that He is your King and in charge of your life.”

Emily: “Who should I tell? There’s nobody here but you and me!”

Holy Spirit: “How about your Mom? Here she comes … “

(Emily’s Mom enters stage from the direction in which she exited.)

Mom: “Oh, there you are, Emily! What are you doing with that strange box! You didn’t open it, did you?

Emily: “It’s OK, Mom. The box said I could open it. It was a present for me!”

Mom: “Wait a second. I came by here earlier, and that box said it was a present for me!”

Holy Spirit: “Well, it is true. I am a gift that isn’t used up when it is shared.”

Emily: “You don’t mind that I unwrapped it, do you Mom?”

Mom: “Well, I guess not. What was inside?”

Emily: “This cool Bible, and some cards that tell you how to accept the real gift.”

Mom: “Well, we need to get going. Maybe you could tell me about it on the way home … but what about this box? We can’t just leave it sitting here, can we?”

Holy Spirit: “I’ll be fine. I’ll sit here and wait for more people. You’re doing great, Emily!”

Emily: “Bye! (Walks off with Mom) “So, let me tell you about these cards. First, you need to Admit that you have sinned … “

(Both exit.)

Creative Commons License
All skits in the Christian Skit Resources collection by Tim Edgren are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
You may freely use the skits as they are or improve upon them for non-commercial use.