Christian Skit Resources


Skit CategoryTitleCast NeededScript SynopsisScript StatusRating
EvangelismThe Gift6A large, gift-wrapped box concealing an actor sits in the center of the stage. Three people cross the stage and interact with the gift, which speaks to them about God?s love for them and the gift of Salvation. One of the people (a child) accepts the gift.Complete230
EvangelismThe Cure6A family is sick with an incurable, hereditary disease, but their uncle devises an experimental cure. All the family takes the cure except Tony, who doesn?t like the uncle. Over time, he begins to sicken, and eventually they lose most of their possessions, trying to pay for his medical bills. On his deathbed, Tony changes his mind and is saved. Illustrates our desperate need for salvation, whether we need it or not, and our responsibility to be diligent and untiring in sharing the gospel with friends and relatives.Complete50
EvangelismSecret Agent Christian7Emily becomes a Christian, but she conceals it from everyone around her. Two of her friends especially need the gospel, but Emily is ashamed of Jesus and doesn't tell them. Eventually, Emily lives out her life and dies, facing judgment along with her two friends. Both of them are not believers, and they are sent to hell. Emily herself enters Heaven, but she receives only a small reward.Complete4
EvangelismHow to be an Evangelist7Leann wants to learn to be an evangelist, so she tries out a few unproductive strategies her brother and sister. Eventually she asks her mom for help. Her mom is able to walk her through a few simple strategies for getting opportunities to witness in a favorable way. Complete2