Christian Skit Resources


Skit CategoryTitleCast NeededScript SynopsisScript StatusRating
ParablesGood Samaritan11The parable of the Good Samaritan is interpreted. A man, desiring to justify himself, asks Jesus who is his neighbor. Jesus tells a story about a man who is robbed while traveling, and about the three men who pass his way, after the crime. Ignored by the Priest and Levite, the man is eventually helped by a Samaritan (people hated by the Jews). Illustrates the need to love others whether they are like us or different from us.Complete455
ParablesLost Sheep7Parable of the Lost Sheep from Matthew 18 is interpreted dramatically. Shepherd drives off a wolf, and then leads a search for a missing lamb, successfully and safely restoring her to the sheepfold and celebrated her return with his friends.Complete172
ParablesSower and the Seed11Parable in Matthew 13 is illustrated, in which a farmer sows seed in four different kinds of soil, with various results. Interspersed with modern-day examples of what each kind of soil might look like in the hearts of those around us.Complete27
ParablesProdigal Son Musical10Musical interpretation of the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, to the music of Keith Green. Son becomes discontented with waiting for his inheritance, demands his share now, leaves home and squanders everything. Eventually he returns home, repentant and wiser, where the Father welcomes him gladly.Complete6
ParablesWicked Servant6Master departs on a journey, leaves Wicked Servant in charge. At first, Wicked Servant does his work, but soon he decides the master will never return and begins to take advantage of his position, mistreating the other servants, etc. Eventually the Master returns, and judgment ensues.Complete5
ParablesProdigal Son Puppet Show8Puppet interpretation of the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. Son becomes discontented with waiting for his inheritance, demands his share now, leaves home and squanders everything. Eventually he returns home, repentant and wiser, where the Father welcomes him gladly.Not improved
ParablesTreasure in a Field Puppet Show3The parable of the treasure in the field is interpreted through puppets. A man finds a treasure, buried in a field, and sells all he has to buy the field, to gain the treasure. Illustrates the supreme value of salvation.Not improved
ParablesUnforgiving Servant8Parable in Matthew 18 is illustrated, in which a servant is forgiven a huge debt by his master, but then refuses to forgive a comparatively tiny debt from another servant. Judgment ensues.Not improved