Project 365 – Day 19 (Fri – S)

Rachel says I have a “million” pictures of Sarah. Ha! I just sent her outside to take some photos of Sarah. Tim is working in the garage – trying to organize things – David and Sarah are “helping” him. I told Rachel I didn’t have enough pictures of Sarah and needed more, since it is her Special Day. Rachel looked at me in utter disbelief. “You may not have enough pictures from today, but in general you have millions of pictures of Sarah.” She is off by a few zeroes but I certainly have taken my fair share of photos of Muffin Sarah.

Sarah works

Today our homeschooling co-op resumed. The kids were all VERY thankful to be back with their friends; starting new, interesting courses. Sarah (age 4 1/2) is in the kindergarten class. I am with her for the second period as the teacher. Last semester I was in the classroom for two periods – an assistant for one class and the teacher for the other.

We did some crafts – bead necklaces on ribbons and Fruit Loop necklaces on yarn. Sarah loved the craft, it was a perfect choice for her. She wore her Fruit Loop jewelry the rest of the entire day, finally eating it this evening.

Sarah's jewelrySarah smiles

Sarah has several friends in her kindergarten class – there are some sweet little girls, just Sarah’s age, in the co-op. The teacher for the second two periods wasn’t there today so Sarah went into David’s class. She was tickled to be a “big girl” in Grandma Honey’s class (don’t you love that name!).

This evening, Tim and Sarah played Feed the Kitty again for Sarah’s game time. Right now they are stretched out on the floor, reading I Spy.

I spyspying and smiling

Sarah LOVES her Special Day time with Tim. She smiles and laughs, is almost giddy, with the joy of having uninterrupted Daddy Time. I think that Sarah and David have a special bond with Tim because he was home for much of their early years. Sarah was four months old when Tim lost his job with AT&T. His unemployment continued for almost a year and a half. What a blessing for the little ones in the midst of a very difficult time.


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