Rachel went with me to the women’s breakfast at our church this morning. She was a delightful companion and I was pleased to have her join me. The breakfast was delicious and the fellowship lovely. Two women spoke, one of which was my friend, Holly. She did an excellent job!! I was so proud of her and encouraged by what she had to say.
Sarah and Daniel enjoyed having their friends over and squeezed in as much fun as they possibly could. Sarah was so tired she slept through Rachel and Elise both getting up and going downstairs to watch a movie. She was the last one awake this morning. Daniel told me he and Adam got only about seven hours of sleep.
The girls took the scooters outside on the basketball court. Sarah loves her new scooter.
The boys played outside, upstairs, in the garage and, finally, on the computer. We’ve been so blessed with good friends!!
Joshua had a meeting with the middle school leaders at church this morning. They want him to be involved in student leadership and asked him to join them in working on the winter retreat. What an honor!
As part of Joshua’s Special Day we played one of our new games, Puerto Rico. I was totally confused at first but Joshua and Tim worked hard to figure out the rules and we ended up having a great time.
We need a fourth player. Maybe we can convince Daniel or Rachel to play next time. The game is interesting as your change roles each round. You can be the trader and everyone trades in their goods. The next time you can choose to be a builder and everyone builds a plantation or warehouse. It was interesting. Tim promised Joshua that there were hidden complexities they hadn’t discovered yet that would add to the competitive nature of the game (oh great). Where are the Burts and the PMGE’s?? We have all these new games and our favorite gaming families are out of the country. Argh!!
In the latter part of the afternoon Tim worked in the garage. He put on Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (for the kiddos) and did some organizing. He is trying to work through the chaos and disorder in small steps and get his tools all gathered and organized. It’s a bit overwhelming at times.
Daniel and Sarah help put away movies.
Daniel chose to play Turn the Tide for his Special Day. We played a few rounds but Daniel and I both lost rather badly and we voted to switch games. Ha! You can do that when it’s your Special Day. Joshua and Tim like Turn the Tide – it’s not one of my favorites. I can’t seem to get the algorithms fixed in my mind so I continually play the cards poorly. I’m sure I just need to give it a few more chances.
Sarah and Rachel went off to take a bath and we grabbed David to join us for a game of Castle Keep. Sadly (for the rest of us), David trounced us and walked away with the castle victory. I like a game that a 5 year old, 9 year old and 13 year old can all enjoy (not to mention Mom and Dad – ages unspecified).
Sarah and Rachel came down for blueberry smoothies and some Voyage of the Dawn Treader reading. Tim read 2 chapters aloud while I braided hair and put away Christmas decorations.
Sweet girls in pink!
Tomorrow we have Sunday school, church, preschool class duty, and then a potluck and Bible study in the evening. At some point I need to squeeze in some school planning and general housework. Whew. I’m trying not to feel tired already. Lol.
Your games sound incredible. I wish I were there to PLAY.
Love you each. AK
Let us know which ones you like the best and which ones you think we would like. My mom is visiting in July and could probably sneak one or two in her baggage for us.
We have to keep up with you on your game skills.
so many fun new games at the Edgren house. You will definitely be at a distinct advantage when we come to play the next time.
Wow! Y’all are busy! Sounds like you are having a great time with it all. I don’t think I’ve played any of those games either. They sound fun!
Susan in VA (of SHS)
I love seeing your list of games. We’ll have to look into Castle Keep. (Anything with castle in the title will be enticing to my kids!) I’m impressed you figured out Puerto Rico. I’ve played once (with people who had only played a couple of times so they were very unsure about strategy, etc.), and I was pretty muddled the whole time. Sounds like you’re having lots of fun (and that’s my biggest hope every weekend).
I love when we have game night. I am definitly the game lover in my family.