Silly Pictures

I absolutely love my digital camera! It is small and portable and easy to use. Tim researched cameras for a long time and was determined to pick out one that I would actually use. He succeeded and lately I’ve gone picture crazy. I grab my camera throughout the day to capture the silly and fun things that the kids are doing or to try out something I’ve learned about picture taking.

Since we have this handy blog and it costs nothing to post picture after picture, I find myself with a lovely forum to express my photo mania. Enjoy or ignore as you wish.

David got some wonderful new Dover coloring books for Christmas. He was so excited to get his OWN History of Sword book (like his brother Joshua). Here he is, hard at work.
David colors David smiles and colorsworking hard

I’m still playing with the flash vs. natural light canera thing (could I be any less technical?). Whenever I notice the natural light appears to be strong, I grab a child, pose them and fire away. These are the black and white shots I took of Sarah.

B/W SarahB and W Sarah

One thing I read in the photography book by Nick Kelsh was to begin laughing, deep, silly belly laughs just as you are about to take a pictures (works best if you have a tripod for the obvious reasons). Most people will smile, laugh, or at least be amused at their rather odd photographer and you can get some good shots. The children know I’ve discovered this and so they try hard not to laugh. We’ve started having contests to see if they can resist my laughter.

Rachel doesn't laugh

Rachel laughs

Rachel tries but can’t make it. Daniel doesn’t fare much better.
Daniel resistsDaniel laughs

Joshua does the best (never quite breaking into laughter) but notice how stern he must compose his face to begin. Rachel and Daniel tried to help by laughing uproariously from the kitchen while I took these pictures.

Stern Joshua
Joshua smiles

Enough silliness–back to work.

back to work

I stayed up much too late last night so I need to get to bed at a decent hour tonight. My BSF lesson is all finished, Daniel did the dinner dishes, and the house is relatively picked up so I should be able to retire for the evening. The rest of the family is already in bed.


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Project 365 – Day Nine (Tues-R)

It’s Rachel’s Special Day. I have some sweet pictures of her day but most of this blog is going to be a Welcome To Matthias (the guinea pig) posting.

First some snapshots of Rachel’s day.

Practicing the Piano (lesson tomorrow)
RJ piano

Working on her handwriting

RJ handwriting

Trying out the timer on my camera

Mom and Daughter

Ending the day with a game of Bang!

RJ Bang

Now on to the Story of Matthias. I wrote most of this post back in September but forgot to post it (couldn’t get the pictures to load).

Rachel spent a good portion of the summer pleading for the purchase of another guinea pig. We put her off until our return from Texas in August. She agreed to the wait but kept up her pet campaign with subtle ploys. She left notes by the bed reading, “Think Guinea Pigs!” Every time we had a family meeting or discussion she would pipe up, immediately, “I think we should get another guinea pig. Let’s talk about guinea pigs.” And so on. It was relentless!!

RJ and Matt
A girl and her rodent are a beautiful thing to behold???

Finally Rachel came up with a location for the guinea pig cage that appealed to me–the upstairs bathroom (in the tub). It’s the kids’ bathroom and no one uses that shower/tub (they all prefer the master bathroom for bathing). The room is a small, contained area and a guinea pig would get lots of attention and notice from the children but cause me relatively little trouble. The cage mess (inevitable) wouldn’t be in my space and could be handled by the children.

bathroom for guinea pig
A palace fit for a guinea pig!

Once a location was determined I caved to the Rachel/Guinea pig pressure. Now to raise some money. Tim told Rachel she had to come up with the money for food and bedding. My goodness, the work we got out of her for a good week. She cleaned floors, bathrooms, put away laundry/dishes/toys, you name it. We did have to watch her as every simple request was countered with, “Will you pay me?” I mean, I understand the desire to raise some money for a new pet but I don’t think I should have to pay my daughter to make her own pb and j sandwich. Ha!

So on a Tuesday night in September, Rachel had the younger kids working hard with her to clean out Martin’s guinea pig cage and get things ready for a new guinea pig.

cage cleaning
working hard
Team work!

When everything was all in place and ready to go, Tim and all the children (except for Joshua who was out at the Duckabush) went to the pet store to pick out a guinea pig. Such excitement!

small packages
Guinea Pig travel bag.

Everyone agreed that we needed another name from the Redwall series. Martin was named after the book, Martin the Warrior. The kids liked Matthias or Mattimeo. A quick call was placed to Joshua (off with grandparents) who said we should go with Matthias–Matthias it is. We welcomed the new little guy to our house and the kids got him settled in his new home. Ah, the joys of parenthood.

The Lord has definitely given Rachel a love for animals. She has a sensitive, caring place in her heart for God’s small creatures. It stretches me and pleases me to see how she is gifted in ways that are different from me.

A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. Proverbs 12: 10
Rachel and Matt
Rachel and her little buddy.


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A few more Monday pictures

Some additional shots of our day.

–Sarah working on her school–
Sarah coloring

–Rachel doing math in her fuzzy, blue robe–
Rachel's fuzzy robe

–Daniel in the kitchen–
Daniel in the sink

–A slightly gloomy David, trying to smile–
David gloomy

–Rachel watching a movie in our new, cool IKEA swing–
Rachel swings

–A clean (if cluttered) kitchen as seen from my computer chair–

We were blessed to have an unexpected visitor this evening. I forgot to take a picture for the blog (some would ask if EVERY moment must be captured on film?? Ha!) but do want to mention it as we enjoyed the time fellowshipping with C. He and Tim have the most fascinating conversations–from computers to theology and beyond. Thanks for coming by, C!


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Project 365 – Day Eight (Mon-J)

Ah, the second week of Project 365 (such an impressive sounding title–ha). Dinner is just about ready so I have a few minutes to write before we sit down to eat. The angel hair pasta is bubbling on the stove, the veggies are happily sautéing, the meatballs are done and the spinach is ready for a sprinkling of fresh parmesan cheese. Yum. Not too bad considering I just returned home less than an hour ago.

Today is Joshua’s Project 365/Special Day. As I went downstairs this morning I saw Joshua working at his desk and had an inspiration for his blog. I would try to capture his school day in pictures.

Morning Joshua
Early morning math time.

Joshua and Grandpa (Tim’s dad) built this wonderful loft/desk two years ago. Joshua appreciates having a quiet place to do some of his studies. Here he is tackling a math lesson. This year he is working through Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra. Joshua is a ‘morning person wannabe.’ He loves the idea of waking early and getting a jump start on school. In practice, however, he tends to stay up too late to really be a natural morning person. For Christmas my parents gave him a cd radio/alarm clock. Joshua was thrilled that he could put in his new worship cd, set his alarm and wake up before the rest of the family gets moving. I guess with two ‘morning people’ grandmothers, it’s not surprising at least one of the children would have that deviant gene. Lol!

Joshua and science
After breakfast and a hot shower, it’s time for science.

Moving on to another part of the house. For science this year, we debated between Rainbow Science and Apologia’s General Science. Both programs came highly recommended. A SHS friend had a copy of Rainbow Science for sale (which made it tempting). Still, I know people who rave about Apologia’s curriculum, which put me into a bit of a quandary. Thankfully the Washington Homeschool Organization (WHO) conference came along just in time to aid me in my decision. I was able to look over, examine, and price the two different programs. I immediately realized Joshua would LOVE the Rainbow Science. The text is written in an entertaining and approachable manner (complete with “clean up your mess” instructions at the end of lab assignments). The illustrations are colorful and eye-catching. The price (thanks Shawn!) was great. I only had to order the renewable supplies package.

Joshua's book
Thoroughly enjoying his book!

Later on in the day, Joshua had finished much of his work and stole a moment to do some reading on Big Blue (a favorite reading spot). Joshua’s Christmas presents this year were mainly books and board games. He is in the middle of several books (typical of most bibliophiles) and is seen here devouring a book by John White, The Tower of Geburah.

tower of G

Joshua describes the series as tales Tolkien and C.S. Lewis would have written had they collaborated. Interesting. Makes me want to grab a book and sit down to read as well.

The children often draw while they listen to our history and reading lessons. We have several books in the Draw Write Now series which provide step by step drawing instructions and short sentences for writing practice. Daniel and Rachel do most of their work in the Draw Write Now Workbooks.

Draw Write Now workbook

For Christmas I found some additional drawing books to add to our collection. Now we have How to Draw Christmas Pictures, How to Draw Faces, and How to Draw People. Joshua was obviously inspired by these instructional guides and wanted to apply some real life finesse to his art.

J and S 1J and S 2J and S 3J and S 4
Thankfully his sister is a willing model.

For his Special Day with Tim, Joshua chose to play one of his new games, Thurn and Taxis.
Thurn and TaxisThurn and Taxis 2

The rest of the family is (had to do some grammar checking to see if the word ‘family’ requires a singular or plural verb. Read here for an interesting discussion on the subject of collective nouns) more than happy to let Joshua and Tim figure out how to play the more complicated, strategy games. They will work out the details and then we will join them. Anyone up for a new game??

Well, that was Joshua’s day in a nutshell. Ha! At least it was snippets of his day. School, reading, playing games. Sounds like a good life. I didn’t bring my camera to the Y or I would have also included pictures of Joshua running around the track and playing wallyball and basketball. Next week maybe.


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Marriage Questionnaire

This is the marriage letter we handed out to each person in our small group this evening. Along with the questionnaire, they all received a business size envelope. The instructions were to fill out the letter, put it in the envelope with your name on the front, and seal up the envelope.

I believe that God cares deeply about our marriages and that He alone has the ability to change people and relationships. I think the marriage dvd series we are beginning next week is going to be a powerful one. I can’t wait to see how God is going to work in our marriages through the study!

We wanted the group to get a little snapshot of their marriage as it is now–hence the letters. We’ll open up the envelopes and look at our responses in six months or so.

Now to pray sincerely and fervently for the marriages in our small group!!!

Marriage Questionnaire

1. How would you rate your marriage on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest)?

Give a brief explanation for your rating.

2. List 4 ways you would like to improve as a wife/husband.

  • a.
  • b.
  • c.
  • d.

3. List 4 things you would like to see your husband/wife change or improve.

  • a.
  • b.
  • c.
  • d.

4. For the wives: Do you respect your husband?
Does he feel respected by you?
Do you feel loved by your husband?

For the husbands: Do you love your wife?
Does your wife feel loved by you?
Do you feel respected by your wife?

Love Languages:
Physical Touch
Quality Time
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation

5. Do you know your love language? What is it?

6. Do you know your spouse’s love language? What is it?

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