This is NOT David’s birthday blog. Sounding a bit like a broken record here. Sorry. I haven’t forgotten David. I have LOTS of great pictures from his birthday (which, in our family, never lasts only ONE day). I just haven’t written his blog yet. Truth be told I was hoping Tim would jump in and post about David. I would provide the pictures (more than anyone could possibly want to see) and he would provide the pithy, insightful, deep, loving blog. Doesn’t that sound great. Ha! Surely we can come up with 6 things about David that are worth blogging. [Grin]
David and Sarah on the zoo playground.
The sun was shining when we woke up this morning. For the children it was probably before 8 am but for the grownups in the house it was deliciously close to, or maybe even after, 9 am. We truly have the best children in the world – they know how to be QUIET on Saturday mornings and let their dear old parents sleep in.
Tim and I wanted to do a fun outing for David’s birthday (since we weren’t throwing him a party this year). Somehow, however, over the last two weeks we’ve done all the things we had in mind for celebrating his b-day. First David suggested McDonald’s Playland. Yes! That would be great. Cheap, easy, relatively painless. Then my folks came to town and we went to McD’s for lunch. Hmmm. Check that box. Next we thought of a trip to the theater. Perfect, we haven’t been to the movies in months. We got on the computer and watched previews from Charlotte’s Web and Night at the Museum, debating about which to see. Then Tim’s parents called, out of the blue, and invited us to a viewing of Charlotte’s Web. How could we resist? Hmmm. Another box checked.
What to do? What to do?
Look at that sunshine! Yes, this picture was taken in February! In Washington! Truly amazing. No wonder there were hundreds of people at the zoo today.
The big kids had their eyes set on a fun center of some sort (like Chuck E. Cheese). When Tim and I saw the sun trying to get through our blinds, waking us up at the wonderfully late hour of 9 am (I’m obviously still savoring the memory of sleeping in this morning) we thought maybe a trip to the zoo would be fun.
Joshua is WAY too tall for these group shots. Again, note the WA sunshine. Sarah can’t even keep her eyes open.
The big kids fixed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while Tim threw in extras for lunch (crackers, fruit, treats, etc). I made myself a salad and off we went. We had a great time at the zoo. The weather was perfect! Sunny and warm. There was a huge crowd of people at the zoo today. It was a popular outing. We renewed our family membership (with three free visitor passes – come and join us) and spent the morning/early afternoon at the zoo.
With a family of our size a membership pays for itself in one and a half visits. The only downside is our zoo doesn’t have a reciprocal relationship with the Detroit Zoo which would have been nice since we hope to visit MI this summer. Oh well. Perhaps we can go to the Lansing zoo instead and see my brothers. Thom and Phil – consider yourself sufficiently warned!
We saw all sorts of animals. Rachel took several of these pictures. The kids are all becoming photographers in their own right.
Rachel took this amazing shot! The polar bear was one of the favorite animals of the day.
Are you looking at me?
Of course, there were some close moments when we were almost eaten by the fierce tiger. Somehow we managed to survive.
Being the smart parents that we are (and ready to go home) we left some parts of the zoo unseen. Keep the kids hungry, I always say. If you cover the entire zoo on the first day, how will you convince the children to go back? Especially if their last memory was of being tired and having sore feet. Instead we ended the zoo visit with a great show in the outdoor auditorium.
On the way home we stopped by Trader Joes. In keeping with my ‘keep them hungry‘ motto I sent Tim and the kids to McDonald’s for ice cream sundaes while I shopped. This is part of my ‘keep them full and distracted while mom shops‘ plan.
Don’t they look hungry. Definitely a group that wants to end the zoo outing at Trader Joe’s/McDonald’s.
Everyone happy and contented we set off for home. The rest of the day was a blur of cleaning, computer games, movie watching, a super speedy library visit, delicious cheeseburger soup, laundry, baths, and so on. None of which were documented on film therefore do not get more than a brief mention here on the blog.
I take pictures – therefore I blog. Another significant life motto.
“It’s not tipping I believe in, it’s OVER tipping.” Name that Obscure Movie Quote.
Happy Birthday David!! This is not your birthday blog but I can still wish you a happy day. [grin]
WOW. The animal shots are wonderful. I love the peacock one. Did Rachel do those? She’s got the touch!! and a good camera and a parent who lets her try!!
Fun fun day at the zoo. We often go to the Portland zoo when we are there. Rachel and Trav belong to the small Como zoo in their neighborhood. I need to get more confident of the directions there- it’s really close- and take Anna more often.
Happy day THIS day. AK
Thom’s reply to the upcoming zoo visit… bring it on.
(A little warning from Aunt Jenn… its a very small zoo)
What a fun entry!!! I wish it was that nice here in cold, VERY snowy Maine!!! I absolutely love the animal photos (especially the polar bear & tiger “Are YOU looking at ME? – perfect!). The group shot where you all were in that scary tiger was AWESOME! Love reading your blog!
~Lisa in ME (From SHS)
What a fun day and your weather…it looks awesome. We love going to the zoo, but don’t have a big one anywhere new by. Whenever we hit a bigger city, we try and find their zoo.
Thanks for sharing your great day and the animal photos are great!
Would that movie be Sgt. Bilko? If not, i am reasonably sure that it is some Steve Martin movie. How can you not love obscure movie quotes.
Rachel took almost all of those animal shots. She really got some great pictures. We were all very impressed when we came home and looked them all over. Way to go, Rachel!!
Yes, that beautiful sunny weather was gone as quickly and mysteriously as it came. Sunday and Monday it was appropriately grey and rainy. It’s nice to know there are some things you can count on.
Tina!!! You are so totally close. Yes, it is a Steve Martin movie. Not Sgt. Bilko but My Blue Heaven. Good job!! I knew you would get the flavor of the quote.
Wow! What a fun day! The animal pictures were GREAT! I love the polar bear picture . . .it’s almost as if he was waving to the camera! What kind of camera do you use? The pictures are so clear!
Emily–I think you are right, the polar bear was definitely waving to Rachel. I think he must know a certain amount of respect for the paparazzi is appropriate. LOL! We were using a little Kodak Easy Share. It take great pictures and is small enough to carry around. It’s “MY” camera but the children like to borrow it occasionally (supervised, of course). Ha!
GREAT pictures! I called the kids over to see and Hayley thought the polar bear picture was very cool.
Looks like a WONDERFUL day at the zoo… next time we come to your neck of the woods we need to plan some sightseeing things! The last time was such a quick trip we really didn’t do anything but visit Lee and drive downtown one evening. Looks like an AWESOME zoo to visit!