Today the sun was out and the weather pleasant and warm. It was wonderful!!
The three older children each spend time reading to David and Sarah on a regular basis. They are FANTASTIC helpers!!!!
Tim came home from work and heard me speak wishfully of getting in some exercise. He promptly sent me off to the Y. What an awesome husband! He knows I am thoroughly enjoying my workouts these days – he thinks I’m twisted and sick but that’s beside the point – and wants to support me as best he can. On my part, I made sure dinner was planned and set into motion before I left. Thank goodness for a capable 13 year old who can handle side dishes with ease.
Rachel and I drove off to the Y with our windows down, enjoying the sunshine and warm air. There were children outside riding bikes, people walking in the neighborhood, and just a general alive feeling in the spring air. Tonight, reflecting on how much I enjoy the sun and what joy and literal warmth it brings to my life, I found this passage in Isaiah:
The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Isaiah 60:19
How amazing to have this promise, to know that a time is coming when God will be our source of light! I think of how a sunny day can lift my spirits, transform my day and bring cheerfulness to the entire family. In western WA we do NOT take the sunshine for granted. And yet, I realize this joy is just a mere glimpse of the wonder and glory it will be to stand in the Lord’s presence and glory in His radiance.
I am, once again, so awed at the little glimpses He gives me of His character and richness. When I long for the sunshine and warmth of a spring or summer day, in some sense I am really longing for the time when:
Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end. Isaiah 60:20
As we approach Easter and Resurrection Sunday, I am humbled that the creator of the Universe, who died and rose again, wishes to reach out and speak to me in His Word.
Thanks for the reminder of things that Easter lets us look forward to….
I wish we lived closer to the Y… I’m pretty sure I would enjoy using it if it weren’t 45 minutes away. Spring always has me wishing we lived closer to town for some reason. Every year we go looking for a place to move to and every year we find nothing (LOL) that wouldn’t mean giving up a LOT of space and paying a lot more $$… so here we stay.
We had fun, didn’t we (even though I read my book the whole time at the Y) but there’s nothing I rather do than read Mandie all day long. I also spent a while reading to those rascals.
One picture mom? Come on, you are losing your reputation.
For the record, I like the sun as well, it is just the heat I don’t like. I do know how the sun can lift your spirits (if your spirits needed lifting).
Thanks for the post, Kathy. I am one that just loves the sunshine and we don’t always get a lot of it here in the northeast…maybe more than you in the northwest, but I’m not sure. I treasure everyday we have sunshine.
I hope I am not risque in saying this on your blog, Kathy, but I can understand why the Egyptians and some other cultures worshipped the sun.
I read a book about the sun YEARS ago and the reactions it intitiates in our brains….totally amazing how complex God designed us and the world!!
Today is even better isn’t it??? I went to Fred Meyer this morning and, as you know, there is a Starbuck’s there. I think Starbucks is broadcasting subliminal messages. Or maybe I have a very weak will? Probably more likely to be #2…sshhh! The lady behind the counter asked me if I wanted my mocha hot or cold, it’s SPRING!!!!
This Starbuck’s is SO MUCH FUN! The ladies behind the counter are true to the fun atmosphere the company is known for and they are there all the time so people stop and talk. One lady has chickens and she was asking everyone who came by if they wanted a rooster ! Apparantly her rooster was confused with the time change and would wake up early and crow for hours. She found someone, finally, I wonder if the rooster was on someone’s plate the next day??
The other lady is so sweet, she doesn’t eat sugar so you can relate. She laments every once in a while, in a lighthearted sort of way, about smelling sugar all day but not being able to have it. She is a stronger woman than I!! So are you.
See you soon.
Cynthia – we have had a membership to the Y for several years now and this is the first time I’ve really gotten into a routine of using it on my own. Previous to this I pretty much only used it when the kids were there. 45 minutes is pretty far away. That’s enough to make you think twice about heading out the door.
Your house is so wonderful – I would imagine it would be difficult to find something comparable.
Debbie – you might get more sunshine than us, that’s not hard to do. Ha! You also get more cold weather. I must admit I don’t miss the cold winter days in MI and CT (where we lived before moving to WA). The mild winters are nice if you can just stand the gray and rainy days.
Jen – there are times in the summer (usually when I’m sitting by a pool somewhere) when I can totally identify with the sun worshippers of ancient times (as much as I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit it). Tim and I talked a lot about it and he thinks we have these type of longings because we were created to live in heaven for eternity. This world is just a shadow and we crave for the things that are to come. Interesting.
I was in Fred Meyer today and I totally MISSED the Starbucks stand. I had a growing cold coffee in the car and surely could have used a refill. How could I have missed the subliminal messages? Argh! I guess it was our last stop on a whole string of errands and I was eager to get out of there without spending much time or money.
Boy, it would be hard to work around sugar all day and not fall head first. I did not do very well in resisting some off limit foods this week. Sigh. Takes work to stay strong and committed in an area that requires me to say ‘no’ to myself.