P365 – Day 124 (Applebee’s Luncheon)

Since our homeschooling co-op ended last week (sniff, sniff) one of the many wonderful and brilliant moms suggested we meet for lunch at Applebee’s this Friday.

Hooray, Sherry! Excellent idea.

Tim was an absolute angel and took care of all the children for me while I was gone. Not only did he watch (although, since he was working, some could argue he wasn’t really “watching” the children) our five, he also took care of (maybe I should just change that to ‘was the adult presence’) Jennifer’s five children so she could join us.

Thank you, Tim!!!!!!!!!!

We had a lovely time visiting, talking and enjoying a yummy meal.

I brought my camera with me but didn’t remember it until the very end. One of the ladies had already left so she missed the photo op. Sorry, Holly! I would Photoshop you in if I could, but that requires Photoshop and a photo of you (neither of which I have at this time). We’ll just use our imagination and add in one more gorgeous, smiling face.


Not only was this a fun outing full of interesting conversation and much laughter, it also yielded an extremely important piece of information…the name of a GREAT hairstylist! Holly and I begged Sherry to call and see if there were any available appointments. I let Holly go first (then I can check out her hair and see if I want to keep my appointment – that’s me, selfless) and I scheduled something for the first of June.

The children had a great time with their friends, the moms had a wonderful time talking with other grown ups (and actually finishing complete sentences), and Tim worked amid all the chaos.


Sheer bliss!


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3 thoughts on “P365 – Day 124 (Applebee’s Luncheon)”

  1. Sounds like a GREAT DAY! I can hardly wait to have a few moments of uninterrupted conversation myself… sometime in another life far down the road, I’m sure. (LOL)! Conversations of hair stylists are important! And, thanks for the reminder. I NEED an appt for next week or everyone will see all my gray hair at dd’s graduation!

  2. What do you mean you had a great time, Mom? The Y. kids and our family had the good time. We played outside, talked in my room, rode bikes\scooters, talked some more, and ate a snack. Thanks Y. kids I had a great time!!

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