Life is a bit more sedate, now that the family is off vacationing. I find myself deliberately making lots of noise just so the house doesn’t feel so empty. I even sat down on the floor in the garage and had a short (and rather one-sided) conversation with Matthias, our guinea pig.
I’ve been working from home most days, since I have so much work to do, as the end of the quarter approaches. Although I really like having quarterly goals to spur me on, it gets a little stressful when I try to pack three months’ work into two weeks’ time. Still, it has been good to be free to work as many hours as I can.
I did take a moment today to snap a few shots of our roses outside, because Kathy sounded very tired when I last talked to her, and I was afraid that we wouldn’t have a picture for the day. It would be a real shame to come to the negative attention of the Project 365 Police, and so I offer this simple picture to express the peace and serenity and, as a consequence, the loneliness of the day.
Project 365 — Day 166
Too gorgeous!! Thanks, Tim, for taking that beautiful picture. I’m so glad you blogged! Is this a ‘before’ picture? I hear you’re planning on trimming (hacking?) the rose bushes back a bit while I’m gone.
Magnificent rose! Thanks for the picture, dear Tim.
Love, Aunt Kate
Beautiful rose, Tim and a great shot! How thoughtful of you to think of Project 365. You two are a great team.
Tim, that is an excellent picture of a truly beautiful rose, just the right angle, just the right lighting, and perfect focus. I had to check and double-check to make sure it was really your picture. All indications (from EXIF data) are that it is not a fake.
I have a fondness for flower photography (made a whole calendar once) so you just went up about two notches with that blog entry.
Hee hee … I got a good chuckle out of your comment, Carl.
I, too, am very fond of flower photography, ever since I discovered, back in 2003, that my camera had a Macro setting. Kathy is a bit scornful of pictures that don’t have people in ‘em, but sometimes I like to focus on a part of God’s other awesome creation without cluttering it up with a bunch of those made in, er, His image …
Hmmm. I think I just argued myself out of a career in still art photography.
For those readers who don’t know about EXIF data, some pictures can be examined for truth-in-blogging, to discover the camera model, datestamp and other information which occasionally reveals that (gasp!) the pictures we post are sometimes not actually taken on the day that we post. Nice to see that super-sleuth Carl has not found any reason to blow the whistle on me this time.
Thanks for thinking of P365. I’m not sure there are any P365 Police in our ring, but if there is I’m probably on the squad (LOL)! So… GOOD JOB. I won’t have to come after you now.
Cynthia – you most certainly would be on the P365 squad!! We need a leader, after all.
I’m just glad you’re blogging.