The problem with visiting family who also happen to read your blog is that they begin to discover your secrets. There you were, happily blogging along, 1000 or so miles away. No one (except your dh and children – hard to get rid of that bunch) knew whether you blog early in the morning (::snort::) or late at night or perhaps, oh I don’t know, let’s say the wee hours of the morning. Readers were ignorant of how many pictures it took to get “just the right shot.” They didn’t know about posing or staging or even the glories of Photoshop Elements. Not that I would ever edit my photos. Much. I don’t even have Photoshop (yet).
Now when I casually walk outside with my camera in hand, the blog is the first thing people mention (or shout). As if a mother wouldn’t want to take a picture of her sweet darlings just because she can. I mean, look at this group.
This is Joshua’s water balloon crew for VBS.
“Oh, it’s your mother, getting ready for a blog,” my dad said this afternoon when I went outside to capture the water balloon team in action.
Harrumph! I’ll show them. I won’t post the other 8 (totally funny and cute) pictures of them filling up balloons. People will just have to wonder who was in charge, who tied up the balloons, who carried them back and forth between the hose and the bucket. It’s won’t end up in a blog, no sir.
Later in the day my brother Thom and his wife, Jenn (one of those beloved sisters-in-law I mentioned the other day who is WAY better than a kitten) came over for dinner. I casually decided to take a few pictures like this one:
Uncle Thom and Aunt Jenn
What does the aforementioned sister say, “It’s a blog in action. We’re creating a blog moment.”
Seriously people, I get no blogging respect.
How is an innocent little blogger supposed to handle such harassment? Oh, yes, by by taking lots of pictures and posting them mercilessly. What was I thinking?
I usually just blame it on the relentless pace of the Project 365. Then I do my best to ignore Tim who repeatedly tells me I only committed to taking one, a single picture, each day and I could stop at any time.
If you had such a good looking family, would you stop with just one picture?
Plus, I have an obligation to the rest of the family who are still far away and waiting with bated breath for blogs and pictures. Well, I can dream can’t I?
More family arrives this weekend. No doubt they’ll be prying into my blogging ways as well. Soon they’ll be no mystery left at all.
Get your own blog, I tell them. Or I would tell them if I wasn’t too busy trying to sneak my camera into the scene and then getting everyone to smile pretty. Sometimes I even manage to work myself into the picture.
Happy Father’s Day!!!
Project 365 – Day 168
I just love, love, love pictures! It always seems like your kids are color coordinated (everyone’s shirts match the others) – how do you do it?? My kids match themselves but not necessarily each other…hmm, what’s your secret?
Technology is great, isn’t it? You make the kids pose and take 20 pictures in search for the one good picture to send/post/print…ahhh, the joys of motherhood! (our joy, the kid’s tolerance – heh.heh.)
LOL! I’m the same way about picture taking. I find that I do try to get a few pictures that are a little more decent than the quick ones I would normally shoot.
I want to see all the cute ones that we missed!!
Fun fun blogs and what a dear family. Loved the picture of Jenn and Thom. Anxious to see everyone. AK
My kids shout warnings to people now, ‘Look out she’s gonna put that on her blog! And then people all over the world will see it!’
But I’m actually quite cautious about posting pics of other people for the blog. I feel like I must ask their permission first.{g}
You look as though you’re having a great family catch up!
Hi Kathy! I have really enjoyed reading your blog.
I wanted to let you know, your blog has been nominated to display The Fruit of the Spirit graphic. You can read about it on my blog,, or email me and I’ll be glad to give you more information. I usually try to send this info by email, but I couldn’t find a place on your blog to do that.
After you’ve checked it out, if you would like to display The Fruit of the Spirit graphic on your blog, please send me an email. I will send you the HTML code for you to put into your sidebar.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Trish Anderson
I love your blog, Kathy!
My kids do the same thing…except they like to know they are going to be on the blog!…vain little imps.
Congrats on the Fruit of the Spirit graphic thingy! You deserve it.
Congrats on the Fruit of the Spirit. I always love how you usually weave scripture and what you’re learning into your everyday life. I especially liked the one with the wallpaper that you posted awhile back.
You all look like you are having a blast! What a wonderful visit.
I am always taken aback when people comment on stuff in the blog – I’m always thinking “How did they know that” and they’ll say “we saw it on your blog!” Lol!
If your kids are color coordinated, I choose to blame that on Liz’s fab family foto for the five year SHS anniversary.
I’m not sure quite how it’s connected, but she must have started it. lol
I bought Photoshop Elements but I’ve been too scared to put it in the computer. I’ve read two books on it though, and now I’m even more scared.
And you definitely have earned the Fruit of the Spirit graphic. I find myself saving your blog to read when I have some real time to devote. Your posts are always thought provoking and a blessing to me.
Kathy – I have the same woes. I’ve heard TWICE today , “THAT one doesn’t go on the blog!” ::snort::
Michigan looks like a lot of fun! It’s nice to finally see a picture of Thom and Jen. Have lots of fun at Phil’s wedding. Looking forward to seeing more pics. (Is Joshua really almost Thom’s height?)
Oh my goodness!!!! That is exactly what I heard from my side of the family at the beach last week . . .every time they saw the camera they said, “Are we going to be on the blog?” OR “Are you blogging?”
Too funny!