We’re Working On It

I was advised to blog WITHOUT pictures this evening. What? Horrors! Is such a thing even allowed on this blog??? Truly I am a bit concerned. The last time I tried a wee little tiny blog without pictures there were serious consequences. It wasn’t pretty. Experiences like that are enough to scar a girl.

And yet.
And yet.

A post with some content is better than a blank page or even a dreaded ERROR message!!

Ahem, our website is in a bit of disarray, as Tim works to move things on to the new, virtual server. Having never done this before, he’s hitting a nice learning curve along the way. Oh, yes, and he has a few other things on his plate these days (not asparagus pancakes although those are always tasty) like work, children, church responsibilities, mine and Sarah’s birthdays to celebrate (July isn’t over yet!), important stuff like that.

I don’t know why I continue linking to old blogs since all of the pictures are temporarily (I surely hope!!!) gone. Too bad, as those asparagus topped pancakes were really something.

It’s funny to think of how we become dependent on technology and, in this case, pour so much of ourselves into something that can easily be wiped away. I guess that’s true for most anything. A gorgeous scrapbook could be lost or destroyed just as effortlessly. A quilt stained or ripped. A painting scratched. Even people are vulnerable to injury and death. In comparison a blog seems so transient and ephemeral, there’s nothing to hold or touch.

I apologize for the disruption in the normal blogging schedule. It is my hope (and prayer) that Tim will not have any undue difficulty in completing the process and restoring the rest of the blog (including those precious pictures).

Thank you for your patience,

Who did take some Project 365 pictures today even if they aren’t ever posted on the blog

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4 thoughts on “We’re Working On It”

  1. OK, I think I figured out what happened with the picture directories, and fixed it. As you know, this is a temporary fix, and our site could disappear at any moment, sigh.

    I have high hopes of getting us moved to the new ‘Virtual’ server in the near future … until I do, we’re at the mercy of the server monkeys.

  2. Hi. I have COMPLETE confidence in Tim for fixing this blog so we can see your wonderful, funny, creative, dear pictures again. Keep at it, dear Tim. We’re counting on you to succeed!!

    You’re right, Katherine- what’s eternal is our love for the Lord and more important- His love for us. Yea.

    Love you, Aunt Kate

  3. Wow! Tim, you are amazing. I opened up the blog this morning and, voila, the pictures are all back. The server monkeys must be happy with us today. I hope the site sticks around for a little longer.

    Aunt Kate – good reminder about what IS eternal!! Love you!

  4. UGH! Now *WHY* would you want to go and mess with this? Will the new site be faster or something? Scary! Maybe Tim can give us all a lesson on how to backup a blog? I’ve still been trying to figure out a way to do that, if there is such a thing as backing up an entire blog!

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