I have four parenting tips ready and waiting in the wings. Well, they aren’t actually written yet, but the ideas are all there ready and eager to be shared with the world at large. Tim has even more tips all set to go. Between the two of us, we are definitely full of tips. We’re so bogged down in tips we’re practically tipsy.
I started writing today’s blog at least 4 times. I even got as far as one or two paragraphs. I have some cute pictures that will go perfectly with my little piece of parenting advice (once I can find them in the overwhelming chaos that is my picture file). Unfortunately I was hit with some sort of writer’s block. Parenting Writer’s Block. It’s the worse kind. Usually I plug on, blathering away on the blog, until some sort of inspiration or creativity finally hits me. At that point, I go back, start again and re-write until I get a blog that is publishable.
We all went outside to bask in the sunshine. I read our school book and the children cut out paper dolls. It was perfect.
Today, however, it was not meant to be. First my sweet friend, Tina, called from Thailand. We Skype (free internet chatting) whenever we can. The headset wasn’t working on my end so I had to frantically type out instant messages to Tina telling her not to hang up but give us time to switch to a different computer. Tim was wonderful and got things working on the laptop.
Next Tim’s old Army roommate called. They haven’t spoken for over five years so there was much catching up to do. Obviously this required me to pay attention and listen. I couldn’t possibly write a blog while Tim had an old friend on the phone.
In the middle of that chat, some friends dropped by for the grand computer switcheroo. They were dropping off their (slightly broken, “please fix me”) computer and picking up an old spare of ours. It was so nice to visit with friends, unexpectedly. Since I was in the middle of my Parenting Writer’s Block, I spent a good portion of the visit bugging Holly for ideas for a quick and concise tip. Between us we have ten children, surely we should be able to come up with some fodder for an easy tip. Holly gave me a great idea and I might just ask her to come and guest write on the blog sometime.
After our company left, my brother Dan called. Dan is a late night telephoner and loves having our 3 hour time difference work in his favor when he’s in the mood for a chat. He can call me at midnight his time and know it’s only 9 pm here. We talked for a LONG time. He also had a good idea for a parenting tip.
Sure, everyone has great ideas but that only goes so far if I can’t ever get to the computer.
Now it’s close to midnight and I still haven’t shared a parenting tip. Tim is going to be appalled, “You’ve compromised the integrity of our Tuesday Tips for Parenting,” he’ll say. He’s a big one for integrity and moral high ground, especially since it’s my turn to write the tip and he’s cheerfully off in bed, sound asleep.
Today’s tip centers around an old fashioned form of entertainment – paper dolls. It’s more of a craft idea than an actual tip. My children love Polly Pockets, Littlest Pet Shop, Playmobil and toy soldiers. At the same time, there is something very appealing and satisfying about the simple paper doll. I found a wonderful website, Making Friends, that carries a basic paper doll (in various forms) that you can print (either in color or outline). The dolls are sweet and easy to cut out. After you choose a doll, there are several pages of hair styles available to print, and many outfits (in theme, season, or career).
The paper dolls kept the children content and busy for a good portion of the afternoon, hours really. They worked on them while we did our Bible lessons, during our reading time and on into the evening. I was pleased to see camaraderie — sharing of dolls and outfits, helpfulness — assistance in cutting out dolls and outfits, and overall politeness in the children. They were well behaved and pleasant during the entire paper doll craft time.
Check out these dolls. I printed them out in fast draft, on cardstock. The color is richer if you print on a darker setting but fast draft conserves ink. The cardstock paper is a definite as the dolls are flimsy otherwise. Get out the scissors and be prepared to do quite a bit of cutting.
David and Daniel enjoyed the activity a much as their sisters.
Enjoy and come back for some other deep and insightful tips. I promise the writer’s block will be over by next week.
Project 365 – Day 253
Thanks for visiting my blog…and the tip buried in your entry. : )
My children love paper dolls. Their grandmother introduced them to the little craft. Maybe that is what we can do to liven up some of our history lessons. I’m not really the drama type, but my daughter is. She’d love it!
..eh…to be honest…I look forward to your next writer’s block!
What a great entry to read!
I know these days when people drop in, call and pass by so nothing is done and yet the day is filled in such a delightful way.
Paperdolls…love them!
I think a key part of parenting is the breathing of creative life into our children. While Kathy and I haven’t gone overboard in getting our kids involved in every sport or program available, we do like to expose them to different ways to express themselves creatively. Sometimes idleness can be so destructive, and having a fun new project is just the way to ensure a happy home.
I was talking to the kids about II Corinthians 10:5 yesterday:
I think sometimes it is hard to simply suppress wicked thoughts unless the void can be filled with a good thought — kind of like trying not to think of a pink elephant. I suspect that creativity is one of the gifts that God has given us to keep our hands and minds from idleness, and for us to be more like Him.
Well – those sound like great reasons for not getting around to blogging :)))
Very much enjoyed the one you finally found some time to write.
Susan in Va
I love meeting your fellow blogging friends in this way, Katherine. I like them!!
Cute paper dolls.
I love you Edgrens. AK
I stumbled across your blog via stillhisgirl. I smiled at the camping pictures. We just moved from Washington last week……I felt homesick the whole time….I sortof devoured your pics.
I had been EVERYwhere you posted it seemed. We hiked Paradise on Mt. Rainier a few years ago with our kids. *sigh*
Arizona is okay. I guess. Maybe.
But if I keep seeing these sort of pics I’m not sure if it’ll be good for me!
I, for one, am happy you posted about paper dolls. I found this website a few years ago & had the link on my computer. Unfortunately, said computer died so I lost my links.
I was trying to find this link last week & I couldn’t!!! So now I’m very happy!!!!
Kathy, we have enjoyed the Making Friends website in the past and it has not crossed my mind for a while. The Littles love to cut and paste and this would be a perfect activity for them. Thanks for the reminder!
Emily – thanks for coming by! Sorry the photos were making you homesick. Arizona sounds lovely (and dry), especially during our upcoming rainy season.
Lisa – how funny that you were just looking for this link. I’m happy to please. Ha!
Debbie – my kids seem to go through phases as well. They are crazy about one think and then don’t use it again for a long time, then is suddenly resurfaces. These paper dolls were hot for a solid day or two and are now relegated onto the back burner again.
We have loved this website too for several years. But my kids get the cheap computer-paper-in-black-and-white.
When they were littler, they’d glue the finished dolls onto popsicle sticks.
Oh we LOVE the making friends site too. It keeps my younger three busy on many a rainy or snowy afternoon. Just have to make sure the printer has nice full ink tanks or refills on standby, before they get going!
Creativity is GREAT! When our girls were little they played with paper dolls a LOT! Now the boys are into building with legos… same idea, different medium….
I can’t even imagine how much time it takes to write blogs as eloquent as yours… I’m doing good if I just get something put out there into blogosphere! I did, however, have to spend some time thinking about and writing my Rambling Raccoon entries which, you’ve probably noticed, have been rather sporadic… only TWO posts in the 3 months he’s been here! I better get on it or it’s going to be time for him to go back home! I have to have a good length of time to get INTO writing those.. I can’t just pop them off quickly like I do most of my blog posts!
Anyway.. I enjoy the thoughtfulness and obvious time you put into your posts! They’re GREAT