Selling Out for Chips

I’ve long felt that a man ought to have certain minimal standards for a Saturday of leisure. One should not enter lightly into a day of rest and relaxation. Here are a few basic principles:

  1. Sleeping in is a must
  2. No booting up the work laptop
  3. Sugared cereals – preferably several bowls, devoured absentmindedly while perusing some easy-reading fiction (I prefer Terry Pratchett novels)
  4. Hours and hours of uninterrupted computer game playing
  5. Children off visiting friends or playing outside contentedly (no fights, injuries, or difficult questions allowed)
  6. Ice cream for a snack or dessert (or both, if your wife isn’t watching closely)
  7. Pancakes for dinner – no skimping on the butter orsyrup.
  8. Absolutely NO HOUSEWORK, period.

If your blood isn’t fizzing from all the sugar, and if you can still focus your eyes after a hard day of gaming, it wasn’t a proper Saturday, I always say.

Sadly, into every man’s life a little hardship doth occasionally fall. In this case, Saturday dawned bright and clear (okay grey and cloudy) with only a single 30 minute computer game playing chip left in my possession. Thirty minutes has never flown by so quickly, and I found myself chipless before noon on a Saturday. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and so I assembled my horde of children and entrusted to them a sacred mission:

“I’m sure I have some more chips somewhere in one of my desk drawers. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to locate the missing chips.”

We turned the first drawer inside-out but nary a chip was unearthed. Other drawers were searched, but to no avail. After less than a half-hour’s search, we were forced to admit that I was truly (I shudder, even to write it) out of chips.

Ever since the chip-famine of April ’07, we’ve had a special codicil that allows the chip-impoverished to earn emergency chip rations by doing chores around the house. Daniel regularly invokes that rule, and Kathy gets a lot of extra help out of him, happily exploiting his weakness for computer games. Although I’m almost positive I was somehow shorted on the chip payment this week (how could I have spent 3 1/2 hours already!), I couldn’t convince Kathy (keeper of the chips) to extend me any grace. Nor were the children susceptible to bribery or threats. Sadly, I realized that the only way I was going to earn myself a fresh cache of computer chips was to work, or more specifically clean. Some things are almost too painful to write.

Kathy chortled gleefully all morning, cackling even, as the minutes ticked away and my last chip was played.

“Boy, this pantry is REALLY messy. I sure hope someone will have time to clean it today.”

pantry - before

Um, it’s not really that messy, Dear.

It’s never pretty seeing a grown woman act in such an immature manner. She almost seemed to enjoy my suffering and torment.

After putting the desk drawer back together and making a half-hearted attempt to shake one of the children down for a spare chip, I decided to accept the inevitable.

Most of the afternoon was spent emptying, cleaning and organizing the pantry. No doubt Kathy will thank me for my work in de-cluttering and re-categorizing the items in the closet. I found several things that I’m sure she doesn’t need at all and was diligent to get rid of them right away. I moved everything around on the shelves, arranging them in order by UPC code and sell-by-date. It was a delight to see her face when I showed her the New System I devised for the pantry.

pantry - after

Look, there’s a floor in here. I didn’t think you really needed the crock-pot or all those pesky cookie sheets. You don’t mind going out to the garage for baking supplies, do you Beloved?

It’s not often that Kathy is at a loss for words. It just shows how overwhelmed with joy she was.

I completed the job with my usual glacial speed. When I had nearly finished putting everything away, and had collected 3 hours’ worth of computer game playing chips, I was called away on an errand. When Kathy discovered I was graciously allowing her to put the last touches on the pantry and clear off a small amount of mess on the kitchen table, she was beside herself with joy.

table o' mess

Heh, heh, there’s just a little more to do, Sweetie.

But she wasn’t quite so speechless this time. “If you think I’m paying good chips so I can tidy up your half-baked job of ‘cleaning’ the pantry, you’ve been sniffing the 409!” she seethed. She’s really quite a hoot, as those who know her well often comment.

As Saturday comes to a close, I grip my hard-earned chips tightly in sweaty palms, agonizing whether to spend them now in a mad rush, or to hoard them in case I get some time to play, Sunday afternoon.

timer and chips

All ready and set to go.

I’d better be careful, though … Kathy’s been dropping not-so-subtle hints about the garage.

Project 365 – Day 258

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An Affair with the Paparazzi

My offspring are spoiled – not by sweets, tv, or toys – no, they are spoiled by media attention. Their lives now revolve around the blogging paparazzi and even a brief hiatus is keenly felt.

“What?” My oldest two children said in shocked tones, “you only took 158 pictures of our day at the fair? Were you even trying?”

I flinched at the disgust and pity written on their faces.

“Mom,” my second oldest son said as he came through to read the blog, “where are the rest of the pictures? There are only two pictures here and one of them isn’t of us at all.”

“Yeah, Mom,” another child piped up, “how come you didn’t post more pictures.”

What was I thinking? Such an important outing and I had the temerity to permit a blog to be posted with only one family picture. Sigh. These children have no sympathy for my need for sleep. I guess the fact that their father was the one who actually authored the post cannot deflect their criticism.

Here you are, dear ones, a blog liberally adorned with pictures. I pity those of you with dial-up. Forgive me. I am at the mercy of my unrelenting, attention starved rascals.

a great beginning

Joshua took us through the wood carving section on our way to the RIDES.

dizzy passes

These insignificant, little red bands allowed us to go on every ride (but two) in the entire fair. Not bad. Definitely worth the money if you’re going to be at the fair for, oh say, almost 11 hours!

ferris wheel

Our very first ride of the day – we had the entire Ferris Wheel all to ourselves. This is where we discovered Joshua does not like heights. Suffice to say, he was not the one taking this picture.

dan and joshua race

Joshua rode the Big Slide at least 6 times. He likes a ride that doesn’t throw you around unnecessarily.

rachel, sarah, eli and david

Rachel and Sarah were a team on the swings with Eli and David right behind them. I was in the seat just ahead of them so I could get this close shot. Don’t even get me started on the woman who decided to nurse her toddler while they were buckled in the swing.

We went on all sorts of rides. Rachel and Daniel were faithful companions to Sarah and David, partnering with them when they needed a buddy. Joshua was patient with the more adventuresome thrill-seekers in the family. We enjoyed seeing many friends throughout the day. I was very sad to discover I am no longer a teenager and can’t quite “handle” the rough, twirling/spinning rides of my youth. Not without some anti-nausea medicine, which Joshua saw and helpfully pointed out to me, on sale at a kiosk on the fairway.

One delight of this year’s fair was the combination of ages, which allowed Rachel and Daniel to enjoy many of the same attractions as David and Sarah.

We won’t mention poor Joshua who, at 5′ 11″, is just a wee bit too tall for SillyVille.

daniel's boat

Of course, some rides were more comfortable than others for the older duo.

At one point, per Sarah’s request, we all hopped aboard a fast moving merry-go-round for a family ride.

daniel and sarahdavidracheltim and joshua

Hopefully that is enough pictures to satisfy those greedy children, although I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of them wonders why I didn’t just go ahead and post all 150+ photos. I’m afraid they’ve caught the mind set, “if it doesn’t make to the blog then it didn’t happen.”

For myself, I’ve found it is difficult to be ‘in the moment’ and somehow still capture it on film. That takes multi-tasking to a whole new level.


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Do the Puyallup

If you live in Western Washington and listen to the radio, you’ve heard a lot of advertisements about the Puyallup Fair. Their slogans indicate, in my opinion, some recent budget cuts in marketing: “Do the Puyallup” and “Happy is Good” seem to be the front-runners for this year.

The Fair

One of my deep-rooted parenting fears is that I might somehow, in a moment of inattention, lose one of my children. When we first moved to Washington, Kathy took the older three to the Evergreen Fair while I was at work, but I have flatly refused to go, ever since. I ask Kathy: “There will be hordes of people, and we’ll lose David or Sarah. Which one can you live without?” She’s not amused by that kind of talk.

This year Kathy was more insistent, and my resistance slowly crumbled. We bought the all-you-can-ride wristbands (taking out a third mortgage on our home to do so) and Kathy scoured the countryside for free tickets to get into the fairgrounds. We packed a lunch and got there early, meeting up with another couple of families.

It was quite a day. We were there for almost 11 hours, and we all (even Joshua) rode enough rides to get our money’s worth. Rachel claims to have ridden various attractions 34 times, but I can’t imagine she rode a single one beyond 33. Around supper time, we had a family council, trying to decide whether to go home or to refuel and stay a little longer.

Sleepy is Good
This was not our most energetic moment.

We decided to buy roast beef sandwiches from the Young Life concession stand, a major fund-raiser for the Young Life program. We had a great time, and we didn’t lose anyone. Kathy was beat, having started the day with an early-morning dental appointment, so I sent her to bed.

Please tune in tomorrow for our regularly-scheduled programming.

Project 365 — Day 256

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Getting Ready for a Hot Date?

Sadly this picture was NOT taken right before Tim and I rushed off to a lovely dinner date or a movie. And, stranger still, it’s not even a staged photo.

lookin' good

The driveway — perfect place for applying a few finishing touches.

An internet/cyber/homeschooling friend, Lisa, has convinced her talented children to develop a graphic for our Tuesday Tips for Parenting. I’m so excited to reveal it next week. Hooray!!

In order to finalize the design, Lisa’s daughter, Allison, requested some pictures of Tim and me. Joshua patiently agreed to be our photographer but we quickly realized Tim was a bit unshaven and it had been several hours since my make-up was fresh.

all freshened up

Don’t they clean up nice. :)

Finally we were picture-ready. I’m sure the neighbors were VERY intrigued with our front yard make-up session and photography shoot. We aim to keep them guessing. Obscure movie quote (this one is for my sister in law, Jenn):

‘For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?’

I was gone almost the ENTIRE day (no wonder my make-up needed a little freshening). Tim was a sweet heart and took care of the children while I went from one activity, errand and outing to the next. My night ended with a surprise birthday celebration for a friend while he got fish sticks and rowdy kiddos.

party on

Happy Birthday, Beckie!

Busy day.

Project 365 – Day 256

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WFMW–Bible Devotional Favorites


Last week I shared a few of my favorite homeschooling books and programs. This Wednesday I thought it might be interesting to begin a discussion on devotional Bible books for children. I am a true bibliophile or bookworm and have an insatiable thirst for new books, novels, textbooks, tomes, and other works of fiction or non-fiction. I’ve never met a book sale or book store that didn’t call my name, usually loudly. Our family is continually on the search for inspiring and character/life changing devotionals. Over the years we have filled our shelves with excellent reading material.

When I showed my tall stack of books for today’s post to Tim, his eyes widened and he suggested, oh so gently, that I cull my list a bit. Gasp! How could I possibly do such a thing. As it is, I’m sure I am going to forget a precious gem, a beloved favorite, a truly powerful and influential devotional. How could I possibly leave one out??

Hearing a comment like that really makes you wonder what kind of person you married. Sigh.

Never fear, instead of scaling the collection of reviews back, I decided to break the blog into pieces. I’d hate to bore anyone to pieces with paragraphs and paragraphs of book discussion any more than I want to ignore a beloved devotional. Come back during the week for additional conversation.

I sincerely hope you find some new treasures in our collection as well as recognize a few old friends. Please, please, please leave a comment with the names of some of your own personal favorites. I still have room on my shelves for more books. :)

Bible Devotionals for Younger Children

David (age 6 1/2), Sarah (age 5), and I are currently working our way through The Children’s Every Day Bible illustrated by Anna C. Leplar. The stories are succinct, colorful and aimed for kindergarten to 4th grade.

After we read our Bible story for the day (or multiple stories, if we are, ahem, behind) we turn to a devotional book. There are several little books we enjoy throughout the week. Right now are just about finished with My ABC Bible Verses – Hiding God’s Word in Little Hearts by Susan Hunt. Each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding verse. The verse is explained in easy to understand language and then followed by a sweet story about siblings, Missy and Bill. The lessons are only two pages, and conclude with questions about the verse, a simple prayer and instructions to repeat the day’s verse and review earlier verses. I love watching David and Sarah absorb scripture and learn more about God’s Word.

some favorites

Kids-Life Devotions is an old and much-loved favorite. Joshua, Rachel and I read these stories when they were toddlers, pulling the little book off the shelf over and over the until the binding and cover were completely worn out. I was thrilled to find a copy of the book in a store here in Washington and snapped it up as fast as I could. The illustrations are creative and varied, each story has its own look and feel.

Jesus - my very best friend

This is one of David’s favorite tales.

There are many amusing children’s books that we have read and re-read over the years that reinforce godly character through their entertaining tales. The Adam Raccoon series by Glen Keane have delighted the children since Joshua was a young boy. Of course, Tim’s mother has written her own raccoon tale so we have a soft spot for raccoons in this family. Or at least books ABOUT raccoons.

The Building Christian Character series by Michael P. Waite are hysterical books, teaching lessons through silly stories and rhyme. Joshua has several lines memorized from these books as he is often called upon to read to the younger children.

silly tales in iambic pentameter

sarah's favorite

Handy-Dandy Helpful Hal, the Pooped-Out Parents’ Perfect Pal.

A recent discovery that has all the kids begging for more, is Gid the Kid and the Black Bean Bandits. I found this wonderful, entertaining treat at last month’s homeschool conference. The authors’ mother was one of the speakers. I immediately fell in love with this brilliant story, placing Gideon (Judges 6-8) in the old west. The authors and illustrators, brothers Christopher and Allan Miller, incorporated 3D computer graphics into their story-telling. The result is a fresh, vivid and appealing book. I promptly bought a copy for our family as well as one for my mother in law. I wish I had been able to afford more as this would make an excellent gift. Gid the Kid is book one in the Heroes of Promise series. We are all eagerly awaiting the next book.

david the kid

At least three of the children picked this book out of my big stack of ‘books to be reviewed’ as their personal favorite.

Stop by again for other devotional favorites and please do share some of your family’s cherished titles.

Project 365 – Day 255

Head on over to Rocks in My Dryer for further Works for Me Wednesday links.

Some other Duckabush WFMW Posts

Homeschooling Faves
Laundry Organizer
Giant Whiteboard
Travel Outfits

Join us for our Tuesday Tips for Parenting

Calling Your Child
Creative Use for the Timer
First Time Obedience
Sermon Notes
Thorough Job
Paper Doll Crafts

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