It’s important to create a little suspense and anticipation on the blog. Keep people hungry (and that’s a difficult thing during the holidays) for more.
Here’s a little clue about my new present.
Obviously this picture creates more questions than it answers:
- Tim and Kathy’s folks are a little stingy and got her a new hat and scarf for Christmas.
- Kathy’s tastes are simple and she is “thrilled, tickled, delighted and excited” about winter wear.
- Kathy needs a haircut and some time at the salon
- Tim went all out and carved Kathy a new walking stick for the holidays
Perhaps this is a better clue (this is fun, right?), the hint is not what’s IN the picture but the picture ITSELF.
Did you guess?
I know, this is killing you.
Okay, you’re bored silly and wish I would just get on with the blog and post some other cute pictures (preferably of the children).
Tim and my parents decided taking 11 thousand pictures this past year, give or take a thousand, proved I really was interested in photography. They put their heads (and cash) together and treated me to a wonderful new camera.
A fancy, schmancy new digital SLR camera by Nikon.
I picked up the “fancy, schmancy” name from Cindy who also received a new camera for Christmas. Mine is a Nikon D40X – the name alone sounds cool and impressive.
Tim got a fantastic deal and then went back and convinced the sellers to drop the price even further (he threw around the words price matching and Nutella, it’s a powerful combination).
I was totally surprised and amazed. Now I can take “real” pictures and turn this blog into something truly special.
Oh, the pressure is on now.
I am still learning about all the different settings and options. We took around 400 pictures between 1 pm Christmas day and 6 pm Wednesday. At that rate we’d hit something like 73K pictures in the upcoming year.
It’s a good thing I have one of these on hand. Nothing like a nice, little external hard drive to store your photos.
Joshua, Tim and I had a great time using the action function of the new camera to take some shots of the kids sledding this morning.
I’d love to hear from other Nikon photographers – share your comments, tips, favorite lens, books, etc. I want to learn everything!! I think I need to add the Nikon D40X field guide to my Amazon wish list.
Now to find the perfect camera bag. This one in chocolate brown by Jill*e is gorgeous but seems a wee bit pricey.
Happy shooting!
Project 365 – Day 360
Thanks, Carl, for encouraging Tim to consider this camera.
The hat and scarf were pretty cute, actually! SNOW on Christmas? Or is that ice? We’re jealous.
Well, you know that I think this is a great present! lol
You’re making me nervous. YOU already are taking pictures. Hmmm. Maybe I need to give everything to my dh, who’d probably be happy to get it up and running. (He’s been encouraging me.) Oh, but wait–he’s been vacuuming while I’ve been on the computer, I’m not sure if he has the spare time. (g)
Cool, Kathy! How do you get the nifty little captions to appear when I roll my mouse over the pictures?
Okay, I was going to guess a fun hike outdoors in your new cute hat?!! (groan – I’m with you – hiking is not my first choice of outdoor activities)
How cool is that – a new camera!!! I can’t give you any help since both my camera and telephoto lens are both Minolta…and it’s the “old school” film one. I still prefer film – thank goodness for Walmart. I love being able to just pay for the pictures that I want. However, I think Greg is ready for me to go digital as I take many pictures. (Not nearly as many as you, Kathy, but a large amount). Let me know when you figure out all your settings on your camera! I never use mine but suppose it would be nice to know how to use them….ha!!
Can’t wait to see all the new pictures – does your camera do b/w? I don’t know if that is even possible on cameras or if that is a software feature….Happy picture taking!!!
YEAH!! No wonder you were thrilled.
Ours is a Nikon D40; no X in it. I did get an extra lens, too. I can’t wait to try some outside photos. Yours are GORGEOUS! Tell me what you learn. I am so not a read the manual kind of girl. I want someone else to tell me how to do it. Tell me your favorite finds and settings.:)
That’s awesome!!! I’m so impressed!!! I want the canon rebel…I’ll probably get it for my birthday!!
Oh wow! That beats out my Kitchen Aide hands down!
Although, my hubby is pretty happy that I got a KA – of course he did buy it for me!! LOL The photos look nice & crisp – very nicely done! I have a regular SLR (Cannon EOS Rebel) so I’m no help with lenses & such. You may want to look at the New York Institute of Photography (NYIP). They do a correspondence course in photography. They have one just for digital photography. It’s pricey but also on my “want” list at some point! I’m looking forward to your photos & blogs in 2008!
YAY for the Nikon D40X!!! I got one too!!! ( although I haven’t taken as many pictures as you have already. I’m scared to take it out in the rain)
Anyway……if I learn any cool stuff about it I will let you know. I’ve been steadfastly studying the manual. Have fun!!!
GREAT PIC! We bought the new XTI (Canon Rebel) back in Nov and now I’m anxious waiting to have some time to devour the Photography book that dh got as well as some that I requested our library purchase… and I’m hoping for the $$ to take an online photo course a friend of ours is planning to take in 2008, but it’s a bit pricey so I’ll have to save up a bit.
Congratulations! I’m so glad that Tim settled for the right camera. Of course I knew instantly what the answer was when I saw the pictures on this page. Does anyone else notice the great “bokeh” in your portrait at the top (which is a very nice shot by the way)? You can’t get bokeh like that with a point and shoot.
So now I have fully analyzed every parameter of the EXIF data from the shots you have posted here. I see that you used a nice 120mm focal length on the portrait (which obviously you didn’t take) and stood back about 11 feet. The last shot of Sarah in action, using the Sports vari-program, looks great. And the color balance and saturation are perfect. And you didn’t even doctor these up with Photoshop.
Excellent Photos! Fancy schmancy alright!
Happy New Year!
GREAT photos. I have a Nikon D70….but I haven’t begun to figure out all the things it will do. My favorite lens is a 70 – 300. It’s not great to lug around the park but it is GREAT for things like moose/grizzly bears/eagles that are impressive without requiring me to sacrifice safety. ::snort:: It also great for water lilies and such down here.
Now the photos on my blog are almost exculsively from the little pocket cannon these days….but some day when I have less STUFF to carry and more time to respectfully treat the Nikon….. ::snort::
Whee. AK
Congratulations on your new camera . . . . how exciting. I am still learning how to use my new camera Canon EOS XTI . . .I found an online tutorial that has helped me learn many of the functions on the camera but I still want to take a photography class in 08 too.
Can’t wait to see more pictures taken with your new baby
Emily SHS