Mondays are always rather trying days here in our home. The weekend (whether it was busy or relaxing) is over and the push to get back to work is on. Kids are often grumpy. Mom is often grumpy. Dad is off at work (no doubt grumpy as well – although he might be cheerful just to be away from grumpy children and wife). The house, if not untidy when the day begins, rapidly falls into messiness as school and “life” carries on.
A busy life indeed. Another opportunity to refine our character and try to be more loving and kind and patient (trying to see the positive, here LOL).
Homeschooling PE is wonderful – it gives the children an opportunity to make friends, get some exercise, and be out of the house – but it does eat up some of our precious school day. For the past few years we’ve participated in the afternoon PE. This year, in an attempt to re-evaluate our schedule and eliminate non-essentials, we took the first session off from PE. It was so nice not having to rush out of the house right after lunch. I felt like a stressful burden had been lifted from my schedule. However, we did find that a streak of laziness or sedentariness (is that a word??) crept steadily into our daily living.
With five children, team sports are not really feasible (at one point in our lives we had three children playing on three different Little League baseball games — that was CRAZY!!). Homeschooling PE really does offer the best of all worlds – the children get to spend 6 weeks on some of the major sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc) learning the rules and trying their hand at the different games and, most importantly, all of the children are engaged at the same time. Sarah is too young for the program but there are other classes available at the same time for her age group. The whole family (I do my workout while the children are in their classes) are occupied and busy.
With all of that said, we are trying to put PE back into our busy life. It’s complicated with school schedules and other commitments but, I believe, worth the effort.
Another activity that eats up time but comes with great benefits, is my Moms In Touch prayer group for homeschooling moms. Another hour (plus driving and visiting time) taken away from our schooling. Argh! Thankfully Tim comes home early. Of course, most of the time I forget to start dinner ahead of time (you would think I would eventually catch on that a little planning or forethought on the Moms In Touch days would help tremendously) so the kids (and daddy) are starving and grumpy again (refer to morning grumpiness).
I am ashamed to admit how much I struggle to make it to the prayer meetings. By the time the afternoon rolls around, stopping school, leaving the house and going off to pray is about the LAST thing I want to do. I am certain some (or nearly all) of the reluctance is part of a spiritual battle. Satan does NOT want me to gather with other believers and pray for my children. By the end of the prayer time I am so GLAD that I was faithful once again and devoted an hour to prayer. I am encouraged by the prayers lifted for my children and excited to see what the Lord is going to do in their lives.
This most recent time I found the prayer meeting even more meaningful and comfortable. I think the regular prayer times Tim and I are having is making a difference in my prayer life. I feel more connected to the Lord and at ease in talking with Him. Tim and I met at least 3 or 4 times this weekend to pray together (it was one of the “busier” weekends and needed a LOT of prayer – lol). In so much as prayer is a conversation with the Lord, I am certainly getting in some “quality time” with Him.
What a privilege to be able to talk with the Lord of the Universe and know He hears me and desires me to come to Him with my praises, requests and thanksgiving.
Psalm 66: 17- 20
I cried out to him with my mouth;
his praise was on my tongue.
If I had cherished sin in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened;
but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer.
Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer
or withheld his love from me!
Daniel spent some time reading to Sarah this evening after dinner. David was invited to listen as well but couldn’t pull himself away from Tim’s Pirates game.
![sarah and daniel sarah and daniel](
![close up of d and s close up of d and s](
Later on we played a game of Puerto Rico. Rachel, David and Sarah watched a movie while the rest of us battled it out for victory. Daniel thoroughly surprised me by joining the game and learning how to play quickly, with ease. It seemed like it took me much longer to catch on to the game. Ah, the fresh mind of youth!
![game time game time](
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