We had a fairly relaxing day today. I told the children this would be the last ‘easy’ day of school for a while. Next week we will be back on track, full speed ahead and all of that. Still, it was nice to have time to linger over e-mail, research digital scrapbooking, chat with friends, and still get in a little bit of school. We did math, Bible and reading. Definitely ‘light’ school.
Tim’s parents gave me a Home Depot gift card for Christmas. It was a perfect present as I am working on creating a homeschooling wall in our dining room. A friend told me about a way to use shower board to create a large whiteboard. I found more details online and decided to try it out. Shower board runs around $13 at Home Depot (or Lowes). We had them cut off a foot so it would fit on the wall (could have cut off more). We bought some molding to go around the board but haven’t installed it yet.
Tim’s parents happened to come by just as we were putting up the board and Tim’s father helped to get it into place. Tim was thankful for the extra pair of hands and the knowledgeable wisdom from his dad who has done much carpentry over the years. Today, while I was starting our Bible reading, the older kids, one by one, gravitated to the new whiteboard. At one point all three of them were writing/drawing on it. My main purpose in adding this to our homeschool is for teaching (math problems, vocabulary words, to do lists, etc) but today it was a drawing board for the children.
A friend came over for a brief visit this morning. She mentioned her afternoon hair appointment and I decided to try and join her. I haven’t had a hair cut since July (I probably shouldn’t put that in writing). We called the salon and sure enough there was an opening. We planned to go together and have some visiting time as well. Alas, that was not to be. The hairdresser called me back and said the other stylist hadn’t shown up. Rats. Now I had this overwhelming desire to get my hair cut. Thankfully there was a cancellation for an evening spot and I could still get in today.
I wish I had taken a ‘before’ picture so I could more truly appreciate the difference. I have a photo from December which will have to do.
The kids were all very surprised with my new ‘look.’ Sarah hugged and petted me (literally) and admired it. She told me, “I know why you went to get your hair cut, it didn’t look very pretty today and you decided to go and be beautiful.” Sigh. Out of the mouths of babes and what not. David was the most shocked. He came into the room and literally stepped back a pace or two when he saw me. “Mommy, I didn’t even know that was you. I thought it was a different person.” Too funny.
I guess moms aren’t supposed to change very much.
Thankfully I am still loved, new hair cut or old. Whew!
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