Hi All! I can’t believe it’s already here!! I meant to have this post all written and ready to go right away. You know, to be at the top of the HUGE Rocks in My Dryer giveaway list. Instead, as usual, I’m behind and scrambling to catch up.
Ah, these things happen.
Mainly it was the snow.
It happened here at our house.
In western Washington.
Washington, where we usually have more rain than snow. Tim says we do things proper here and keep our snow on the mountains, where it belongs.
As promised, my giveaway is centered around two of my favorite things:
Leave a comment on whether you prefer milk or dark chocolate. The giveaway ends on Saturday, February 2nd at midnight (Pacific time). A winner will be drawn randomly on Sunday, February 3rd. US residents only.
$10 Starbucks gift card
Chocolate (in some shape of form – it’ll be a surprise)
Dark chocolate, Please.
Great fun in the snow!! Love you kids, Aunt Kate
I love dark chocolate. Thanks for offering the giveaway!
I’ve never been the first comment on anything! I’d pick dark chocolate and a skinny cinnamon dolce latte….yum…
Milk chocolate is definitely my fav. Thanks for a splendid giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway, how fun!!!!
Milk Chocolate!
My post is still not done. But I’m going through the list backwards
I like milk chocolate
oo goodie! I love starbucks AND chocolate.. I mean, who wouldn’t? any old way, by all means sign me up and I usually prefer milk chocolate :o) thanks a lot!
Coffee and Chocolate? Sign me up!!!
If I had to choose between Dark and Milk, It would be milk. Although White is my favorite….
Oh yay – I am usually a milk chocolate kinda girl, but I’ve been getting into the dark lately! I would love to win so I can get the new Starbucks travel mug that I have my eye on!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… Enter moi, please!!!
You must live where I live!!! We too, woke up to snow!!! It didn’t stop until around 9AMish here!!! How exciting! Someone out in this blog land lives close by!
I prefer Nutella, but if I can’t get that, I prefer milk chocolate. Dove’s, by preference.
How delish! My favorite is most definitely dark chocolate. I have family in Seattle and they’ve gotten more snow than us this year!
Dark chocolate! Count me in!
MMMMMMMMM…I love milk chocolate and coffee!!! Please enter me in this drawing.
Dark chocolate is yummmmyyyy. Thank You!
Coffee and Dark Chocolate are two of my favorite things!
milk chocolate. would love to win
I prefer milk chocolate. Yum!
Dark Chocolate! Mmm. And Coffee?! What a treat. Thank you.
By the way, I love the picture of the kids in the snow. Very artsy.
Oh my goodness…your kids are too stinkin’ cute!!!
I am totally loving this giveaway…chocolate and coffee…what could be better than that (besides having it on a private beach while you are reading a book?). Ha!
Count me in!!!
Thanks for the opportunity,
Melissa in Mel’s World
Milk Chocolate!
I knew this would be your giveaway! You’re pretty predictable, Kathy. But in a good way. Who doesn’t like chocolate and coffee? Dark chocolate, please!
Yum! Yum! Yuuuuummmmmmmmm!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I was going to give away the same thing, but changed my mind this morning. So I’ll have my giveaway posted tonight.
Please enter me in your drawing!
oh, these are two of my favorite things too! I prefer milk chocolate. oh YUM. i’m hungry now.
way cool, two of my favs too.
DARK…DARK…DARK… Definitely! Please include me in your drawing! Thanks!
If I was lucky enough to win I would like the dark chocolate for my hubby for Valentine’s Day. A Starbucks card would complete the gift. I might even get him some flowers too.
Two of my favorite things!
Oooh… I’m in! The darker the chocolate, the better, definitely! Can’t wait to see who wins this lovely prize!
My two favs!
Mmmm…Starbucks and milk chocolate, can’t get any better than that;0) Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!
Great giveaway!! I love Starbucks and chocolate!!
Another NW family loving the snow today!!!!!!!!
I’d love some hot coffee to sip right now as I look out the window!
Snow here in my area of Western Washington…..so pretty…hate to drive in it, though…
Enter me , please…
Please enter me – I heart Starbucks and milk chocolate! Thanks!
ooooppppps….forgot to say…
Chocolate..your choice…
Mmmm, Starbucks and dark chocolate. Yum. Please enter me in your drawing!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE dark chocolate. It is SOOO yummy.
And Starbuck’s Peppermint Mocha’s……….YUM!!!!!
Have fun in the snow. The line between where it snowed and didn’t was a mile from our house. Unfortunately it DIDN’T snow on our side of the line.
Dark chocolate … yummm !!! My mother-in-law would love the starbucks — so I would give it to her !!!!!!!!
Milk Chocolate is my favorite !!!!!!!!!!!!! Enter me too !!!!!!!!!
Ohhh! I’ve never been to Starbucks — and they just built a new one in town !!!!
Dark Chocolate is always my pick !!!!!!!!!
Love starbucks and like all chocolate!
How can you go wrong with Chocolate and Starbucks?! I love DARK chocolate, the darker the better! Thanks for sharing, and stop by my giveaway as well!
Great giveaway! Please put my name in too!
Okay, first – your family is ADORABLE! Second, we’re enjoying the snow with you (Oregon) and last – what a WONDERFUL giveaway!!
Blessings ~
Coffee and chocolate! Breakfast of champions!
Dark chocolate, please. Fun giveaway!
Dark chocolate (/w/ lots of cocoa!!!)
Definitely love dark chocolate the best. Lindt dark chocolate to be exact.
Gotta say I like the taste of milk chocolate- but because dark is better for you (so THEY say)- that’s my new favorite!
Milk chocolate–no question here:)
please enter me!
Man, it seems like our corner of the country (Boston) is always buried in snow these days! Nothin’ like some coffee and DARK chocolate to sweeten up a winter day!
Hello from another washingtonian we also got dumped on with snow today (about 4 inches) which is a lot for us haha
I like milk chocolate better although I’ve never been known to turn down chocolate of any kind. Thanks for hosting!
Oh my goodness, to think dh’s family is pretty close to you, but I find out from YOUR BLOG that it’s snowing!!!!
OOOH! I love starbucks and chocolate!
Mmm long lost sisters. I love those things too!
I’d love a chance to win some dark chocolate! Thanks! Dawn
well I certainly like milk chocolate. who doesn’t? I’m up for a contest. Count me in.
o, i’m all about the dark chocolate! count me in and thanks for participating!
Oh, randomly pick me, me, me!!!
Oh… DARK of course.
I like dark chocolate. My favorite is Ghirardelli dark chocolate squares filled with white mint. MMM delicious. I hope I win because I think chocolate and coffee go so well together!!!
Milk chocolate is my vice.
Please put my name in the hat! My email address is in my profile.
Oh, I would have to say Dark Chocolate. But I would definitely devour any kind of chocolate that I have in front of me… Dark, Milk, White… it’s all good!!!
cool. the two best things! dark chocolate is the best!
I LOVE Milk Chocolate! I would love to be included in the drawing!
Got to love gift cards! They are fantastic. Please enter me in your
giveaway drawing. Thanks,Cindi
KATHY……Can you believe the response?-! Whoa! 71 posts …..
Well, dark chocolate of course!!!
Awesome picture of Sarah and David! You are getting REALLY good!!!!
AND if we wake to snow tomorrow…..I’m coming over. Period. I’m not waiting for an invitation…isn’t that what friends are for?
ooooh, DARK!
I know dark is better for you and I tend to eat less of it – it’s more satisfying with just a little b.u.t….I LOVE milk chocolate! I’d like to win…Please pick me!
Starbucks and Dark Chocolate together in one place? I may overload! Oh the bliss!
Beautiful snow pics. I *heart* coffee and chocolate too. Whoever said “diamonds” were a girls best friend had it all wrong.
Since I’m a single chick, Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be pitiful AT ALL if I had your prize package. if it sounds like i’m buttering you up, you’re right!
What a great giveaway! Your kids are adorable
Please feel free to stop by my giveaway.
milk chocolate is my fav! thanks!
Dark chocolate please…….just in time for Valentine’s day!!
Great snow pictures! All we are getting is rain, rain, rain.
Thanks for the give away!
coffee and chocolate… doesn’t get any better than that…. well that is if there is nobody around to rub your shoulders
I enjoy treating myself to a cup of coffee at Starbucks
while my kids are at Awana’s plus add chocolate
to that who wouldn’t.
Great dual.
Talk about a great response for your treats! I am with Tim on this one, Nutella or bust! If no nutella, I would prefer milk chocolate.
Side note, for those of us who have started or are going to start a better eating plan, Starbucks is now offering sugar free chocolate. You can have your chocolate and coffee together with less calories.
Count me in. Thanks!
count me in please
Mmmm….milk chocolate, no doubt! Great giveaway, thanks!
love milk chocolate
Hi Julee and Kathy!
That would be dark chocolate…at least 70%. I already have a card so if you pick me, randomly of course, it can be charged over the computer and so easy! If you just add on a dollar I can get my sugar free chocolate at Starbuck’s as well like Julee said and it would be SO easy!
You’re taking such great pictures with your new camera, how fun. Next time we get together I’d love to see maybe a hundred pictures or so. I don’t think I can do the thousands unless you take me to Hawaii for a weekend, but a hundred would be nice.
It snowed here in Oregon too!!
Milk chocolate!!
Dark, dark chocolate!
Thanks for a chance to win! : )
milk chocolate!! YUM!
Count me in please.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I’m giving away.
Laura @ Laura Williams’ Musings
DARK CHOCOLATE! I love starbucks. What an amazing giveaway. Sigh.
We are in W. WA too. It wasn’t much or is that ‘mush’ snow?!
Milk chocolate is the best and we’ve enjoyed giving out Starbuck’s cards never done so on a blog though. Great idea!
Chocolate with caramel…any chocolate…I love Chocolate!
milk chocolate here’s hoping
Milk Chocolate. Please count me in.
Scharffen Berger Nibby Bar (62% Cacao semisweet DARK chocolate) It has small little bits of roasted cacao nibs in the bar. No better chocolate! 70% Cacao Bittersweet DARK chocolate is very nice also. — I had NO idea that you and I had so much in common, Kathy. (choc. and coffee)
Love to enter free give-a-ways! I’ll let you surprise me with the chocolate…but I love coffee with caramel flavoring in it!
Awesome! I love Starbucks! Thank you for this!
Did you say chocolate??? Milk chocolate please.
First of all, your family is beautiful!
Secondly, good job….chocolate and coffee? You’re a genius!
Ooh! Definitely dark chocolate. Count me in, yummy!
Milk chocolate, definitely!
Hi! I’ve been up all night and can’t quite think of a clever thing to say! It’s 6:44 AM and I’m going to go fall into bed. Starbucks and chocolate-dark please! I’m 60 and need all the free radicals I can get. (Ha Ha – I remember when ‘free radicals’ would be the hippies blowing bubbles in the park)
Milk chococate is my favorite. Please count me in.
Great combination!
Yumm Great combination!!! Chocolate can’t be too dark for me!
dark chocolate!
I love coffee~!
Yummy! Please sign me up. Have a wonderful day! Thank you.
Milk chocolate is the best. What an amazing way to drive comments to your blog! 111 comments is the most I have ever seen!
thank you
YUM…I love both Starbuck’s and chocolate. Thanks.
Honestly I like both… there are times when I want milk, and times when I want dark, what can I say, I just love chocolate!
Count me in! I would LOVE that!!!
Thanks so much!!!
I love dark chocolate.
I prefer dark chocolate.
Milk chocolate is my favorite! And what a cute picture of your kids in the snow!
Oh, that sounds good. Please enter me!
Yum, I love chocolate and Starbucks. I prefer milk chocolate.
I would like milk chocolate, but I’m not picky. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks so much for the great giveaway. Love Dark Chocolate. Thanks again.
sign me up – milk chocolate please!!!
I love milk chocolate and starbucks!!!!!
Milk chocolate all the way!!!!
I prefer Dark Chocolate. Yum. Yum. Might have to go find some now.
Have a great contest!
I love milk chocolate, but white is my fav:)
Dark, Dark, Dark!
Thank you for this awesome giveaway, I’d love to be entered to win.
Milk chocolate! Thank you!!
I love all chocolate! Milk…dark…white…you name it! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Milk chocolate here!
I could never say no to Starbucks AND dark chocolate!
Thank you for hosting!!
Milk chocolate please!!
milk chocolate,and starbucks what a great mix! ahdrad2932@msn.com
I prefer dark cause then I don’t have to feel so guilty for eating it all!!
I love all chocolate! Great giveaway!
Great giveaway! I’m only a fan of milk choc. Enter me, too!
I think a coffee & chocolate break sound really good!!
Milk Chocolate & Java Chip Frapp. Yummy!
count me in!!
I can never get enough of Starbucks and chocolate. Thanks for the great giveaway!!
Way to put 2 great things together!!! I love milk chocolate!
I’ve got to go for the milk chocolate…what can I say? I’m just that kind of girl!
Love me some Starbucks!
Dark chocolate, always.
There’s usually snow in western wa, although I hear that Spokane just got a record breaking amount yesterday or the day before. My folks still live in wa and I hear the news a lot. Although down here in the southwest we also just saw a little bit of snow, which was nice. I miss it.
Sign me up for your gift cards. You’re right, you can’t go wrong with coffee and chocolate.
does it get any better????
This Shelton gal is having a hard time homeschooling with the snow, too!
Mmmmmilk chocolate… mmmm
My favorite kind of giveaway! I love dark chocolate and coffee:) The background on your blog is lovely:) Thanks for a great giveaway!
I love milk chocolate! Please enter me! Chocolate and Starbucks would go so great together!
Milk chocolate – thanks!
I’ll have to call my brother and see if he got any of the snow. He lives in Poulsbo. Great giveaway. Thanks.
Love starbucks! I can never get enough white chocolate mochas.
Either oe would be great – hubby likes dark, but I like milk!
I would love some of that healthy dark chocolate!
We have a new Starbucks in the area that I’ve not been to yet. A gift card would get me there quicker!
Thanks for the fun giveaway.
Chocolate and coffee–how can I not enter this? Going to go with dark chocolate… it seems more luxurious somehow.
OK, that is a nice trick for getting people to get people to comment on your blog. I guess I need to do some kind of giveaway.
Too bad I can’t have either chocloate or coffee. Would you consider asparagus as an alternative?
Dark chocolate, without a doubt.
can you send some of that snow to me?
I love milk, my hubby loves dark.
Dark chocolate is my favorite. Thanks!
mmmmmmmmmmm! milk chocolate please!
this is fun ! thanks
Love your snow pictures too! We got snow for the first time in about 5 years where in GEORGIA, if you can believe it – and we had a blast! Such fun pictures!
Thanks for offering this awesome opportunity for the giveaway! You are very generous! Good luck to all!
Please enter me to win. Dark chocolate for me.
I prefer dark chocolate, I love the dark chocolate Milky ways the best.
Great contest! I want to win some milk chocolate!
I love dark chocolate :). Please count me in. Thanks!
Dark chocolate, please.
Milk chocolate for this mom!
Please enter me for your giveaway! Milk Choc. please
It sounds great!
Milk chocolate is my personal preference. Thanks for sharing.
I love dark chocolate!
I love Starbucks and milk chocolate. Thanks so much!
Dark chocolate is my absolute favorite. And I bet it would pair delightfully with my Starbucks favorite, vanilla iced frappucino.
milk chocolate please! awesome giveaway! please throw my name in the hat too! good luck everyone!
Milk chocolate, please!!
Woohoo! Sounds yummy!
Ohhh, I love milk chocolate, although lately I’ve started to like dark choholate if accompanied by raspberries! Wonderful gift.
Great giveaway! I’m a dark chocolate fan!
Always milk, sometimes dark
Thanks, enter me please.
I have a giveaway on my frugal blog.
Oh, milk chocolate!
Dark all the way!
I prefer dark chocolate – by a long shot! Thanks for such a fun giveaway!
P.S. That’s a great photo of your kids in the snow!
I know that dark chocolate is better for you, but I still prefer milk chocolate.
Chocolate *and* coffee?! How can you go wrong? I love dark chocolate.
Yum, Starbucks!
Yummy…chocolate and coffee! Love it, girl! I esp. love dark chocolate! Thanks so much for doing this! Have fun with that snow!
Ooooh, my two favorite things!
This is SOOO awesome!! We have snow here too. I am ready for spring. Maybe this gift card or chocolate will make the days a little quicker
Woo Hoo ! Coffee & Chocolate !! Count me in please … Milk Chocolate is my favorite
Coffee and chocolate, how can it get any better than that? Thanks for the giveaway.
Great giveaway! milk chocolate. monk5@charter.net
Please enter me! I like milk choclate best. Thank you for giving away such a nice prize.
I love milk chocolate!
Chocolate and coffee are a great combination!
I love chocolate and coffee! I like milk chocolate.
Coffee and Chocolate, can’t beat it.
Dark all the way!! Thanks
Milk chocolate.
Thanks for this great giveaway!
i love all chocolate equally and unconditionally!
Dark chocolate….I have convinced myself that it is the “healthy” kind!
Chocolate and coffee! MMMmmm! I love milk chocolate…and starbucks’ cinnamon dolce latte!
Dark chocolate, yum! Thanks for the contest!
I love Dark chocolate!
What a great giveaway! I’d love to participate!
Great giveaway -please enter me, and thanks for having this!
Recently I’ve been developing a taste for dark chocolate – so I pick that!
How fun! Please enter me! I like milk chocolate!
Milk chocolate …… thank you for the giveaway!