This morning dawned clear and cold, unusual for Washington, even in January. We’re having a cold snap — that is, it sometimes falls below freezing. I know, this is nothing compared to weather in the Midwest or Northeast, but it feels cold to us. Many people don’t have any kind of a jacket other than a raincoat, and hardly know what to do when it gets this cold. Personally, I wear a fleece sweatshirt.
One of the interesting things about our house is that it has a view of Mount Rainier. It wasn’t something that was really advertised when we bought it, but it is, after all, a mountain view. It is even more breathtaking from Daniel’s window, but you’ll have to take my word for it. Here it is:

Oh, for those who couldn’t find it in that last shot, here it is a little closer. Now if I could only get Bob to bulldoze his house …

Bob always was rude about blocking my view.
Have you ever noticed that the moon changes size? I’ve seen days when the moon seems about to crash into the earth, and then there are days when the moon seems nowhere to be found. This morning, the moon was out, but hardly more than a big planet … or so it seemed.

Look at all that big sky, and what a pathetic moon — almost full, too!
We had the opportunity to paint this evening — our church’s toddler and preschool rooms badly need renovation. A bunch of folks from our small group Bible study painted with us, but since I don’t have permission to post their pictures, I’ll just show pictures of my own children and pretend we did all the work.

David, armed and dangerous

“We were supposed to paint the radiators, right?”
Come to think of it, based on the number of spots on the carpet and the quality of the painting, perhaps we’d be better off to implicate others.

“Um, David, I think you missed a spot.
Project 366, Day 25
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