This has been a great day!
Why, then, do I feel sort of depressed and vaguely discouraged? How can I be downcast? I didn’t blog last night and I nearly skipped it again today.
Gasp! What is wrong?
I got a decent night’s sleep, woke up fairly refreshed and started right in on my day. I used my wonderful white board and made a HUGE Mama’s To Do’s. It was rather impressive and grouped into three categories:
Yeah, Right, I’m dreaming!
I had 12 things on my Priority list.
I completed every single one of them. The last one I did at 11 pm. I was bound and determined to cross it off. So it was to put away the children’s Christmas ornaments, don’t judge me! I’m doing the best I can.
The Maybe list had 7 items on it. Two of which technically should have been moved over to priority.
I did NONE of them.
Nothing, zip, zero.
Don’t even get me started on the last category.
Maybe that’s why I’m feeling a bit blue. It seems like there is so much to do but not quite enough time. As I was working in one of the children’s bedrooms, I happened to see a nice mess in two other rooms (one of which was mine). I am out of some key grocery items. I am tired and need sleep. I have two big organizational projects that need my attention but didn’t make it to the Priority list. I have some major planning I need to begin for our spring Women’s Retreat.
This is NOT helping. I need to focus on the positives and stop dwelling on the negatives. Okay, here’s just a few of the wonderful things I managed to squeeze into my day:
- I did my Bible study lesson
- I fixed a delicious French toast breakfast for my family
- I took Joshua to the Y to to see a gymnastics tournament
- I met a friend and got in an HOUR work out on the elliptical machines
- I made good choices with my eating all day
- I made Tim a healthy lunch
- I worked for over an hour in Rachel/Sarah’s room, organizing and sorting their mess
- I sent a card to a friend who had her baby yesterday
- I watched a comedy show with my family and laughed and laughed
- I hugged my kids
- I made the younger children laugh uproariously by chasing Joshua around the house (we mothers will do anything for a kiss)
- I cut Daniel’s hair
- I washed clothes, fixed meals, and swept floor
- I read my book
- I worked on finances and the budget
- I hugged my husband (twice)
Now, in a move that shows I am wise even if I am a bit melancholy, I will end this blog and get to bed before too late. I will NOT list all of the things I failed to accomplish today. I will NOT spend another hour trying to find the perfect pictures to accompany this post or 20 minutes editing. I will NOT spend another 30 minutes reading some of my favorite blogs and catching up on email.
I WILL rejoice because this is the day the Lord has made. I will be glad in it and eager to enjoy tomorrow.
I WILL feel loved and cared for by friends who are praying for me.
Because, really, blogging is a CHOICE and not a FEELING.
There’s something for you over on my blog!
Yah, I struggle with this type of confusion of priorities and not enough time too. My husband always reminds me that God dished out the same 24 hours to everyone. He knows what He wants me to accomplish during that time. If I am not accomplishing it than I’m doing one of two things: either trying to do something that He has not appointed for that particular day OR closing my ears and eyes to His plan for the day. Ouch. I hate it when my husband talks like that, but there is a truth to it.
Hi, sweet sweet katherine. PLEASE cut out blogging- if you need/want to. It’s ok!! You made it for a full year, now maybe you can skip it for a full year??
I love you and want you rested and creative for your family- who are top, not us.
I’m on your side and very proud of you. Aunt Kate
Oh my goodness Kathy….you did all of that? I read your blog after I read your email and now I must say for sure…….WOW….amazing. Give yourself a cheer. Forget about all that you didn’t do cause you DID do a whole lot. GOOD JOB. Now it’s time to give yourself permission to take a break and relax. (after all, I already gave you permission. ) :o)
You are doing AWESOME!!!! I aspire to be as discplined as you in so many areas! You are a mommy of five AND homeschool. There is so much to be done in your world. I understand that overwhelming feeling but good for you for focusing on what counts like hugs and laughs and pouring into your hubby. Would we feel better about those accomplishments if we put them on a “to do” list? You are an amazing, Godly lady, wife, mom and GREAT friend!!! Did I forget workout queen?
Thanks, Kathy.! I needed that. There really is enough time to do the things God requires of us, isn’t there?! I am glad I took the time to check your blog before I go to bed
I”m right with you – realizing I can’t get it “all” done and realizing the importance of sleep regardless. LOL I’m sick tonight. I tend to think its the new drugs coursing through my body – but that’s me – blame it on the drugs type….regardless I’m sick. Mike is gone but the kids sent me to bed and things seem to be maintaining just fine without me. And look – they brought me the laptop….hmmmm…bedrest wouldnt’ be so bad with a laptop for company. ::snort::
Sounds like you spent the day loving and caring for your family. Highly successful day, I’d say!!!
Sounds to me like you got a lot done!!!! don’t worry, you aren’t the only one who has a “to do” that never seems to get done…… I’m impressed with your priority list – and you were able to do them all! That’s an accomplishment in itself!
You amaze me with what you accomplish! I know that blue, overwhelmed funk all too well. I’m going to try making a list like you did next time I feel like that (which will probably be tomorrow morning). I loved your list; it sounded like you did a lot of IMPORTANT things.
#13. You blogged!
(Always seems to be a goofy priority of mine too, lol.)
That IS a lot that you DID get acomplished!! Stop by my blog later today…I have an award for you
Kathy, I enjoy reading an authentic blog entry, how better to be able to encourage one another if we are true and transparent as you have been. Too often we read about others lives and we feel discontent with our own lives because we don’t seem to measure up. I fear the majority of homeschool mothers do struggle in each of these areas you spoke on and yet we have one another to cheer us on and pray for us. As I told you in my email you were HEAVY on my heart, when I didn’t hear from you I was worried. I am happy you’re alright
Sunday’s sermon was about being a witness and going out into the world with POWER-AUTHORITY-HIS PRESENCE-HIS BLESSING, to share the good news to all. It was communion Sunday and I really felt the Lord impress upon my heart to apply these principles and promises to my home schooling. Too often I don’t think about having His power and authority, blessings and presence in this difficult endeavor. I feel empowered by Pastor’s words “who needs more than that”, and as I think about all the decisions that I need to make about curriculum, reading difficulties, character training and such I am going to claim His POWER,AUTHORITY,PRESENCE and BLESSING. God bless you, Martha
Oh, I just blogged about priority before I came here
A little bit different angle but still a little bit the same
Ah… I wish we can easily strike the balance!
Oh I forgot to put the link:
I have those days when i just don’t feel like blogging either. . .then when I don’t my family members from across the family start calling me and asking me what’s wrong LOL