Thank you for all the incredible prayers and comments! I am so blessed by your encouraging words.
God is good!
I got up early this morning and spent some time in the Word. Daniel joined me and we snuggled under the covers, working on our Bible study books. What an amazing treasure! I hold tight to that picture as the rest of the day seems to be filled with an awful lot of “character training” moments (ie fighting and squabbing among the children).
Don’t try to separate Daniel from this coverlet.
The rain clouds parted this afternoon and, miraculously, the sun burst on the scene. It was glorious! I immediately sent all five children outside to play (run around, ride bikes, do something other than tell me the latest misdeed your brother or sister has committed).
The sun is too much for some people. Or maybe it’s the photo crazy mother that is too much. Hmmm.
Even though I hear the rain coming down steadily now, I can see and feel the warmth of today’s sunshine in my memory.
Late in the afternoon, a friend called to chat. We were in the middle of school (ALWAYS, it seems) but I wanted to talk and it was nearly the end of the day so I snuck (sneaked?) away and had a wonderful conversation. It was just what I needed. The kids were downstairs working on the last of their school books, the sun was shining through the big windows of the upstairs bedroom, and I had an encourager on the phone.
I worked my way through the piles of mess that have been building up in the master bedroom for weeks now (maybe months). I bagged and labeled kids’ clothes, picked up toys, put away laundry, and soaked up the words of affirmation from my dear friend.
You have wonderful children.
You are working hard at school and accomplishing all sorts of things. Your standards are high and are meeting your goals
You ARE a good mom. I have heard and seen you encourage and affirm your children.
I have been in your home and I know that you and Tim are building an amazing family together.
Despite what it feels like sometime, things are not crazy and overwhelming, you are not selfish and lazy, and these times will not last forever.
Oh, it was such sweetness to my soul. Jennifer, thank you for ministering to me. Thank you for letting me vent and rant and fuss about the responsibilities of life. It was lovely talking to you, having a little bit of time away from the children and tackling the (seemingly overwhelming) mess in my room.
Not only was I blessed and encouraged, I was challenged to think about how I use my words. Do I bless other people and affirm them? Do I let God speak through me and be His loving voice? When I know a friend is hurting and the Lord prompts me to reach out, do I listen?
Sometimes the day is long and the work exhausting.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)
Thank you, again, to all of you who prayed and encouraged me! You are a true gift.
Kathy, you have blessed me in sharing that your kids were not perfect yesterday. LOL Sometimes I feel like I still have two preschoolers when every sentence begins with, “MOM!!! He/she just said __________!!!”
And I think how in the world can these children survive in the world? (Pursue law enforcement careers?)
Snuck/sneaked. I find it very interesting (because I am a nerd). Sneaked has always been proper. Snuck is new and is becoming more accepted. I’m quite sure, however, that I never heard sneaked until 2004.
How gracious of the Lord to bring you a tangible encouraging friend- while your EMF prayed at a distance.
Thanks for the verse-I wrote it down and have it here by my computer!! My Rock and my Redemer!
I love you. AK
Awesome post, Kathy! I read “my” blogs in Google Reader, and I must tell you that I always save yours for last every morning as I know it’ll be something that I can take with me through the day — encouragement or conviction or a good tip or a good laugh!
So glad to hear this…and so glad to receive your e-mail too.
God is good… he is so good to us.
Have a nice weekend
Kathy -
It seems this is a difficult time for so many. I appreciate the reminder you share to watch my words – to make them pleasing in His sight. And from this vantage point, it looks like you and Tim are very successfully raising wonderful children. Their spirits shine through brightly – even across the blog.
I agree with Kristine – your post ministers to me. I am longing for spring when the kids can be outside more often and the sun shines a bit brighter…
You took a moment to stop and enjoy the sunshine, similar to stopping to smell the roses. We could all afford to do that just a little bit more in our lives.
I’m so happy for you!
My dear friend,

It is so easy to see all that we do not do, our own shortcomings are so clear to us. You are doing just what you need, turn your eyes straight to Jesus and look hard at Him. Live each day in His strength, not yesterday which is over and not tommorrow which is still to come. He will give you what you need for today, but save what you need for tommorrow for then! I often want my grace and strength for tommorow today, so I know what is coming, but that is not how He works, is it?
We LOVE you and Tim and every one of your kids and think your family is so wonderful. You are a family that is clearly being led by the Spirit and your children ARE being brought up in the love and admonition of the Lord and it is so visible.
Ah, I miss you Kathy and wish I could come over and we could talk the afternoon away while sorting Playmobile or something. Of course we could put the kids on a project like weeding or sweeping or dishes or something too.
Be encouraged! I am making Valentines door signs for our ladies retreat this next weekend. Valentines “from” God to each of the ladies. Here is one for you.
I have loved you with an everlasting love. I am completely satisfied with you in my Son Jesus. You are accepted in My Beloved. Grace and peace are yours this day.
Your Abba