Once upon a time, two sisters began a little blog for moms. They wanted to help foster a sense of community and support for moms (and their blogs).
Out of this desire came 5 Minutes for Moms, a place where women can meet other bloggers, discover fantastic mom run home-stores, be entertained and encouraged. This week the lovely hosts of 5 Minutes for Moms are holding a little blogging party. There are already over 800 blogs linked to the party and a collection of at least 150 giveaways and prizes.
That’s quite a goodie bag.
David went to a Pirate B-day Party today. Doesn’t he look the part.
So, if you’ve dropped by to say hello, Welcome to the Duckabush Blog! We’re a Christian homeschooling family with five children – ranging in age from 5 to 14. Grab a cup of something hot and tasty and stay for a spell.
Dh and I blog together quite a bit. He’s a wee bit funnier than I am (but don’t tell him I said so). If you don’t believe me, just read his post about car troubles or life as a typical, every day, run of the mill homeschooling dad.
Please, please, don’t leave a comment about how funny or witty he is. Those kinds of notes go straight to his head and he becomes quite unbearable.
This blog is a little bit like our life – random, messy at times, challenging, and whimsical. We write about family, homeschooling, our walk with the Lord, recipes, parenting, photography, and anything else that comes to mind.
Five Duckabush Kiddos.
Coffee and Chocolate are frequent topics.
Be sure to come back and say hello again some time!
Project 366 – Day 68
Coffee,at least, is a frequent topic with me…both online and in real life. Husband blogs with me…but not with me…we each have our own blog and often bounce questions on spellings/facts at each other. Families that blog together would be neat. Enjoy the party.
Great party, so nice to meet you.
Oh I love that you and your DH blog together…. my DH is just a reader, not even a commenter the slacker!
Happy Blog Party to you and your gorgeous family!
you have one goodlooking family!!!! nice to meet you. never done the party blog before but its pretty interesting so far!
Hello from a homeschooling mom of 3. I am in love with the daffodils on your page. Gorgeous!! Stop by my party when you can.
Hey, its nice to meet you. Fun party…. I love this stuff
Happy partying
Great to know others who blog about chocolate and coffee.
Enjoyed the pictures of your kids, what a nice looking family.
Glad to know you homeschool them all.
Nice to meet you.:)
Sandy @Jesus and Dark Chocolate
Well, I think you’re funny.
I’m thinking Joshua is going to have to kneel down to be IN the photos with his siblings. What a handsome dude!! and the rest, too.
I love you and your blogs. Aunt Kate
I’m inviting you to party with me!
Win some chocolate from my-sister-in-law and I…we blog about CHOCOLATE…me from Australia…and her from Michigan. Here’s the link: http://thechocolistas.blogspot.com/2008/03/ultimate-blog-party-2008.html
What am I doing in Australia? I married an Aussie…and moved to Brisbane, leaving my family and friends and all the right-side-of-the-road drivers in America.
Win a handmade pocket place mat from my blog Comfort Joy Designs. Here’s the link:
Want to know more about life in Australia? Visit my A Cup of Joy site where I keep up with my family and friends in America. Here’s the link:
Happy Partying!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Yours is great too! Love that Pirate!
good to get to know you. Cute family. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Cant wait to read more about you all. Party on!
I too am part of Blog 365. Cute pirate! Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!
What a beautiful family you have!! How great that your Hubby blogs with you… I don’t think I could bribe my hubby to blog. LOL! Enjoy the party!
Thank you for having me here. Your photos here are beautiful. And your family . . even more beautiful. Have fun at the parties!! (Overwhelming, isn’t it?!)
Hi Kathy,
Brooke just informed me that you are participating in the Ultimate Blog Party as well! Naturally, I had to stop by your party and comment. She ‘also’ says that YOU are the ultimate blogger!
So, it does stand to reason then that the Ultimate Blogger would throw an Ultimate Blog Party!
I’m # 535 on the listing of party participants. I (my web-site actually, http://www.abundantlivingandgift.com) submitted a gift for the prize drawing. Two books, “Created to Be His Help Meet” by Debi Pearl and “The Parable of Two Builders” by Melody Carlson. The 2nd book is for wee ones.
By the way…Today is the last day that people can register (via phone to Lisa Strickland) for the Above Rubies Retreat.
Here is a couple of my favorite blog parties so far:
Happy partying and I hope you meet many nice, new friends!
PS…Maybe I’ll actually meet you in person one of these days at WNW or around.
What a great looking family! I love the idea of blogging with my husband. I want to start a blog, but I don’t feel confident to begin. Now I know what I’ll do — I’ll ask my hubby to do it with me! Thanks for the idea!
Hi! What a cute family you have! I’m giving away books at my 2 blogs:
Party On!
Hi there… nice to meet you… have a great day… party hearty… take care and don’t be a stranger… from an Aussie in the US who loves photography and travelling…
Nice page! Thanks for being part of the party!
Found a new hot drink. You take Rose jelly and add it to hot water or tea. Very nice smell like being in the mist of a rose garden. Very relaxing.
Got you a bottle for the blog party.
It’s been great visiting your blog… and “partying” with you for ’08 UBP! Thanks for hanging out … and sharing your great looking family with us. I blog mostly about my journey through the Bible this year… and whatever else He leads me to share.
I’m sorry to see this the last day of our party – but look forward to visiting again soon.
God Bless, HL
What a nice looking family. Stop by my girl empowerment blog sometime over at So Sioux Me.