It’s late and I need to go to bed. We have a lot planned for tomorrow and a good night’s sleep would be a really nice way to start the day. Hmmm. Where are all my fellow night owls to make me feel better? I know you’re out there. In fact, you’re probably online right this minute reading blogs or sitting in bed catching up on your novel. Some are playing computer games or doing laundry.
The sun was out again today. Happy day! Daniel began the campaign for a park visit early in the morning.

There’s no stopping Daniel when he’s on a mission.
“I think we should call the R’s and the K’s and go to the park with them today, Mom. What do you think?”
Me, totally distracted by math lessons, muffin baking and other sundry chores, responded with a grunt.

Caedie, Jaalah, and Sarah were eager for a game of tag.
Daniel, not in the least bit dismayed at my lack of commitment, continued on, “So how about 2:30 pm? That will give us time to finish school, right?”
Again, no confirmation from the momster.

Eli was up for a play date. Fiercely so!
Rachel chimed in with talk of exercise. “Mom, I really need to get in a workout today and the park would be just perfect.”
Next thing I knew it was mid-afternoon and Daniel was emailing one family on the kids’ computer and the other on my computer. He lined up our play dates, whipped through his school books, and hurried the family along.

David was upset that the game of tag ended abruptly and managed to prove that one can be “bored” and grumpy even on a lovely park outing.
Well, what’s a girl to do? I finalized the plans, curled my hair (still working with the new ‘do), threw some ingredients at Joshua with instructions to “Make Dinner” and zipped out the door for the park.

Christian is more reserved in his love for the park.
It’s a burden but someone had to be available to make the children get in the great outdoors.
Project 366 – Day 94
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