I’ve got fresh binders, notebooks and pens lining my shelves. I still need to buy a big box of pencils. I’m afraid we’re pencil snobs here and only use Ticonderoga no 2′s in our homeschool. They really are the best pencils – write beautifully (well, that part is questionable if you’ve seen the handwriting of a few of my students) and, better still, erase nicely.
I’ve got all our curriculum lined up and ready to go. I’ve cataloged all our books and organized them on the shelves. Two of the kids are finishing up last year’s math books so we’re all set for math. I have several more pieces of our curriculum on the way but everything is ordered and checked off my list. I’m trying something different for our language arts this year. I hope to post an actual homeschooling “this is what we use in our school” blog at some point.
Now to do the actual work of teaching these five children.
Gasp, hyperventilating just a bit.
Our homeschool co-op begins next week. I have everything pretty much ready for those classes although I got an email from one of the teachers with a supply list for Rachel and Daniel’s drawing class. I guess we’ll have a few more trips to Target to make before school officially starts.
The summer has been wonderful, glorious and full of fun, friends and relaxation. I feel incredibly blessed to enjoy the summer months with my family and even more blessed to be able to embark on another year of homeschooling.
Sorry – still no pictures. We have minimal internet right now and there is no way I could upload photos.
Good heavens! Thank goodness you’re back (even without pictures). I didn’t realize how attached I’d become to the Edgren family until there were no posts. Not even about tomatoes.
Hope your whole internet slowness malady gets better soon.
Chris (regular reader; irregular commenter) (somehow that last part doesn’t sound quite right!)
ONE day I’m sure we’ll see the pics. Love you, K
Seriously? Now I have a certain type of pens, so I can sympathize a little. But really a specific wood pencil??? Maybe if it were mechanical.
Who still even uses wood pencils
Pencil preferences: an interesting topic right there! We use Bic “mechanical” ones so we don’t need to worry about a sharpener. And our child who gets goose bumps and shivers whenever writing with a pencil has said they aren’t as shivery as traditional pencils. She needs to practice using one, though, as the PSAT people said mechanical ones aren’t allowed. Now why would that be?
I am right there with you! I only know one other person (well, now two) besides me who will only buy Ticonderoga pencils. They are the best! I never really knew pencils had a “quality” until I used these. One of the best parts, I think, is that the leads are strong. They don’t break off often at all. Some pencils break frequently, you sharpen it, the lead is already broken, you sharpen it again Etc etc. SO I hear you! I bought ours at Costco.
Are you keeping up with Dave Ramsey? How’s it going? We are in the home stretch of BS2 now. Hopefully in the next month or two. I leave to go see DR In Atlanta next week. I am volunteering so I will be able to go see him for free. And my DH and I start our DR FPU class tomorrow (Sunday).
It’s still summer vacation, isn’t it?! Are you having fun? There’s still time for swimming, playing games, eating yummy foods, making wonderful memories. Please tell me you are not only thinking about school!!
Yes, pencil brand matters!
We go through alot since all 5 of us are studying.
We have a few left from a care package someone sweet sent us, and I tend to use those for myself!
We have Horse brand here, but they cannot compare to Ticonderoga.
Kathy, I want to see a picture of your organized shelves and paperwork, mine is not organized and I feel I am not gaining any ground on it. ick.
Glad to have you back!
Happy first day of school!
Hope you get off to a great start Monday!
One of our friends from co-op only uses the Ticonderogas as well (LOL)! One of her kids wrote a very funny paper on the problems with other pencils >VBG>!