I Hate Calories

Okay, maybe it’s more fair to say I hate COUNTING calories! Harumph. It seems no matter how healthy and lean I keep my eating, those calories still add up. It’s frustrating.

oh the pain, the agony

David obviously sympathizes with me.

Still, summer is coming and I would rather not be depressed and grumpy because my clothes are tight. Let’s see, grumpy about calories or grumpy about fat? Hmmmm, What a fantastic choice.

Why is this self-discipline thing is so difficult? Does EVERY area in life require self-control?

Spiritual walk – check
Finances – check
Fitness – check
Homeschooling – check
Housework – check
Eating – check
Parenting – check

where's waldo?

Self-control alert – must not kiss that sweet face!

Each one of these categories require me to say “no” to my self-indulgent ways. I LIKE being self-indulgent. Isn’t that the whole point? Sigh. To be honest, however, I have to say I don’t care for the consequences of all that lazy living.

Spiritual walk – stagnation and sin
Finances – debt and struggles
Fitness – flab and fatigue
Homeschooling – uneducated children
Housework – messy, cluttered home
Eating – fat and poor health
Parenting – undisciplined, out of control children

So instead of eating, I will fix a cup of tea. Instead of spending money, I shall go to the library. When I want to sit back and blog all evening, I’ll see if Tim will take a walk with me. I’ll read my Bible and journal in the morning because I love God and want to know Him better. I’ll pray (desperately at times) to remain consistent in my parenting. I’ll step away from my computer during the day and diligently homeschool my children. I’ll enlist their help with the cooking and cleaning.

you can do it, Mom!

Rachel cheers me on!

And at night, I’ll fall in bed exhausted but content.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1


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Sleep Question

If you fall asleep in your super comfy, leather recliner is it a nap or part of the night’s sleep?

Does it count toward bed time if it’s close to midnight and a nap if it’s in the middle of the afternoon?

These are important questions. Help me out! Also, I’m curious to know if I’m the only one who finds herself taking a little snooze on occasion.

Let me know!

For more homeschooling related thoughts, go and check out the Ultimate Homeschool Expo, a homeschool convention completely online. What do you think? Great concept whose time has come or wacky idea from a bunch of geeky homeschoolers?


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Families – jump on the count of three

As a mother of five, I often feel pulled in many directions. Guilt is my constant companion. Am I doing enough? Is everyone getting enough of my love, attention and support? Is the laundry clean? Do the children have nutritious meals and snacks to feed and nourish their bodies? Are the younger ones learning to read, write and excel in mathematics? Are the older ones being challenged in all the areas of their schooling?

How can I possibly provide each child with all that he or she needs? Maybe I did them a great disservice by adding so many siblings to the bunch.

Just when I begin to doubt the wisdom of having a large family I hear shrieks of laughter. I look outside and see something like this.

ready, set go!

Joshua swings the rope while the kids race by.

time to jump over!

Look at Sarah fly up in the eir.

down again

And then I glimpse the joy the children have in being together. I laugh because their play is spontaneous and free, their laughter contagious. I thank God for letting me be the mother of these precious five children. I realize anew that their interactions are replete with life lessons.

How to be kind. How to share. How to deal with anger, frustration and disappointment. How to be a servant and a leader. Lessons that are invaluable and will impact each child’s future. In the business world, this kind of training costs companies thousands of dollars. And ours come free of charge. Ha!

And of course, if you are very, very blessed you end up with a big brother like Joshua.

david hugs Joshua

For a step-by-step tutorial on this interesting Photoshop technique, stop by photoshopsupport.com.

The day is nearly over and what is done (or not done) is over by now.

Project 366 – Day 117

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Co-Op Ends

Hooray – the semester (and year) of our homeschooling co-op has come to a lovely finish!! I love being a part of such an amazing group. The board members are dedicated, passionate women who love the students and believe whole-heartedly in making our co-op excellent. The other families are composed of some of our dearest friends. The kids thrive in their different classes – Rachel and Daniel both scored in the top of their spelling class. I am constantly delighted in the work the students produce for me in my classes.

sarah sips her tea daintily

We had a tea party in our kindergarten class this morning.

All of that said, I am thrilled to shed the responsibility, stress and work of another year at co-op. Whew! In the meantime, I will try hard not to think about the THREE classes I have committed to teaching next semester. There are so many fun ideas I like to explore with the kids, I have a difficult time pacing myself.

Ah, but fall is a long time away and I plan to thoroughly enjoy the spring and summer.

girls love purses at any age

What’s a party without accessories?

Tim took over 300 pictures of our Friends and Family Night where the kindergarteners graduated, the choir performed, the older three took part in a mystery play, and the parents/teachers were honored.

let's get those cap and gowns

First grade here we come!

Hopefully at least one or two of the pictures turned out.

Project 366 – Day 116

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Budgets and Blessings

Learning to save ... We’re more than three weeks into our new budget plan, and it seems to be going fairly well. With only a week left, I’m actually looking forward to the end of the month, hoping we’ll come in under our budgeted amounts in some of the categories.

We decided to wean ourselves from credit card use, with the exception of online purchases. The first time I had to fill up my car sans credit, I found myself staring stupidly at the gas pump; I didn’t know what to do. As it turns out, I’ve never bought gas with a debit card – I’ve always used credit (or cash, back in high school). Since my debit card can also work as a credit card, I have to be careful – I don’t want any surprises at the end of the month.

Kathy does almost all of the recording on our handy budget spreadsheet, whenever we spend money. “It’s kind of fun,” she claims. I can’t see how that could be, but leave it to my Kathy to find a positive angle. “It is cool to get control over our finances,” Kathy insists.

Kathy and I are in full agreement ...

Personally, I don’t see much fun in it. I chafe under the restriction of the budget, a lot more often and a lot more sharply than I thought I would. Kathy hoards her grocery and household money, but I don’t really have any category that I can manage except for “Tim’s Unaccountable”, which is my monthly cash allowance. So many of our expenses are fixed or outside our immediate control … it makes me sad.

these money issues are killing me

Daniel can’t handle the stress of the new budget.

One of the factors which made it scary and difficult for us to start this budget plan was a series of unexpected expenses that threatened to overwhelm us. It has been interesting to see how God is dealing with that, especially since we were nearly deterred from our budget plan altogether. As I constantly remind myself, “without faith, it is impossible to please God.” How foolish we would be if we let our fears rule our hearts, instead of trusting in our Father, who loves us.

Expense Expected Cost Actual Cost
Kathy’s Root Canal $1200 $274
Tim’s Implant $1800 $1280
Lawn Mower $175 $155
New Roof $11,000 Still unknown, but there seems hope that a cheaper alternative may emerge.
Brakes for Kathy’s car $600 Deferred until May
Homeschooling Materials $600 Deferred

I'd love to put a metal roof on our house ...
Not our actual roof …

Since we started budgeting, we’ve had an influx of cash and the promise of cash. First, our income tax refund was larger than anticipated and arrived much earlier than expected. Next, we found that we’ll qualify for the maximum stimulus tax rebate, to be paid out in the third week of May. Out of the blue, I received a letter from my uncle, informing me of a small inheritance from my grandmother’s estate, likely to be disbursed some time this Spring. Finally, just today I received notification of my company’s quarterly bonus (it usually amounts to a week’s extra pay) to be paid out in early May.

David is swimming in big bucks

In the tub there are no worries.

It is good to be reminded how much God loves us and cares for us. While I don’t expect God to open the windows of heaven every month, it is comforting to see that God is master of the “just in time” inventory philosophy. We’ve been able to meet our immediate needs and to begin to save toward a new roof, something I thought for sure would place us further into debt.

Windows of Heaven
Not that we’d mind having the windows of heaven open every month …

I don’t really have any excuse for being fearful about money. God has taken good care of our family, time and time again. I’m a little embarrassed to have to learn this lesson all over again.

Paying off the debt ... I’m planning, if I can find the time, to create a sidebar graphic that will display our progress, month over month, in reducing our debt. I’m not going to post how much we owe, but I think I’ll show the percentage reduced, so you can encourage us, hold us accountable, and perhaps be encouraged in turn. We’re in this for the long haul this time, unlike previous flash-in-the-pan budgetary attempts. I’m hereby publicly committing to a minimum of six months of sticking to our budget. I know that may seem pretty lame to some, but for Kathy and me, it is a big commitment, so please bear with us.

Thank you to the many readers who commented on the last two money-related blog entries – we have been blessed and delighted with the quality and quantity of godly advice and encouragement many of you have offered.

Project 366 – Day 115

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