Chef Joshua

This year Joshua took a class at our homeschool co-op entitled For Boys Only. They have studied finances, banking, insurance, renting policies, and COOKING.

come for dinner

This evening our family was the grateful recipients of Joshua’s final project.

Dinner for Seven hosted by Joshua

Chicken Bake Appetizers
Fresh Veggie Crudities
Yogurt Fruit Salad
Homemade Rolls (Mesa Manna recipe)
Juice Spritzer Punch
Baked Potatoes w/sour cream, shredded cheese, and turkey bacon
Steamed Broccoli
Salad w/toppings
Grilled Steaks
Layered pudding dessert as the finale

drinks anyone?

Joshua worked for hours preparing the meal. He planned the menu, organized the recipes, and did the shopping. He even used existing groceries rather than spend too much at the store. It was truly a culinary gift to the whole family. He set the table in fine style and helped (through his exhaustion) with the clean up.


I’ll have to share his chicken bake and layered pudding recipes because they were quite the hit with the family.

hooray for Joshua

Thank you, Joshua, for the amazing meal.

Project 366 – Day 107

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WFMW – Kids Clean then Craft


I believe you should put your children to work.

But first they should dress up.

As everyone knows, mundane chores, like vacuuming and cleaning, require proper attire. A hat if possible.

let's dress up

Sarah is quite the stylish girl.

vacuum time

After sweeping, vacuuming and tidying, it’s time to invite friends over and for an afternoon of crafts. I am NOT an artistic person so when I find friends who are creative, I try to exploit cultivate them.

crafting girls

“Would you like to come over for a visit?” I ask innocently. When they agree, I casually suggest we let the kids do a craft together. “Wouldn’t that be fun,” I say with a smile.

“Oh and could you design the craft, bring the supplies and oversee the project? I’ll provide the house.”

play doh is good enough for him

Christian joined us for play time.

Thankfully I have compassionate friends who take pity on my craftlessness.

bath salts and star boxes

Emma and Sarah show off their bath salts and painted star boxes.

A clean house and some fun crafts Works for Me! Stop by Rocks in My Dryer for other fun ideas.

I can’t believe the Tim and I have written 30 Works for Me Wednesday posts. Wow! We’re obviously incredibly helpful bloggers full of great ideas. Ha! And humble too.

Project 366 – Day 106

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Birthdays on a Budget

This whole budget thing is rather strange. Or perhaps it’s just the actual sticking to the budget that I find unusual.

Daniel’s birthday is this week so Tim and I went shopping this evening. We picked up Rachel at the YMCA on our way and brought her with us. We looked at all sorts of things and ended up purchasing some secret items. I can’t go into detail on the blog, of course, as Daniel is a loyal reader and his birthday surprises would be ruined.

Let sleeping boys lie ...
Daniel rests up in preparation for his birthday …

I will say that it was incredibly difficult staying within our budgeted amount. We are used to buying one substantial gift and then probably 5 to 8 additional presents. We are indulgent parents in this area. Or at least we used to be. Now we are financially wise and responsible parents.


Knowing how many toys are strewn about the house, shoved into corners and neglected, keeps me from being too sad. Our house is bursting at the seams with fun in all shapes and sizes. The children do not NEED additional toys. They enjoy variety and fresh entertainment, but they don’t need it at the cost of credit card debt.

Dan without a tan

Daniel, we love you so much! You are a wonderful boy, growing into a sweet young man. I’m sorry we have been so financially irresponsible over the years and modeled poor behavior to you and your siblings. We are excited about your birthday and eager to celebrate with you. Our love for you will NOT be measured in how much money we spend or how many toys we buy. Our love is priceless and immeasurable, there are not enough presents in the world to demonstrate our joy in being your parents.

Happy Birthday Week!!


P.S. How do you all plan birthdays on a budget? I have Joshua running the party itself and the siblings sharing in the present exchange, but I would LOVE some additional ideas.

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Home From the Retreat

Wasn’t Tim wonderful to take all those gorgeous pictures and post a blog while I was gone! Thank you, love!

One of my friends asked me if I was going through blog withdrawal during the retreat.

“Are you okay?” she asked? “Do you need to find some wireless connectivity somewhere and get your bloggy fix?”

People are so kind, looking out for my addictions. Thankfully blogging is still a legal. Although my fingers twitched several times and I may have said something like “this would be a great blog” oh three or four times, I actually was fine not blogging. I knew Tim was home keeping the blogging fires burning.

the Amazing Race

The retreat was wonderful. It was nearly perfect in every way. I was incredibly blessed by the entire experience – the speaker, the lovely accommodations, the godly women and great fellowship, the little details that made the retreat special and so much more.

I hardly took a single picture – see how I have fallen – but the retreat photographer is in my small group and I plan to steal her camera data card as soon as possible. Our theme was the Amazing Race and we used the map of the world to “point” us to the giveaway table. It was so invigorating to work with such creative women.

Coming Soon:

Planning a Women’s Retreat

My dear friend, Nancy, has written a detailed post on how to plan a women’s retreat. Look for it some time this week.


I hope you had a good weekend. The weather here in western WA was incredible on Saturday and it’s stirred up in me a serious hunger for summer weather.


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Blue Skies and Runny Noses

Two days of gorgeous weather here, sunshine and warm temperatures abound. Rachel claims that it was 80 degrees today at one of the parades in which she performed.

It was a beautiful day. We worked outside on our ‘castle’, and had time to play with the hose and a make-shift slip ‘n slide. We ate leftover pizza for lunch and stew for supper, thanks to Kathy who prepared meals for us before she gleefully ran off to attend the annual women’s retreat with ladies from our church. The kids played several elaborate games; their latest is a game called ‘Mousetrap’ involving a large rope tied on one end and twirled like a jump-rope (presumably by the ‘cat’).

Daniel amazed us all with his mouse-like agility.

Joshua kicked the weekend off in his own unique style by mowing the lawn with our new mower. He was deep in The Count of Monte Cristo and decided to mow both front and back lawns on Friday so he could devote his Saturday to more single-minded reading. I recently assigned him six books to read before he is allowed to re-read Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, so he is burning through them as quickly as he can.

Lawn-boy, hard at work
Kathy and I agreed to use part of our tax refund to buy a new mower. Joshua put it through its paces.

We had a good day. I bought the wrong length 2′x4′ studs on Friday, so we had to go back to Lowe’s for more wood — then I had the wrong size nuts for my bolts, so back to Ace Hardware I went again. Still, we managed to get a couple of walls up on the ‘castle’, much to David’s excitement.

Measure once, cut three or four times ...
How does that saying go: “Measure once, cut three or four times … ?”

“You’re almost done with it,” he exclaimed. Seven-year-olds aren’t very hard to please, when it comes to construction.

Hose Coward
David had no shame when it came to avoiding Joshua and the hose …

The ‘castle’ is quite a bit taller than we expected — almost gangly, if you can use that word to describe a small building. I plan to put in a floor at about 6′ and use the top part for battlements, at least until we can put a roof over it. Let’s hope we don’t get any serious wind before it is more stable, or we’ll end up with a lot of scrap lumber and not much else. We haven’t yet decided how to decorate the outside — maybe we could paint boards to look like stone?

Grow, seedlings, grow!
Daniel and I are very proud of our tomato seedlings.

We even brought our tomato plants out for the afternoon, so they could become ‘hardened’ to the wind and sun. They seemed to like it, although several of our little seedlings drooped a bit until we perked them up with a good watering.

Tomato Awe
David and Sarah can’t wait for their seedling tray to sprout (it’s still under my bed, germinating).

Toward the middle of the afternoon, I began feeling my allergies in earnest. This has been a pretty gentle season for me so far — I’ve been able to stay on top of it ever since allergy season started (for me, in late February). Tonight, though, I’m runny-nosed and bleary-eyed and I’ve already taken my whole day’s allotment of Allegra (and then some). It may be a long night.

Slip 'N Slide
You’d think it was Summer, the way these kids carried on in their bathing suits!

Rachel spent the day performing in four Daffodil Parades in the area with the Drill Team from our HOPE homeschooling co-op. Their costume involved jackets and black clothing, so she was pretty hot. They went out for pizza afterward, so we weren’t able to retrieve our sweet Rachel until 9 pm, which is why she is conspicuously missing from these photos.

Castle Heroes
“Pose heroically,” I told ‘em, so they did.

Project 366, Day 103

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