TV Shows I Have Never Watched

I hear American Idol opened with a song about Jesus this week. Is that true? Wow.

I have never seen American Idol. Ever. Isn’t that strange. Is it a favorite at your home? I have lots of friends who love it and gather with their family to watch each week.

Come to think of it, we’ve never seen Lost, Survivor (any variety), Amazing Race, 24 or CSI either.

Of course, that’s not really surprising since we don’t have a tv (other than one for movie viewing), but it does make me think about main stream culture and how much conversation revolves around the current tv shows.


Nowadays you can rent or buy an entire season of your favorite tv show. I’m so far behind with some of these long running series that I don’t know that I can catch up. By the time I finally watch Lost or 24 there won’t be anyone left to talk with. Everyone will be on to the new latest and greatest and I’ll be forced to hit old blogs and tv forums to discuss the plot intrigues.

What about you? Are you a tv watching family? Do you have favorite shows you can’t wait to see every week (when there isn’t a writer’s strike, of course)?

Do you catch them “live,” use TiVo or buy them on DVD?

If you buy, what tv shows do you own?

We have lots of old ones – Gilligan’s Island, The Andy Griffith Show, Bonanza. As well as some newer ones – Monk and Alias.

Why do you think tv is such a major source of conversation? Are we connected, as a society, through our common tv viewing?

I’d love to hear from you. Tim and I have absolutely no resistance to the television. The only way we are able to maintain any balance regarding tv is to just forgo it all together. We pretty much made the decision, as newlyweds, not to have tv in the home. We fight over the remote at hotels, however. It’s not pretty.

I took pictures today (okay, Rachel took them) but I only got 4 hours of sleep last night and I MUST get some more tonight. Loading pictures takes time!

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Project 365 Failure

Now, now, now, failure is a strong word, Kathy. Besides, technically 2008 has 366 days so you would be a Project 366 Failure.


My Little Princess

One of my most willing photography models.

Last year, when I set out on my ambitious Project 365, I worked hard to take a picture every day. I didn’t post a blog for each day of the year (only made 263) but I TOOK a picture daily. And I have the external hard drive to prove it. Gotta store those digital images somewhere.

This year. No consistency. No perseverance or stick-to-it-ness. Just a mess of random shots. Several times night has arrived without me capturing a single image on film.

david and sarah

The Princess and the Hood

If that’s not a wretched failure I don’t know what is. And yesterday I didn’t even post a blog. On the Works for Me Wednesday site I linked to an old blog I wrote about our homemade whiteboard.

recycling bin

When you don’t have a tree fort or play house, you have to be creative in finding play areas.

There are times when a homeschooling mom of five has to take short cuts. The month of the church’s big women’s retreat is one of those times. Meetings every week, hours of computer work to slog through, decisions to make and amidst it all, children to educate, feed and raise. Yikes!

I think Mom’s Stressed Out Week is going to be renamed “Spring Break” and we’ll all just move on. Sounds like a feasible plan to me, especially since it’s nearing the end of the week and we haven’t completed a full day of school yet. Eeek!

please may I come out?

Daniel’s cozy new abode.

I’ll be the one in the back fighting to keep my eyes open and NOT feeling guilty about my pathetic Project 366.


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Sleepless in Seattle

When Kathy organized the 5 for $5 contest earlier this year, I decided to sign up (even though I was the only person of male persuasion to do so). I knew there wasn’t a chance I would win, but I wanted to motivate myself, and I figured it would placate Kathy. Now that she has kept her weight off for more than two years, she casts an appraising eye on me, with a physical makeover in mind.

“How’re those push-ups and sit-ups coming along,” she’ll ask, pretending to be subtle. “What are you going to do to get some kind of cardio workout?”

Power Nap
Not my actual power nap strategy.

I bite back a sarcastic retort and smile ambiguously, avoiding eye contact. “I’ll figure something out,” I mumble vaguely. Whenever Kathy begins to be satisfied with her weight, she pays more attention to mine. “Maybe we need more magazines around here with unattainable, waif-like female bodies on the cover,” I muse to myself. (Sometimes when I’m musing, I’m not very kind.)

Anyway, the point of the 5 for $5 contest was to come up with five health-related goals that you could measure and track over a five-week period, with a maximum of 100 points each week. I came up with four pretty easily, but I couldn’t seem to think of the fifth. Then I remembered a recent study I heard about where they tracked sleep patterns of two groups, and found that those who slept at least 7 hours a night were more likely to lose weight than those who slept less than that. So I set my fifth goal such that I would try to get 7 hours of sleep at least four days a week.

Sleepy Giraffe
Have you ever seen a giraffe asleep? I haven’t. Maybe this giraffe is dead?

It is surprisingly difficult to get that much sleep in this season of my life. I have to get up pretty early most days, either because of my commute or in order to meet with ‘my boys’ for prayer before work. I’m a night-owl by nature, and there always seems to be one more thing I want to do before I sleep. Because of my involvement at church, evening meetings are not uncommon. From time to time I do some side-work, much of it volunteer labor for non-profit organizations. I try to spend time with my wife and my five children each day, and I do like to play a half-hour chip’s worth of computer gaming whenever I can fit it in. And then there’s writing blog entries whenever Kathy comes up empty. There just don’t seem to be quite enough hours in the day, and so I cut it out of sleep time, more often than not. To compound the problem further, during allergy season (late February to early May, for me) I don’t sleep very well and often wake up in the middle of the night, sneezing and congested.

Monday came too early
This could have been me on the train this morning.

Some people get by on less than six hours of sleep a night, while others need at least eight. One friend of mine routinely sleeps less than four hours a night, and I know several who view sleep as an enemy to be vanquished or avoided. People vary, but nearly everyone I know complains of being tired, especially on Mondays. I find that when I’m tired, my view of life darkens and narrows considerably, yet I’m unwilling to give up many of the things that vie for my time.

Don't wake me 'til at least 10 am.
I thought about posting pictures of myself asleep, but the logistics were kinda tricky, so I settled on sleepy animals.

Scripture seems a bit divided on this topic. On the one hand, sleep is portrayed as an enemy to financial security:

”How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest-
and poverty will come on you like a bandit
and scarcity like an armed man.” – Proverbs 6:9-11

Yet on the other hand, even God rested when He had completed His work, creating the world. And Christians are encouraged to look forward to their eternal “Sabbath rest”. As I get older, the idea of eternity as ‘rest’ begins to seem a lot more attractive to me.

”There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.” — Hebrews 4:9-11

Polar exhaustion
We have a bear like this at our local zoo …

So I’ll take an informal comment-poll: What is your philosophical view of sleep? Is it important for your health, or is it a necessary evil? How much sleep do you get, and what steps do you take to improve your chances of getting enough sleep?


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Advent Sugar Daddy

Some families celebrate Advent as they look forward to Christmas, but our family has always been a little, well, different. Today I took my two girls out for an ice cream cone, in honor of Advent.

It is true that Easter came pretty early this year, but I think we still have a little time before the Christmas season is upon us. I’d hate to miss the summer, for starters.

Down to the cone
We were so busy eating, that I didn’t remember to use the camera until the ice cream was almost gone.

No, we were celebrating last Advent, in our inimitable style and tendency to procrastinate. As Kathy mentioned in her Advent Calendar post, each year we offer daily prizes to the kids in daily Advent calendars. One of the prizes they particularly appreciated was a small slip of paper, inscribed with these fateful words:

A Special McDonald’s Outing with Daddy

I found it amusing that the scraps of paper bore Kathy’s handwriting, and that she hadn’t bothered to check with me before she volunteered my services as a prize. Sometimes she panics when she doesn’t have quite enough little prizes for all five of the children, times 25 days.

Truth be told, I absolutely love Christmas, and I greatly enjoy foraging for ice cream with my kids, so it wasn’t much of an imposition. :)

Rachel enjoys a Sugar Day
Rachel has been very faithful on her 5 for $5 goals, avoiding sugar six days a week. But this was the seventh day, and she rested.

The boys redeemed their coupons pretty early-on, but Rachel and Sarah hoarded theirs. Thus the Advent celebration while April showers and flowers abound. I bought the ice cream and we sat companionably, licking the sides of the generous cones to prevent unsightly drippage.

Girl time over cones
Sarah positively adores her older sister, and with good reason — Rachel is very good to her.

After we finished our cones, Sarah wanted to explore the Playland structure, while Rachel and I looked on, swapping memories. “I remember,” Rachel sighed in reminiscence, “when Sarah was too scared to climb above the second level … and now look at her!”

Indeed, time flies. I remember when Rachel was too small to climb above the first level, and it seems like only yesterday. I am greatly privileged to be the Daddy of such delightful young ladies, and I’m intent on savoring as many moments as I can, before I look around and they’re off “on whatever adventure Aslan brings them”, as C.S. Lewis would say.

Sarah behind bars
Sarah, a true child of the blog, is always willing to pose for the camera.

On the way home, we stopped off at Wal-Mart to buy another one of those cool Jiffy Seedling mini-greenhouses that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. This time, in honor of my girls, we bought flower seeds.

Project 366, Day 97

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Scooters in Flash

Photography is a work of art. The more I learn of its nuances, the more I realize there is to discover.

Take this picture, for example. Do you like it without the flash:

Sarah, David and Rachel

Or with the flash:

them again?

Both pictures are sharp, decent quality featuring cute children. Does it come down to opinion or is there a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in photography? Our local community center offers a course on photography for beginners. Now that we are on The Budget, we both agree there isn’t room for extras photography classes. Maybe another day.

Look closely and chime in, which picture do you prefer?


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