
No More Bloggy Hiatus

It’s time to resume writing. Surely the blog-drought has gone on long enough. This morning one of my children snuggled into my comfy computer chair, pulled up the blog website and looked at me sadly,

Still no blog, Mom?” There was a mixture of pity and worry written on his face.

“I know, I know,” I retorted just a wee bit sharply, “I didn’t do the dishes last night either, you wanna talk about that as well?”

internet cafe

This was the extent of our internet while out of town, stealing wireless connection from the neighbors.

There’s nothing quite like a frantic mother of five trying to get to homeschool co-op on time, early in the morning. A co-op in which she’s teaching three classes AND giving the opening announcements. Today was a typical example of the harried, over-committed homeschooling family. I rushed around barking out helpful comments:

Does everyone have a lunch made?
What about art supplies, pencils, notebooks?
Backpacks? Mom’s lunch? Can somebody fix me a quick salad?
I NEED coffee, make-up and a hair dryer!!

Coffee first!

The kids stumbled over one another trying to make sandwiches, find lunch bags, sharpen pencils, and load everything into the car. Joshua (who rose at the crack of dawn and was smugly finished with all of his preparations) now loomed menacingly, threatening anyone who causes us to be late.

That would usually be me.

“Joshua, can I please just dry my hair really quick before we go?” I found myself pleading. “Listen, I’ll finish my make-up in the van (at stop lights only, of course) if you’ll pour my coffee and give me two minutes to do my hair.”

There’s nothing like bargaining with a teenager for a few precious minutes of personal grooming to keep you humble. Today I tried to even the scales a little by requiring him to heat and froth my milk before he adds it to the coffee.

Just to be sure he knows who’s boss.

sure, Mom, whatever you say

Finally, everything was loaded into the van, children were clothed (always a good thing), lunches assembled and packed, my assortment of media equipment was carefully organized, and at least TWO mugs of coffee filled the drink holders: we were ready to set off.

“Um, kids,” I began in a wheedling voice as we pulled out of the driveway, wincing just a little at what was coming. “I need to make one quick stop on the way. Before you say anything,” I rushed on, “I think I can get everything at the drug store (on the way) rather than making a side trip to Target.”

By now his face was grimly set and Joshua was resigned to his fate.

“Hey, you can come in with me and help me pick out the candy,” I offered, trying to soften the blow.

“Okay,” he agreed, “but only because it means I can shove you along keep you from lingering.”

It’s so hard to get any respect around here as a slow moving, non morning person.

Side Note: Even with all that preparation (the children weren’t the only early risers today, I got up at 6:15 am myself), Tim still had to come by the co-op and bring me some things I forgot. How nice that he works from home on Fridays.

bowling anyone?

Maybe they should offer bowling at co-op.


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School Starts Soon

I’ve got fresh binders, notebooks and pens lining my shelves. I still need to buy a big box of pencils. I’m afraid we’re pencil snobs here and only use Ticonderoga no 2′s in our homeschool. They really are the best pencils – write beautifully (well, that part is questionable if you’ve seen the handwriting of a few of my students) and, better still, erase nicely.

I’ve got all our curriculum lined up and ready to go. I’ve cataloged all our books and organized them on the shelves. Two of the kids are finishing up last year’s math books so we’re all set for math. I have several more pieces of our curriculum on the way but everything is ordered and checked off my list. I’m trying something different for our language arts this year. I hope to post an actual homeschooling “this is what we use in our school” blog at some point.

Now to do the actual work of teaching these five children.

Gasp, hyperventilating just a bit.

Our homeschool co-op begins next week. I have everything pretty much ready for those classes although I got an email from one of the teachers with a supply list for Rachel and Daniel’s drawing class. I guess we’ll have a few more trips to Target to make before school officially starts.

The summer has been wonderful, glorious and full of fun, friends and relaxation. I feel incredibly blessed to enjoy the summer months with my family and even more blessed to be able to embark on another year of homeschooling.


Sorry – still no pictures. We have minimal internet right now and there is no way I could upload photos.

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Seattle Mom’s Day Out

It’s not that I don’t want to blog. I love blogging. I’m just not sure how to fit blogging in to the mess that is my life. I mean the mess that is my kitchen and dining room. The older kids are off at a youth group retreat so I can’t blame them for the untidy piles of who knows what littering my house. The younger two are spending the night at a friend’s house. Again, no blame to lay there.

Rats. I guess it’s pretty much my mess. And here I thought I was really an amazing housekeeper underneath all the responsibilities of being a mom and homeschooling teacher.

Time for Breakfast

A bunch of homeschooling moms hit Seattle for breakfast.

I’ve been spending this week frantically trying to gather all my homeschool materials. How is it possible that I placed a huge Sonlight order and somehow forgot to buy the instructor’s guide for Daniel and Rachel? Argh! This year is going to be incredibly intense as Joshua begins high school and Rachel middle school. I suppose the rest of the kids need to be educated as well.

I’m not panicking. No, I’m not. Ignore the slight twitch in my left eye.

Did I mention we’re also spending time with my family from Michigan next week? Yikes. Oh, and three days after the family visit our homeschool co-op starts. Three days. So I’m just a wee bit stressed as I run from laundry to homeschool books to the computer (what else did I forget to order?) to co-op meetings, and somewhere in the mix get ready to see my parents.

Now I’ve got a twitch going in both eyes.

Thankfully I’m an extreme optimist. I work great under pressure, ignore the need for sleep, and thrive on coffee and looming deadlines. You can see why I couldn’t cancel my Mom’s Day Out, planned months ago, even though it fell on probably one of the busiest weeks in the entire summer.

How could I resist the opportunity to spend an entire day in Seattle with five other homeschooling moms? Great food, shopping and encouraging conversation. And, of course, there isn’t anything like a sunny day at Pike’s Place with the mountain off in the distance and bargains to be found.

time for dinner

Our Moroccan dinner – the belly dancer just left the scene.

Maybe if I close my eyes all of this work will just go away. Are the rest of you homeschoolers ready? When do you start school? Are you excited for the fall and new beginnings or fighting the end of summer with everything in you? :)

Kathy – off to tackle one more pile of books before bed.

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Summer of the Heart

This time of year is always sort of bittersweet for me. August and September are the most beautiful months in our part of the world, and there is still some time before Summer is over. Our Fall schedule of home-schooling, Co-op, Physical Education at the YMCA, and various church activities doesn’t usually start until the middle of September, and so we have a few weeks left to cherish.

But already the seasons are turning, and the days are shorter. It is now dark at 9 pm, and today roughly marks the 1/3 point from the summer to the winter solstice. “Where did Summer go?” I ask myself plaintively.

let's go to the river

A visit to the water is always a treat.

I feverishly try to recount the sunny days in my head. True, we’ve had some hot weather, and quite a bit of sunshine, but there’s been a fair bit of rain mixed in, too. This week we’ve had cool temperatures, clouds and rain; it feels like Fall.

It is hard not to panic. “Wait!” Kathy and I cry. “We didn’t get our fair share of golden warmth! Kathy can’t face another gloomy Seattle winter without storing up some heat!” Indeed, most of my tomatoes haven’t even ripened, a sure barometer of an insufficiently-warm summer (or possibly a deficient gardener).

I take a deep breath, and reflect.

don't worry daddy

Silly Daddy, it’s okay.

One of the things I like best about being adopted into God’s family and a follower of Christ is that I don’t have to worry about being ‘out of time’. To the extent that I submit myself to the will of Jesus, I am never too late and never too early, I never miss an opportunity and I can always trust that everything will be done in its proper time. I am, after all, immortal, thanks to the gift of eternal life through faith in God’s Son.

let me grab a rock

What boy doesn’t love finding (and throwing) the perfect rock?

Of course, I don’t always subordinate myself to the will of my God, which is another problem altogether.

Still, I have a master who knows when the smallest sparrow falls, and He loves me and cares about every detail of my life. If He allows this Summer to pass quickly, then I can exercise my faith and believe that He has His purpose, and I can submit cheerfully to it, without feeling cheated or cut short.

New Jerusalem
Not the actual New Jerusalem.

I hug to my heart the promise of golden summers of Eternity, as the light from the Throne blazes out across the river, illuminating the twelve Trees of Life and their fruit, always in season:

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever. The angel said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place. — Revelation 22:1-6


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