Where has the week gone? Tim has been fighting a cough since last Saturday, so he’s definitely not feeling well. He pretty much put all his energy into his job and then AWANA on Wednesday night. The rest of the time he slept or relaxed (movies and computer games feature prominently during these times – neither require conversation. Ha).
I managed to pass the time this week with the usual demands of life – homeschooling, housework, prayer and coffee with some special friends, errands, Bible study, homeschool co-op. Nothing terribly unusual or noteworthy.
The children also enjoyed a fairly normal week – work at Black Bear for Rachel, lots of school for everyone, various homework assignments, papers and tests, AWANA, co-op, workouts at the fitness center, the occasional Ultimate Frisbee game, sleepovers. Again, nothing unusual.
In the midst of it all, I began to wonder if we realize what a blessing it is that this is our normal. That we live in a FREE country. That we can get together with friends and pray in the middle of Starbucks. That we are able to school at home. That Tim telecommutes several days a week and is home with us the rest of the time. That we can Skype friends and family 1000′s of miles away. That we go to a church that preaches from the Bible. That we have every store/market we could want within 25 minutes of our house. That our pantry, cupboards, closets and dresser drawers are full, and we want for so little.

Friends since they were preschoolers – Daniel is saving for a trip to visit Zach in Thailand this summer.
And so much more.
I am humbled.
I am embarrassed at my petty grumblings.
I am ashamed at how I take the extravagant riches of my “normal life” for granted.
And once I again I am reminded that everything I have is from the Lord – my gifts, talents, possessions, my children, my husband, my very life and breath.
And I open my hands before Him. Hands that hold tightly to “things” and are quick to make idols of them.
And I breathe out a sacred prayer and pledge to be a good and faithful steward of all of these treasures and talents. I surrender (once again) my life and all that it entails to the One from whom every good and perfect gift comes.

God’s Word is like a sword – it pierces me with its truth and conviction.
Sadly, it is amazing how easily it is to take our wonderful life full of blessings for granted. Thank you.:(
Thank you for reminding me of all our blessings=)
Good to stop and think how blessed we are in our “normal life.” Thanks for sharing.