Power Outage

High winds swept through our area today, and we lost power around 6 pm. 

So I went shopping, and Kathy took David and Sarah to a school concert, while Daniel stayed home in the dark, staring sadly at his blank computer screen.

When I eventually returned home, I found the house blazing with at least 20 candles, and the family huddled around the kitchen table, playing games. 


Daniel had to check one of the more obscure Munchkin rules ...

“Finally, we are a family,” Sarah announced firmly.

Who knew it needed a power outage and some games to transform us!

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3 thoughts on “Power Outage”

  1. …Does that mean that we were not a family for my entire childhood? Dang it! What were we?

    Feel free to keep the board games and candles out when Rachel and I come home tomorrow. The power outage is optional.

    1. Yes, you can imagine my surprise, as well. Apparently, for the duration of your entire childhood, we were a loosely-affiliated collection of individuals MASQUERADING as a family. Who knew?

      Looking forward to your (presumably triumphant?) return tomorrow!

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