Workout Time

Daniel has definitely led the way this year in making goals. He’s got a great collection of spiritual, physical and personal goals. One of them includes working out. He borrowed a set of dvds from a church friend and has been faithfully following them each day.

Daniel sits at his desk next to David & Sarah.

Daniel sits at his desk next to David & Sarah.

Rachel and Joshua prefer running/jogging/swimming as their exercise of choice. They are also great examples. Rachel logged between 175 and 200 miles of running this past year (my hero!!).

Last moment with Rachel at the airport

Last moment with Rachel at the airport

Finally David, Sarah and I couldn’t stand it any longer. We had to give T25 a try. The wonderful thing about this program by Shaun T is that you complete your entire workout in TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES! Okay, even a busy homeschooling mama like myself can find 25 minutes in the day for a little exercise.

A nice walk in the cool misty WA air after our workout.

A nice walk in the cool misty WA air after our workout.

David works hard!

David works hard!

Sarah is more reluctant about this program, but David and I are very persuasive. “Sarah! Come on, you can do it, join us!!” She might thank us later.

My pretty girl (POST workout)

My pretty girl (POST workout)

We’ll see how it goes. This is just our first week! I make sure to ice my knee after each workout, and I’m very grateful Shaun includes a modified move for the workout. I keep up as best I can, feeling my 40 plus years. :)

Project 365 – Day 10

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