A Cat of All Chairs

Although we pretend that we have our own lives and purposes, the truth of the matter is that we exist to open doors and metal cans for our cats, and to serve them in any other little way that amuses them.

Marco, our Maine Coon cat, particularly enjoys demonstrating his mastery over all the two-legged creatures. His favorite way of asserting dominance is to steal his victim’s chair when they get up, and then he acts surprised and offended when they come back to sit down.

Who, me?  No, I've been sitting in this chair all evening.

Who, me? No, I’ve been sitting in this chair all evening.

For many years, we lived without cats, and it was not good for us. We used to think that we were in charge of the house, and that we were entitled to pursuing our own respective agendas.

You may bow to me.  I occupy the seat of POWER!

You may bow to me. I occupy the seat of POWER!

No more. I think God created cats to ensure that people learned humility. The contemptuous disdain of their bored glance, their treatment of everyone as furniture, and their belief that the world is one large litter box all communicates clearly that we are here to serve them.

Yes, you may sit on the floor, lowly human.

Yes, you may sit on the floor, lowly human.

Oh, excuse me, I need to go. His highness wants a snack.

Project 365, Day 15.


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