Yes, we may. We may happily devour Poulet Cordon Bleu, thanks to David’s French homework. He is taking a class online with The Potter’s School, and one of our favorite assignments of this semester is for each student to cook a French meal.

Chicken fillets pounded thin, wrapped around pieces of ham and swiss cheese, coated in butter and breadcrumbs …. Mmmmm.
Kathy wanted me to take David out to dinner at a French restaurant, but all the French restaurants in our area are inexplicably closed today or have gone out of business. We’re busy late tomorrow, and yes, the assignment is due Wednesday. Planning in advance is not our strength.
So we gathered the necessary ingredients and assembled four large portions of Chicken Cordon Bleu, and popped them in the oven. While we waited, we made two different versions of crêpes, liberally spreading them with jam, sliced pieces of fresh strawberries, and whipped cream.
Easy Baked Chicken Cordon Bleu | Basic Crêpes |
Yes, it is a hardship to be a homeschool Dad these days. I don’t know how I manage to do it with such savoir-faire and panache. (Those are bonus Frenchy-type words, to make this blog post more Cultural.)
As I was checking my plate for any microscopic crumbs I may have overlooked, Kathy belatedly spoke up.
“Did you save any for your lunch, tomorrow?” Kathy asked plaintively.
Preparing my food for the days I work in the city is one of Kathy’s least favorite chores. I’m gone so long, she has to come up with something for all three meals of the day, which is no picnic, at 11 pm, when she’s ready to think about it. Alternatively, if she doesn’t send me off with a well-stocked lunch bag, I’ll probably eat biscuits and Nutella all day, and will come home ten pounds heavier. Since many of us are in the midst of a weight loss plan (you can see our progress at the bottom of the left panel), I figure she’ll rassle me up something (but it won’t be leftover chicken Cordon Bleu, since I ate my entire piece at one go).
Project 365, Day 54
So much fun to work with you guys creating this feast!
ahhhh. deja vu! I fondly recall those Potters School cooking adventures, although our two sons weaseled out by studying dead languages (whose cuisines are presumably as dead). That dinner sounds beaucoup scrumptious and tres tasty! Good job whipping up a last-minute feast, David!
That meal was a yummy one!! Thanks, Dave!
It all looks so yummy!