In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to take my sweetie out for a date. One nice thing about having lots of children — your wife tends to be a pretty low-maintenance date — I can take Kathy pretty much anywhere if I’m willing to talk.
I settled on the movie Old Fashioned, which opened today. It was hard to find — only a few theaters in Washington are showing it. We had to drive up to Tukwila (about 40 minutes away).
Amber and Clay from the Old Fashioned movie.
The premise of the movie is that the young man (Clay) has rejected the superficiality of the ‘dating scene’ and is seeking to adhere to some ‘old fashioned’ boundaries in the way he treats women. For example, he won’t be alone with a girl (unless she’s his wife) which makes for some awkwardness when he needs to repair Amber’s stove (he gives her a blanket and an umbrella and has her wait outside while he works on it). Of course, as the movie unfolds, we find that both Clay and Amber are reacting against some pain in their past relationships.
We were a little late leaving home, and then there was an accident on I-5, so we missed the first few minutes of the film. I think it started pretty slowly, so hopefully we didn’t miss too much. It was an odd movie — strangely paced, and a bit gloomy for a fair bit of the time. I liked it, though, and it ended pretty well — I recommend it as a good date movie (some irony, there) if only for the discussion it may spark.

My pretty Valentine — she’s not usually this blurry, but hey, this IS Project 365, so you have to take what I have.
Afterward, we wanted to get something to eat, so we found a Mexican restaurant in the mall not far from the movie theater. Unfortunately, the entire population of Western Washington was also there (at the restaurant, not at the movie) and so we rapidly decamped. We found a much quieter restaurant close to home and finished the evening there.
All in all, it was a lovely chance to get away together. I’m so very glad that my Valentine is still my best friend, after 22 3/4 years of marriage.
Project 365, Day 44