Student Campaign

Things are progressing in my Leadership Class at our homeschool co-op. We’ve been studying Proverbs, styles of governance and the power of influence. The students each selected a leader and wrote essays profiling their chosen subject. Today I returned the edited papers for final revisions. We even had a little lesson on using and formatting with Word. They did a great job on their work – some of the kids had never completed this type of assignment before.

The next thing we are working on is our campaigns for Student Government. The kids who were interested in running filled out a four step nomination process including:

1) Teacher Recommendation
2) Student Body Support Signatures
3) Nomination Form
4) Paragraph declaring intent & qualifications

This guy looks trustworthy - vote for him!

This guy looks trustworthy – vote for him!

We’ll develop election platforms, film mini commercials, give speeches, mingle with the co-op kids and culminate in elections in April. Exciting to watch the students grow as leaders and compete for positions.

Stay tuned!

Project 365 – Day 79

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3 thoughts on “Student Campaign”

  1. Would you vote for that man? Would you buy a car from him?

    My name is Tim, and I endorse this candidate.

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