One of the things I love about our church is the way that Baptisms are handled. New believers (and anyone who has never been baptized) are encouraged to make a public profession of faith sooner rather than later, which I find refreshing. Personally, I delayed my baptism until I was nearly 30 years old — there just never seemed to be a good time to do it, and so I never did (until I wanted to be a Deacon in a church that required baptism in their Deacons).

Dave Pritchard had the privilege of baptizing Julia. I love the way that each baptismal candidate gets a chance to tell (or read) their testimony.
Several times a year, a Baptism class is offered, and anyone who goes to the class is then baptized in one of our church services the next weekend. This weekend we have fifteen people being baptized — it is quite a celebration and very exciting to be a part of a vibrant church with a steady flow of new believers.
I was privileged to witness the baptism of two of my good friends tonight — two girls who I have known for many years. It was very encouraging to watch each of them take this important step in making their salvation their own.
Project 365, Day 80
Really enjoyed watching those… (pretty sure that I clapped the loudest.. hee hee)
Yay for baptism!!
Becca whistles. David claps. We cheered!!
I was so moved by ALL the baptisms. It is always even more special when it’s people I know and love! . . . pretty sure I whistled the loudest.
All that resurrection to new life, Wow!