My beautiful oldest daughter, who is finishing up her freshman year at college, is sick. I HATE knowing one of my children is sick and feeling miserable so far away from home.
And so, because we’re thinking of Rachel and praying for her, this blog post is dedicated to her.
Today Rachel’s friend Jenny came over for a visit. We LOVE Jenny. She’s truly part of the family as she has gone on vacations with us, helped us plan, prep and celebrate countless parties, and spent many, many hours at our home. Seeing her car, Tim walked in the house saying, “Is my other daughter here?”
We had a lovely dinner together then the boys went off portaling. Sarah, Jenny and I hurried to clean the kitchen and do all the dishes (yep, still no dishwasher).

“We miss you, Rachel!” say the cats. Although I’m not sure why Misty looks so scary with those eyes.
After everything was put away, and the dishes washed and set aside drying, we went to pick out a movie.
“We need to pick something in honor of Rachel,” Sarah declared.
“Good idea!” Jenny agreed and they hurried to confer over movie titles.
We settled on the obvious – Megamind.
David and Tim never did make it home in time to see the movie, and Daniel is working a long shift at Chick-Fil-A. The girls and I, however, enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and chatted with Rachel while we laughed over the antics of the best supervillian ever.
Miss you, Rachel. Praying that you will feel better and get well soon. I know you’ll finish the semester strong. Hang in there! Study hard! Sleep when you can and soak up every bit of knowledge you can before you leave.
Love you,
Project 365 – Day 120
sniff sniff….so sweet! Rachel – get well!!! Miss you! So glad you’ll be home soon. <3
Miss you so much, Rach!!
Love you all! This was so sweet. So excited to be home.
I had so much fun with you guys! I can’t wait until Rachel is home, and I am there a lot more often!