Garage Declutter

Oh my word!! What in the world has happened to my garage? How did it become the dumping ground for every bit of odds and ends in the whole house? And how have I possibly let it go this long?

This can NOT really be my garage!

This can NOT really be my garage!

Heh heh. Well, life is busy and full and so is the garage. I can’t believe I am willing to reveal these bit of hoarding horror on the blog. Not sure it’s really hoarding if it’s just our plain messy lives. Lazy, messy lives as we’ve obviously been ignoring the garage since Christmas. Yep, I don’t think any of the Christmas bins were put away, and two of them were opened and still unpacked. Ha.

Today it was warm and sunny and we didn’t have any evening meetings. It was the perfect time to start tackling the garage mess.

All those beloved stuffed animals!

All those beloved stuffed animals!

David and Sarah helped as best they could. David moved boxes and bins. Sarah took one of the extra twin mattresses out of the garage and up into her room. She also stacked wooden boards for me. We all loaded the van up with giveaway things.

But really, there wasn’t very much they could do. It was a Mama Job. And I made great progress. The kids have their annual testing on Monday and Tuesday. I’m selling a table full of curriculum on one of the days, so I hope to clear out more of the garage then.

This one had to be kept.

This one had to be kept.

One of my favorite things about the summer is having time to purge, declutter and organize the house again. Our schedules are looser, our days freer, and the weather perfect for clearing out cabinet, shelves, drawers and closets. Off you go, mess!

Hope this garage gets in shape quickly.

Project 365 – Day 148

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6 thoughts on “Garage Declutter”

  1. It’s not an easy job! I love doing it, well, I love having it Done, but you’re right – one needs these open summer days to tackle decluttering. Share an “After” photo when you’ve conquered!

  2. It’s not an easy job! I love doing it, well, I love having it Done, but you’re right – one needs these open summer days to tackle decluttering. Share an “After” photo when you’ve conquered!

  3. What she said ^!! Twice, even. hahaha

    It feels so good to purge the mess. It’s a good thing to distract the mind from certain issues, too. I’ve been weeding over here for that very same reason. ha!

    Can’t wait to see the after!

  4. Hooray for decluttering. It feels so good when it’s all done. And, the process too, can be quite therapeutic.

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