July – Beloved Burts

One of the favorite treats of the summer was getting to spend time with some of our dearest friends, Greg and Tina Burt and their children. Last year Leah (the oldest daughter) lived with us for a portion of the summer. It was such a delight to have her with us. She joined in on our church’s VBS, was here for Rachel’s graduation party, and simply became one of the family.

This year Ema (second oldest) graduated from high school, and the whole family returned to Washington for part of the summer before taking Ema to school in Wisconsin. It was WONDERFUL to have the family here in our home for a day or two.

Daniel and Zach had to buy donuts ONE MORE TIME before leaving town.

Daniel and Zach had to buy donuts ONE MORE TIME before leaving town.

Daniel went to Thailand last summer to visit the Burts. He and Zach have been close friends since they were preschoolers. I love how they have kept their friendship even though separated by thousands of miles.

A quick chance to swim.

A quick chance to swim.

Of course, we had to stop by some friends’ house for a quick swim before letting the Burts leave our little town.

But, eventually, we did pack them up in their van and say goodbye.

Hugs all around!

Hugs all around!

Thankfully we had another week together at camp later in the summer.

We love you, Greg and Tina! Leah, Ema, Zach and Theo – you are sweet friends and we love you all!

Project 365 – Day 187 (July 6)

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One thought on “July – Beloved Burts”

  1. ahhhh! Why you wanna make me cry? :) We love our Edgrens too! There was not nearly enough time spent at your house or with you all. When are you coming to my house? :)
    Thanks for loving us.

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