I’ve been sorting and organizing my pictures, and I see that sometimes I was a bit, um, haphazard or would you say pathetic, in capturing the picture of the day.
Take, for example, this little collection from December 2nd.
Although it doesn’t redeem the quality (or interest level) of these pictures, I should note that these were taken while Tim and I were out on a neighborhood walk. We have a route marked out that comes to just a little more than a mile. We can easily walk in our quiet cul-d-sac most any time of the day (or late evening, in this case) without encountering more than 4 or 5 people, and often less cars.
We have logged many miles, praying for our children and interceding for them. God has been so faithful to meet us on our walks. It is such a blessing to have a praying husband. I am very thankful for Tim’s leadership, love and wisdom.
Maybe tomorrow’s pictures are a little better….
Project 365 – Day 336 (Dec 2)