Today is the last day of my vacation from work — tomorrow I return to my ‘regular life’ of working for a living.
Already, David and Sarah are back at school, and Rachel and Daniel are working.
“But today is a Federal Holiday (Observed),” I complained to Sarah.
“Tell that to my Geometry teacher,” she rejoined, snappishly.
Apparently the Potters School is no respecter of Federal Holidays (Observed).
It has been a lovely vacation. I’ve been off since the 22nd of December, and have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to relax, watch Christmas movies, do some last-minute shopping, read books, and eat my way into a larger size shirt. Now, as I brace myself for my commute and the hurly-burly of a new work year starting, I am grateful for so many things.
- I’m grateful for a God who loves me and who has saved me from my sin.
- I’m grateful for a family who love each other and know how to have a lot of fun.
- I’m grateful for many delightful Christmas presents, given and received.
- I’m grateful that my employer is so generous with vacation time.
- I’m grateful for a warm and comfortable home.
- I’m grateful for a wife who loves me and makes my life fun.

We’ve had a few snowy days — not enough to close the roads, but enough to make me grateful for the train.
Even my ‘normal’ working life is pretty good, though it can’t compare with vacation-life. My job is not grueling, and I am permitted to work from home several days a week. Still, it is sometimes hard to gather the strength to face a new year, with all its ministry opportunities and difficulties. I guess this is right where God wants me, though — dependent on Him for my strength and joy.
This was a great holiday season. Thanks for taking so much time off and spoiling us with fun days.
I too have been off for a lot of days–which have been very pleasant–but now the “grind” is coming at me fast/furious as I contemplate my backlog of e-mails. I have to keep reminding myself that work is not the most important thing . . .