Low-Budget Valentine’s Day

As many of you know, my wife loves to celebrate. It doesn’t take much — Arbor Day, Saint Ignatius’ Day — any excuse will do for festivities. And once she’s managed to make a big deal out of an occasion twice, it is automatically promoted to ‘Tradition’ status.

More and more, I see her Mama in my beautiful Rachel.

Usually we pull out all the stops for Valentine’s Day, but this year, we decided not to spend any money on gifts for each other. Once that unpleasant decision was made, it became easier to agree that the kids ‘could probably do without any special gifts’, too. Being careful with money is always difficult for us.

Although I didn't buy flowers for my Kathy, her Mom bought some beautiful tulips!

At the last minute, both Kathy and I weakened. I bought a large box of Haagen Dazs ice cream bars for the kids, and Kathy spent much of the night making (and printing) Valentines for her favorite five children. After all, it is a Tradition.

David has eyes only for his Valentine.


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