P365 – Day 71 (Monday, what can I say)

Busy day. It seems the children started off the day fighting and continued all morning. Is there something about Mondays that requires discord and grumpiness? I came downstairs to find Joshua and Rachel fighting over shower rights and privileges. Being mature and civilized, they carry on their arguments in quiet, but hostile, voices. It’s not very pretty and NOT what I would expect from such awesome, godly children. I’m ready to set the timer and regulate their showers if they can’t work it out in a cheerful, loving manner. I would cut them off from showers all together but that might end up punishing the rest of the family a bit too much. Whew, sniff, sniff.

Next came trouble with Daniel and David. They were arguing over cereal boxes or spoons or something significant like that. Sigh. Maybe it was pages of math – Daniel bragging on how many pages he does in his work and David saying how fast he can complete a lesson. It seems like 8:45 am is a little early to be crying for Calgon to take me away.

That leaves Sarah. I think she slept in and avoided the whole lot of us.

sarah sweetie

This afternoon Sarah found a black shawl that a friend bought her last year. I think she had originally resisted the piece because it didn’t have sleeves and she wasn’t sure how to wear it. Today she tried it on and insisted on wearing it all afternoon. When Sarah found out we were paying a visit to the friend who bought it for her, she was thrilled to show the outfit off.

sarah closeup

Somehow I completely forgot that I was watching Daniel’s friend from co-op this afternoon. Yikes! Talk about scatterbrained. Thankfully I was just pulling out from the Y parking lot when I remembered I was supposed to pick him up there. No time lost, no harm done. Then I agreed upon a time when Jennifer could come and get him, totally disregarding the fact that I was supposed to be someplace at the very time when I told her to come over. My goodness! I didn’t remember that one for another hour or so.

No doubt it was all the complaining and arguing amongst the children that drove these thoughts from my mind and rendered me completely disorganized and distracted (does it work to blame everything on the children?).

The weather was beautiful today so the children had a lovely time playing outside before lunch. I forced Daniel to do school with us (even though his friend was visiting). He was quite upset with me. Homeschool kids are spoiled! He has no idea what it is like to be on a classroom schedule with 20+ other children to work around. Of course, this meant David had a buddy for a good hour or so. He was more than delighted to have Daniel tied up and Adam all to himself.

david and adam

I had a great time praying with some other homeschooling moms this afternoon. I was even able to chat with my mom on the way there and back (gotta LOVE cell phones!!!). I was more organized than usual today (my total forgetfulness of the earlier part of the day behind me) and had dinner in the oven set to cook and instructions on the counter for Joshua to make rice. All I had to do was throw together a salad and some stir-fry veggies and dinner was set.

Enough rambling. That was our day, for the most part. Now I’m long on chatting and low on pictures. I know when to stop. Hopefully tomorrow will be another sunny day. You know things are getting a bit soggy when you find yourself reminding God, in your prayer time, about His promise not to flood the earth again. :)


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7 thoughts on “P365 – Day 71 (Monday, what can I say)”

  1. Kathy,
    I would have given you a hug if I’d known your day was a bit challenging to begin with, you and Rachel looked so comfortable and close on the couch I didn’t want to disturb your time!

    Monday is a perfect day for praying, well every day is perfect for praying but especially Mondays! You are so faithful to go spend that time praying for your children. That fruit will be sweet! I’m with you too, I’ve been praying for your kids this week. You are a godly mom even in the rough spots!

  2. ugh, we will take some rain! The air here is awful in Chiang Mai, so polluted, the kids are not allowed to even have recess outside right now. This is a city surrounded by mountains (only called mountains by those who do not know what a real mountain is! haha) but you cannot see them at all. Greg and I have taken to wearing dust masks when we ride the motorcycle. Many people do it, and it does make a difference. Yeah for all your rain cleaning your air!

  3. Hmmm taking away showers, oe case where reality discipline may punish others more than the offender! LOL Sorry to hear it was a hard day, we all get them sometimes. Hope the rest of the week is better. Day 71, wow you 365′ers are really moving along. It seems so early in the year until you actually think about it.

  4. I love reading your blog, Kathy. Even a stressful day sounds funny when you describe it. We had a pretty day on Monday, but today was a winner! And yes, I think we can blame it all on the kids…at least we can try. :-)

  5. I’m glad to know others have Crazy Mondays – and that Debbie agrees with me on blaming everything on the kiddos. We used to try to pin everything on our favorite babysitter (Where’s the ruler? Oh, S. must have moved it.) It was great. We all knew it wasn’t S. but we found it so funny blaming her that it lightened whatever trouble was brewing. Sigh. These days we don’t have S. coming over twice a week so I guess it’s back to blaming things on the children.

    Jodi – yes, the year is zipping along. I’m just excited that I’ve managed to keep going this long.

    Tina – I can’t believe the dust and smog you are dealing with. Do many people were dust masks? That makes total sense but seems to strange at the same time. We’ll pray you get some of our WA rain. :)

  6. Kathy – not only are you funny but you are honest too. I am glad to know that my “Godly children” are not the only “Godly children” who fight and argue. It’s the one thing that drives me nuts. I am not much a fighter or arguer so it makes me CRAZY when I hear it.

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