“Who Is Going to Take Care of Me?”


This little guy makes us laugh nearly every single day. He has thoroughly captured my Mommy Heart.

Today David was worried about AWANA, our church’s evening children’s ministry that begins this week. Last year his big brother, Daniel, was in the program with him, easily accessible in the next room. More than once, Daniel was a comfort to David in the busyness of the night and the large crowd of children.

Now, of course, Daniel has graduated and moved up to the 5th and 6th grade group. I tried to reassure David that he wouldn’t be alone, Sarah has moved out of Cubbies and into Sparks with him (anyone familiar with AWANA will know what in the world I’m talking about). He was not particularly comforted. We had a long conversation about how the night would go, he wanted the entire schedule thoroughly detailed.

“Sarah will need me to look after her,” David told me. “You know,” he gestured toward his little sister, “she expects me to take care of her.”

Long pause, fretful look.

“Who is going to take care of me?”

Bless his little 6 1/2 year old heart! I was ready to send Daniel along as a permanent body guard, ready to battle any and all foes (imagined or real). Nothing like a big brother to make you feel safe. Our discussion continued.

“I remember one time when I was all alone,” David said, looking pensive, “I just kept telling myself Jesus is with you. Jesus is always with you. I guess I’ll be okay.”

I'm outta here!

Little Buddy, I think you are going to be more than ‘okay.’ You’re going to be AWESOME!!

Then Jesus came to them and said …. “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18a, 20b)

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Project 365 – Day 275

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12 thoughts on ““Who Is Going to Take Care of Me?””

  1. AWANA! I haven’t thought about that in so long. So nice to hear it’s still going strong. I particpated when I was a kid and that was actually where I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior…. a big moment for me.

  2. I loved this blog. David is so sweet! I have wondered myself at times, even as an adult, “but who is going to take care of me.” Change is hard sometimes, isn’t it? Great blog.

  3. Boy, does David echo the plea of all our hearts!!

    Thanks for the ANSWER. It’s JESUS. JESUS. JESUS. (and maybe a sibling or two along the way)

    Love you kids. Aunt Kate

  4. Wow. It floors me when our kids teach us those lessons we were supposed to learn all those years ago… I guess there’s a reason that Christ lauded the innocence of children. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story.

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