They’re Here!

My parents arrived this evening for a short visit. They spent last week with my dad’s two siblings (and their wives) in Jamaica.

Suffering for the Lord, I’m sure. :)

We realized it has been Eight Months since we’ve seen them. That’s too long!!

We all went to the hotel to greet Mamie and Grandad. David was so excited he could hardly contain himself. “This is a really nice place, isn’t it, Mom?”

I am falling asleep as I type so I had better say goodnight before I end up with something VERY embarrassing.

I’ll have more pictures to post tomorrow….


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3 thoughts on “They’re Here!”

  1. THANKS for telling us that C and B arrived!!

    But when you say you will have MORE pictures to post tomorrow, please note there were NONE yesterday.

    YEA, for a good visit with your mom and dad, Katherine.

    Thanks so much for the word of their safety.

    Have fun. Hug lots. Love you, Aunt Kate

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