A Day with Some Chickens

We spent a portion of our morning with poultry today.

Yep, chickens and turkeys. You didn’t think I was talking about cowards, did you?

Oh, there were some other animals as well. Rabbits, goats and sheep. The pigs were especially entertaining.

these were a lively bunch

Or maybe not.

what's up?

I think this guy was eye-balling me.

The nearby fair offers educational tours for free. Yes, I said FREE! You know we were there. Of course, by the time you pay for gas and a McDonald’s lunch afterward (that’s what happens when you sleep in and don’t get up early enough to pack lunch) it’s not exactly a free outing.

Still, it was educational and enjoyable. We had our own private tour guide and three exhibits to explore (including the petting area). This year’s theme was poultry and farming.

time for the line upeggs, anyone?

As always, having friends along turned an ordinary outing into a fun adventure.

david and elithe kids get

Bacon and Eggs, anyone? Maybe it’s time for a good shearing.

Project 366 – Day 133

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5 thoughts on “A Day with Some Chickens”

  1. Sweet time! Rachel would have enjoyed the animals, wouldn’t she!

    We hear from Portland that Chloe’s guinea pig pet is spurring her on to lobby for a dog. Ha.We’ll see how that goes.

    Love you smaller group of Edgrens. Aunt Kate

  2. so is it easier with 3 kids rather than 5? did you feel like you left some kids behind??? Did they have any rabbits?

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