Payin’ It Down

We were enjoying Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University video series again this evening — he’s very watchable and informative. Dave was joking about the ‘spreadsheet nerds’ versus the ‘free spirit’ types, and about how they each perceive the dreaded budget meeting time. Kathy seems to enjoy putting the spreadsheet together and nailing it all down, while I tend to be rather impatient with the constraint of actually recording what we spend and earn.

Rachel walked by when the Ramsey DVD was playing. “So, he’s sort of like a Money Comedian?” Actually, that’s a pretty good summary of Dave Ramsey’s lesson style — Rachel always has had a way with words.

Before Haircuts
Kathy saves us money by cutting our hair … this is the ‘before’ picture for her customers (Sarah just snuck in for a photo op).

We sat down to tally up and close out the budgetary expenses for the month of May, and I reminded her of Dave’s words: “Remember, Dave says we ‘free spirit’ types can only handle up to 17 minutes of this budget talk!”

Two hours later, we were ready to report:

  • God is still faithful (I know some of you out there were worried).
  • We managed to pay all our bills without resorting to credit cards.
  • We were able to continue to put money aside for Christmas and a new roof.
  • We were able to pay down our debt by another good chunk, thanks to several generous gifts from God.

Down it goes!
It sure is nice to see that percentage drop!

There were some tense moments. We accidentally went over budget in a couple of areas (not paying close enough attention) and so Kathy and I steeled our hearts and paid for the over-budget amount from our own ‘unaccountable’ money (we each get $50/month for lattes and gardening supplies — you figure out whose is whose).

It is crazy, but this whole budgeting thing might just work. We’re down to 68% of the debt we owed at the beginning of April. Not bad for two months … thanks to God’s generous provision for us!


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9 thoughts on “Payin’ It Down”

  1. Whoo Hooo!
    Way to go Budgeters! Doesn’t it feel good to see that debt number go down down down?

    Sort of like purging the house of stuff. It is uncomfortable at first tossing things that previously were held dear or deemed important and meaningful, but as you see the fruits of paring down and organizing it becomes fun. Or at least satisfying.

    I am sure as you pay down the debt, see the amount get smaller and smaller and the amount in savings larger and larger, it too is very satisfying.

    Praise God for His faithfulness to you!

  2. Amen! Stay the course. I think a 2-hour budget meeting would put many marriages to the test! Keeping the budget would be a piece of cake after that! And hey, what about an “after” photo from Kathy’s hair salon?

  3. What a fine job you all are doing!

    A great big thumbs up to the lot of you.

    It’s really not so bad, is it?

    Keep up the great work!

    fellow Dave Ramsey fan,
    working the plan since Feb 2008

  4. Amazing!! You guys are really applying yourselves. If you have gotten this far in two months just think about what another 2 months will bring. Keep sharing- you are an encouragement.

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