All posts by KME


SHS Friends

Once upon a time, when I was a new homeschooler, my sister in law introduced me to the wonderful world of Sonlight Curriculum. I’ve been using Sonlight with my five children for 9 years now. In my attempt to search for other Sonlight home educators, I stumbled across an email loop through Yahoo Groups. It was originally titled “Sonlight” as most of the members were primarily using SL in their homeschool, but, as time passed, the group grew to encompass many different educating philosophies and curriculum. Although the original “owners” of the list remained the same, the name was changed to Support4HomeSchool, affectionately called SHS.

This group of women (and occasional men) have been a tremendous source of information, comfort, inspiration, and guidance during my homeschooling journey. If I have a question on nearly any topic under the sun, from frugal meals to books on Advent, I know the list will generate conversation and help.

June 2006 gathering

Cynthia, Lee and I at Starbucks in 2006.

Over the years I’ve been privileged to meet a few of the women from the loop. Two years ago, I went out for coffee with Lee and Cynthia. Lee is an incredibly talented woman who, as her boys went off to college, created a consulting business for people homeschooling their high schoolers. I highly recommend Lee’s materials, blog, and advice. You can find her at There is an amazing amount of information right on her website, with more available through her videos and personal consulting.

Cynthia is one of the original founders of the SHS loop. She shares her life and heart with the many women who come to the loop, giving of her time and energy to continue building something that has grown tremendously over the years. There are nearly 2000 members in the SHS group. That is a LOT of potential email. Cynthia blogs at Life Is Good. Her pictures are gorgeous! I’m inspired by her unfailing commitment to her children and their busy, active lives.

Last year I wasn’t able to meet with Lee and Cynthia when Cynthia came into town for the weekend, so I was determined to make it a priority this year. Of course, it’s one thing to put a note on the calendar and PLAN to gather with friends, it’s another to actually do it, in the busyness of life.

First the time changed. Lee wasn’t able to join us in the afternoon, we had originally scheduled to get together after the homeschool PE classes, so we decided to move it to the morning.

Next I completely forgot Daniel was babysitting a friend’s little boy at our house in the morning. How was I going to be available in the morning if we were watching a toddler?

Daniel's boat

Daniel’s glasses broke last week. He’s a handsome fellow without them, but would probably like to be able to see clearly.

Then my cell phone was turned off or misbehaving, and I missed the call saying Cynthia had arrived in town and was making lunch arrangements. I was watching the time and knew the plane had landed, but was overcome with shyness and suddenly didn’t want to call and be a bother.


By the time I got the voice mail and connected with Cynthia and Lee, they were already together and beginning lunch. The location? A good 40 minutes away. Anticipating a delay, I had already arranged for a friend to drop the kids off at the Y for their classes and started on lunch so I could run out the door. I told the ladies I would leave immediately and set off. Still, as I was driving I couldn’t help but wonder if I was making a mistake. Was I wasting my time driving all that way for such a short visit. I made some calls, arranging details regarding the children, and poured out my fretting concerns to my friend, Julee.

Julee asked me why I was going. Was I hoping to glean some homeschool tips? No, it was purely just a fun gathering with some cyber friends. I truly expected her to tell me to stay home, not to bother with such a long drive just for a quick visit. Instead, she said, “Sometimes when there are so many obstacles pushing against us the resistance is coming from Satan. I think you should go and see what you can learn from those two experienced homeschooling moms.” Throughout the years Julee has always been incredibly supportive of my homeschooling journey. Once again she was encouraging me.

I quickly texted Cynthia, telling her I was on my way, but it would take me 40 minutes to get there. I asked if they had enough time for the visit to linger on into the afternoon. She immediately wrote back saying yes, and encouraging me to come and meet them.

it's the mall this year

Of course, we had to take a picture to capture the moment.

The day was gorgeous, the sun shining after several days of rain. The traffic was busy but the drive easy, and, of course, the gas prices were low. :)

I found the restaurant with no trouble, met up with Cynthia and Lee and proceeded to have a lovely visit. Not only was it enjoyable to catch up on each others lives and children, it was fun to see how much we knew about things because of our blogs. The internet truly is an amazing thing.

close up of us girls

I am so glad I squeezed the time out of the day to meet with Cindy and Lee.

Mostly I was struck how God orchestrated our conversation. I had the chance to ask Cynthia some of my questions about Rachel (who turns 13 next month), knowing Cynthia has two teenage daughters who love the Lord and are close to their family. I learned Lee has an hour of free phone consulting available each week on Wednesday afternoons. As a homeschooling mom of a high school freshman, this is priceless information. Amidst one of our many discussions, God gave me a brilliant idea for the introduction session for next semester’s co-op class on finances.

Add to the mix some delicious Starbucks, and I can safely say it was a wonderful visit. We had plenty of time to talk, share and enjoy our coffee without feeling rushed. I made it back in plenty of time to pick up the children. God is good and He has blessed my life with a delightful array of interesting friendships.


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Commercial Time

In November it seems the rain comes and goes only to come again. When the clouds lift and the sun attempts to shine, I send the children packing. I mean out playing.

Hi Sarah!

Sarah loves playing outside, especially when she can chase her 3 brothers.

I spent a good portion of the Saturday evening looking for clips of old commercials. I’m teaching a Financial Peace class for high schoolers at our homeschool co-op. We studied consumer awareness this week, and I thought it would be interesting to watch a series of commercials in our next class period.

The boys are preparing for their own commercial.

Unfortunately, as Joshua observed, commercial viewing is kind of like eating junk food -

A little bit goes a long way.
While flavorful, there’s nothing of real substance.
It’s tasty/fun at first, but eventually makes you sick.

It’s been much more difficult than I thought to come up with a list of classic commercials. Come on, what are the ad campaigns that have stuck with you over the years? I need help generating a list.

“Where’s the Beef?”
“Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hand”
“I’m a Pepper, You’re a Pepper”
Mac vs PC
Doublemint Twins
Nike – Just Do It
“This is your brain on drugs!”
“Trix Are for Kids”

The boys are reporting for duty.

Joshua, David and Daniel boys are advertising, um, sticks. Right.

What else? Do you have favorite commercials that you remember? Our class is going to study marketing strategies and effective advertising techniques. Since we don’t have a tv in our house, and haven’t since Tim and I were married, I am a bit handicapped in this area.

Based on my research thus far, I can say there are an awful lot of beer commercials, and many ads I would be embarrassed for my children to see. Oh, I also found some of the most emotional commercials come from a Thai insurance agency. Weird.

You can save me hours of youtube research by sharing with me some of your favorite (family friendly) commercials. I’ll take jingles and slogans as well. Think of it as one way you can help out a busy homeschooling mom.


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Happy November!

I can’t help it, I love the holidays. The fall/winter is often rainy and gray here in Washington, but the holidays act like a glorious paintbrush, covering everything with color and an extra touch of joy.

See, I am overcome with poetic rambling. Not very good poetic rambling, but somebody has to ramble, and it’s obviously going to me. Or should that be “I”?

cute trick or treaters

Some of my favorite Halloween/Harvest Carnival kids!

Totally random segue into the topic of shoes. Have you ever stopped to think about the amount of shoes a family with five children has in their closets, hallways and garage corners? I bet I could find half the shoes on shoe hero in my house.

Let’s be conservative (in a very non-political way) and name 4 types of possible shoes a person could own:

Dress shoes
Tennis shoes

Without taking into consideration slippers, snow and rain boots, and the fact that girls are INCAPABLE of having simply one or two pairs of “these are so cute, Mom, I have to have them” shoes, that puts our family at 20 pairs of shoes.

And that’s just the children.

candy runner Dan

What kind of shoes would THIS fellow wear?

Here’s a better look at the Candy Running Army Man.

Shoes are on my mind because it’s been raining the last few days, and promises to continue doing so for another week. As I searched the garage shoe bin this afternoon I realized only one of the five children has rain boots.

Did I mention they are about to pay a little visit to their grandparents’ house?

Grandparents who live out in the country.

Where there are no sidewalks but plenty of puddles.

So, yes, along with the joy of the approaching holidays, I also sense a shoe shopping expedition in our future. Of course, mentioning a shoe store in the children’s presence almost always elicits an immediate response from at least one child:

“Mom, I forgot to tell you:

  • my Sunday shoes are too small,
  • my tennis shoes have a hole in the toe,
  • and I need a pair of (insert adjective here) shoes for my (such and such) class/sport/event.

don't take these two shopping!

Bethany and Rachel could definitely pick out some cute shoes.

It’s enough to make a girl scream!

Or go shopping. I’ve got my eye on this really cute pair of pink and brown rain boots. What do you think? More importantly, where do you store all the shoes??

gotta have them


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The Children Return

The blog is having an identity crisis. I’ve got blogger’s block. I’m not sure what to write, when to write it, and just plain what the focus of the blog should be. Last night I lay in bed thinking of a story called The Little Blog that Could. That train of thought led me down the path to a whole new world of children’s fiction. A special collection came to mind …

Good Night, Little Blog
Curious Blog
Where the Wild Blogs Are
The Terrible, Horrible, No Good Blog
Goldilocks and the Three Blogs

I could go on.

Maybe not.

Emma, Sarah and Eli

This daring duo is coming for a visit this weekend. They look like trouble to me, but I think Sarah will be safe with them.

Tim’s parents took the children, all five, home with them on Sunday afternoon. They didn’t bring them back until this afternoon.

Reflect on that for just a moment. All five children off with the grandparents. In the middle of the month. No holiday or vacation planned, just a little break for the teacher.

I like to think of it as preventive care for your mom,” Tim told the children. “You know, so we don’t have to check her into the Whispering Pines Home for Homeschooling Mothers.”

time for some calvin and hobbes

Calvin surely drove his mother crazy over the years.

I must admit, it was glorious! Sunday was busy with small group, but Monday was quiet and relaxing. Tim worked from home while I sat nearby finishing up my Bible study, reading online, and not taking care of any children. By the time 2 pm rolled around I had successfully wasted a good portion of the day. Tim took me to Starbucks and treated me to a coffee. That’s surely a date in my book! In the afternoon I went to yoga at the Y. Afterward I decided to be a complete rebel and SKIP Bible study to spend the evening with my husband.


My plan was to use some of the time over these days praying about priorities and general life focus; the blog in particular has been on my mind.

Tuesday, however, I was completely overwhelmed with the urge to clean the house. Before I knew it, I had spent nearly the entire day cleaning. I couldn’t help it. The sun was shining and Tim was off working. No children, responsibilities or husband to distract me. I worked and worked. It was as wonderful to accomplish things around the house on Tuesday as it was to NOT do anything on Monday.

There’s only so much relaxing a girl can handle. Just being alone was a gift.

It all ended this afternoon.

brother love

We’re Home! We’re Home!

Swoosh, in one big rush the kids returned, complete with suitcases, dirty laundry, school books, and lots of energy. After some lunch, snacks, school work, and dinner, the house was restored to its previous messy glory.

Frankly, life was a little boring without all these sweet little ones (and not so little) that I love.

Welcome home, guys!

P.S. I never did spend any time in deep thought or prayer over the blog so the identity crisis rages on.

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Happy Birthday Joshua

My baby is 15 years old. Let’s not talk about how old that makes me.

what could this be?

This gift came all the way from Norway.

Nothing speaks love to a fifteen year old young man like food, so we had a tremendous breakfast to celebrate Joshua’s birthday. French toast casserole (made with day old bagels and a hint of caramel sauce), two sausage/bacon/egg casseroles (one with cubed bread, the other shredded hash browns) and fresh apple cider.

it's Norway!

Look, it’s Pulpit Rock or Preikestolen. Joshua climbed to the top during his trip to Norway this past May. Awesome!

I can’t believe we didn’t take a single picture. I used the china dishes given to me by my grandmother, crystal goblets from our wedding, and beautiful Williamsburg table decorations from my mother-in-law.

You’ll just have to take my word for it, the table looked lovely.

daniel's triumph

Daniel and Tim put together a special present for Joshua.

We opened presents throughout the day, relaxed, played a game of Alhambra, listened to Joshua’s new LOTR sound track, watched Joshua play his new Battle for Middle Earth computer game, and some of us (okay just I, or is it me?) went for a walk.

trebuchet or catapult

Joshua might have a hard time knocking down castle walls with this, but he can always try.

Rachel left in the afternoon to babysit for the evening and Joshua went off to a youth group outing at the corn field/hay maze. We had an unexpected visitor stop by for good conversation and a very casual dinner. After Carl left, Tim took the younger two children out shopping for Joshua’s birthday (nothing like some last minute presents to round out the day).

How nice to have your birthday fall on a Saturday. No school to worry about, chores to complete, or co-op classes to attend.

Happy Birthday, Joshua! We love you.


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