All posts by KME

I’m Hungry

Is that a good or a bad sign?

I’ve been snacking my way through the summer and, unfortunately, the snacks are biting back. I’m up a good 8 or 10 pounds from several months ago. Not happy news or a pretty sight.

On Wednesday a few friends gathered to begin phase one (six weeks) of the Prism diet/plan/Bible study. My eating has been healthy, measured and recorded since then. I’ve been drinking lots of water and even managed to fit in a long walk.

Surely those extra pounds are nearly gone.

Ha! :Snort: Weep!

Okay, so I might have to go through more than one or two of the 6 week phases before I get this weight off. It will all be worth the work and mild hunger attacks.

Or so I keep telling myself.

As I pare down my eating and beef up my veggie intake (sorry, unintentional pun), recording it all as I go, I shudder to think just how many calories I was consuming over the last few months. That big bag of chips from Costco, for example, which I managed to consume nearly all by myself over the week of camp comes to mind.

Hmmm, you think there were a few calories in that “little” bag? Ever wonder why those 100 calorie snack bags seem really small? Yep, it turns out 100 calories (in potato chip counting) is pretty small.

So, I’m back to big salads, hearty vegetable dishes and careful eating. I appreciate the accountability of my Prism group and the knowledge that the woman leading the study has been successful in reaching her goal weight. The daily reading and study time (complete with wonderful, inspiring Bible verses) is encouraging me to tackle the mental as well as the physiological aspect of my food issues.

Meanwhile, I’ll go have some hot tea and skip the chips.


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Ultimate Banana Muffins

Now you all know I love muffins. I love the variety, the ease with which they can be made and the way they’re like a cookie, only healthy. At least that’s what I tell myself when I whip up a double batch and share them with the kiddies.

Of course, my Master Monster Muffin Mix is wonderful and definitely worth copying, printing, and maybe even laminating, but for plain ‘ole banana muffins, this is the absolute best recipe.

david loves him some muffins

“I’ll take two, Ma’am.”

When Tim and I were newlyweds (cue nostalgic music and dreamy fog) one of my college roommates gave me a muffin cookbook. It was a simple paperback with spiral bound edges. Nothing fancy, no illustrated photos or quaint anecdotes, just page after page of delicious muffin recipes.

I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the cookbook and it’s long been lost to the hazards of moves. I may have presented it (in all it’s well used and loved glory) to another newlywed. I did, however, have the foresight to jot down the banana recipe on a card and file it away.

Miss Painted Face herself

Every great chef has a cowboy hat.

Today I will share this recipe with you.

Banana Muffins

Preheat oven 375

3 ripe bananas, mashed
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg

1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup melted butter

Mix bananas, sugar and egg in one bowl – the dry ingredients in another. Combine the two bowls and add the melted butter. Substitute up to half applesauce for the butter, if desired. Fill muffin cups (makes approximately 12) and bake 20 minutes.

Picture this, Mom!

Mystery Photographer

There you have it – delicious, easy muffins. I have used up to half whole wheat pastry flour without any complaints from my greedy, I mean hungry, family members. They freeze beautifully are a welcome snack at almost any time.


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How I Spent My Summer Vacation

I think I’m losing my touch. A week away at camp and I only took 500 or so pictures. Gasp! I’m so embarrassed. And among those photos there are only so many that are truly blog worthy. So not only are there only a handful of stellar pictures, but there are some serious gaps. For example, I spent time with several of my dear friends. Did I take a single picture of them? No. Did I hand my camera to one of the many budding photographers milling about and make sure they take a shot of me with these friends? No. Pathetic.

I went walking three nights with a friend. Is there a picture of the trail we took? Nope.
Our next door neighbor brought over a delicious dinner one night. Photo proof? Nada.
Sleepovers for Rachel and Daniel. Nothing.
A late night CIT (Counselors in Training) camp out. Don’t even think about it.

Goodness. This doesn’t look good. Well, what all did we do this week? Let’s see if I can’t round up a few pictures to document our time away.

Avery, Sarah and Ava

All of the children managed to spend quite a bit of time with their friends. Sarah is especially spoiled to have some special girlfriends out at the Duckabush. Since camp is within walking distance of our place we managed to sneak friends home with us several days during the week.

spotted owl

There were many exotic animals at camp this year. Frankly, you just never know what creatures are going to show up to surprise the kids. On Thursday we had a long, and very informative, visit with a rather large spotted owl and now, I’m searching for highly recommended kids play places near me so that we can keep on having lots of fun.

games galore

Of course, it wouldn’t be camp week if we didn’t play games. We brought an entire laundry basket full of games with us. Talk about over-packing, we didn’t play a half of them. It is good to be prepared, though, as you never know when someone might stop by for a game.

buford is scary

Speaking of wild animals, Buford the Bear made an appearance at camp this week. It’s always good to see him, but some people are intimidated by his size and good looks.

tired campers

The camp week ended with a CIT sleepover. Although I didn’t get any pictures during the actual overnight, I did manage to snag a few shots on their return. Basic requirements for the night include: sleeping bag, pillow, goofy spirit and low need for sleep. Check, check and double check.

There’s always time for sleep later, right.

There you have it, a very small representation of our wonderful week away. I’m trying not to panic as the summer screams along at a dizzying pace. Repeat after me, “Summer is NOT over! It is NOT time for school (yet).”


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Home Again

It’s always hard to pack up and leave for a vacation, there are so many details to remember and things to do, but it’s almost equally as difficult returning home.

first day of camp

Joshua, Stuart, Tim, Bethany and cousin, Timothy, set off the first morning of camp.

walking off to camp

  • The children are grumpy as they come down off their camp/friends/sleepovers adrenaline rush.
  • The parents are tired and worn out from all the busy activities of the vacation.
  • There are suitcases to pack, but they’re usually filled with dirty clothes, well worn and dirtied.
  • All the cleaning and tidying up means saying goodbye. There is none of the excitement of heading off on a fun adventure.

sarah and david

This was Sarah’s first year as a camper. Such excitement! :)

All of that said, there’s something deliciously sweet about coming home, the familiar comforts (like high speed internet and a comfy computer chair) awaiting you. The answering machine has friendly messages (like requests for Sunday nursery duty) on it. The mailbox is full of credit card ads and grocery fliers.

Gilligan's Island

Gilligan’s Island was one of the themes this year. Don’t they make a believable bunch castaways.

And, depending on the work you did before you left, your bedroom is either a complete mess or a welcoming haven.

Thankfully we have a big family, full of capable workers. Joshua brought three friends from our homeschool co-op with him to camp this year. They served as CIT’s with him (Counselors In Training). With our five, plus the extra three around, we had 8 children available to clean, tidy and vacuum. Many hands make light work indeed.

it's the Band!

Several of the counselors play instruments. They had their own band this year and played several times for us.

Now feeding them all (three of whom are boys) is another story. That takes work!

We had a fabulous time and, after cleaning up the house, managed to get on home. Tim kept the boys and did the final work. It was an exhausting, satisfying, and thoroughly delightful week.


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In the Woods

I’m roughing it this week out in the woods which means I’m sitting on my inlaws deck stealing their internet access on an old lap top. My cell phone doesn’t work. I don’t have internet at the house (not even dial-up).

There are a few advantages. A humming bird is keeping me company while I type. Bees are flying in and out of the gorgeous foxglove just off the deck. Children are here and there playing with friends.

It’s quiet and peaceful for the moment (until dinner begins).

I have some adorable pictures of David and Sarah as they posed for me on their first day of camp. You’ll have to use your imagination. I even managed to get up early enough to snap some shots of Joshua and his group of CITs (counselors in training) before they walked off to camp.

The week is flying by (as it always does). There was a magician at camp this afternoon. He was hilarious and David was one of his assistants. That moment I even managed to capture on video.

I hope your imagination is REALLY active because there is no way I’m going to upload that in the short time I have before the mosquitoes drive me inside.

More later your absent blogger,
Kathy :)

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